How come you came to this "Slavic Country's" server then? His memes s*ck a*s and from what I saw in some comments so does his personality. If he posts everything that crosses his mind ofcourse it will be bad and we will bash him for that so he can learn. If those people that got a Moderator rank for this section tell this meme is sh*t and almost everyone that frequently checks this section does too, I think it is time to reconsider and start from scrap and rethink what you want to post next. Maybe if you actually think about what you will post maybe it will be good, who knows, everyone gets a road for redemption. We don't live off discrimination, this community had foreigners as staff members that got very high up the ladder, why didn't we "make them feel bad" because they did better than some of us? Know your facts and stop thinking we are picking on you just because you aren't Romanians, it is false and wrong.
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