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Khalsa Ji

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Everything posted by Khalsa Ji

  1. Hello , Welcome to the world of B-zone.ro
  2. ~~ Ho Ho Ho ~~ Great people, Great thoughts.

    1. innocent


      once the santa was caught by police because he said ho ho ho ( hoe , hoe , hoe ) three times infront of kids.

  3. ~~ My silence doesn't mean I agree with you, It means your level of stupidity rendered me speechless ~~ Great people, Great thoughts.

  4. Hello , Welcome to the world of B-zone.ro
  5. Hello @Gamer20R, Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  6. Helllo , Welcome to the world of b-zone.
  7. ~~ Every woman in this world, Needs a man that will ruin her Lipstick, not her Mascara. ~~ Great people, Great thoughts.

    1. Jojo


      Ture ! Great People Great thoughts :*

  8. The moment, When you finish the quest with your best friend.
  9. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: DeiCedi 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warns Reason: Death match Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  10. Good Morning SF Instructors Enjoying today's morning by laying at beach and listening music. #Forever #Alone.
  11. Hello. Before posting elsewhere think once, 1. This not Entertainment topic. 2. We are English players, Content must be in English. 3. Who allowed you to post here ? This topic is for SF School Instructor members
  12. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Albert_Singh 1 (SF Trainee), DeiCedi 1 (SF Trainee), BertyNozaur 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warns Reason: Incomplete Activity report. Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  13. Hello , Welcome to the world of b-zone.ro
  14. This is to inform all the members of SF School Instructors that the activity report for the next 3 weeks are optional because of festival eves and Holidays. Weeks are: 19.12.2016 - 25.12.2016, 26.12.2016 - 01.01.2017, 02.01.2017 - 08.01.2017. If you make the activity report in these weeks it will be beneficial to you, Then the rest of the Instructors those who do not complete. Remember, Only activity reports are optional. If you are going on holidays you must announce that before on Inactivity topic. Leader of SF School Instructors (Khalsa) wishing you Marry Christmas and a happy new year. Hope you guys will Enjoy the upcoming new year i.e. 2017. If you guys have problems with me, You are most welcome to solve them. Let the problems of this year remains by this year only, and we do a great start with new year (2017).
  15. ~~ Never laugh at your Girl Friend's choices, Remember you are one of them. ~~ Great people, Great thoughts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. South aNas

      South aNas

      Wtf Kahan se lata hai Quotations , Manna Paregaw tujhe :)

    3. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      Bas khahi pre hote hai, dimag mai a jate toh likh deta.. :V

    4. CHiCK


      Thug life khalsa

  16. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: josol09 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warns Reason: Death match Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  17. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: George13829 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: AV (Verbal warning) Reason: Taken test on LS SI's boats. Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  18. Hello. Before copy and paste, read before mate.. We are English players.
  19. Hello dude, Welcome to the world of SF School Instructors.
  20. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Dudu18 4 (SF Supervisor) Sanction: Uninvited with 3/3 Faction warns Reason: Bad language on [/f] Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  21. Accepted Applications 17/12/2016 The following 2 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Dusst.Jr Death.Achref Note to accepted applicants: You have until Tuesday 20th November, 18:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor Section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  22. Accepted Applications 16/12/2016 The following 3 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Josol09 Jaypro13 XRoscaX Note to accepted applicants: You have until Monday 19th November, 18:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor Section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
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