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, daca le dai FW sigur ii motivezi sa fie online si sa dea totu' din ei. Macar ai incercat. :-J


@Spookie09, ai sa fii online? O sa-mi pun baietii sa-ti aduca o punguta de praf din desert, sa te uiti la ea cat stai in HQ.


Trecand peste caterinca, sper sa fiti cat mai multi online si sa iasa o activitate ok. Care e cu suferinte mai bine nu intra, ca se lasa si cu sanctiuni. ;)


Bafta diseara! Have fun!

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@@yenoH,Baietii mei au renko de la mine cu F3.

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I want to say congratulations for the war, guys..It was a good experience to improve our skills on "battles". By the way, it's the first time, that we had so good organization, as we proved that we can work as team successfully. As a captain, I am happy for our department! <):) <):)

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Cam asta era situatia cand voi faceati "spawnkill": http://imgur.com/VqYuH7g


Felicitari pentru win. :)>-


SFPD 69-NG 0


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Cum a mers warul? I-am facut praf asa-i? A tinut macar cineva cont de scor sau ceva?

yenoH imi pare rau ca nu am putut sa fiu online sa iti arat cum se tine deagle-ul. Am avut ceva probleme :)

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Da,si-au plans de mila NG.

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@,Sa treci si pe la mine pe la casa,mi-a crescut iarba.

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Those briefcases were in wrong location. If you count the briefcases, without those which have X on them, they should be 50..

EDIT: Take this map for LS. It's better..

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Syyyyyk I luv you so much! Cum iti mai merge viata de mafiot ba? Inainte alergai dupa mafioti acum tu esti unu, urat din partea ta. Poate te intorci si tu inapoi in SFPD. Cand am intrat aici tu ai dat testele cu mine, acuma se intoarce roata :)

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@@VeveX,E bine ai scapat de fw.(momentan)

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