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SF Police Department - 💬 Discuții / Discussions 💬


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@@KroG - Happy New year to you and your faction!

@ - Happy New year to you and your faction!

@ - Happy New year to you and your faction!

@ - Happy New year to you and your faction! (Which includes me :P)

@ - Happy New year nab :X

@ - Happy New Year!

@ - Happy New Year!

@ - Happy New Year to you and your clan! (Which includes me:P)

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Salutare tuturor! Imi cer scuze ca postez aici, vreau sa va invit sa luati parte la editia cu nr. 6 din cadrul Evenimentului pentru factiuni. Un membru de rank 4+ poate inscrie o factiune, inscrierile sunt valabile pana duminica.

Detalii aici:



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Hello guys!

Happy new year everyone :X / La multi ani tututor :X.

School is back :| I won`t be able to play a lot anymore :(..

@, You won`t nigga, maybe in your dreams yea but in real, NEVER nab =)).

If you make Best Report, that means more then 100 points in ROADS, or more then 140 points in S.W.A.T, then you get +2 raports.

Ex: You have 3 activity reports, you make best raport, your next raport will be 5. I hope you got it nab :)).

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Cei care au participat la olimpiada si au adus un medalii vor fi recompensati.

Those who went to the olimpics and won a medal will be rewarded.


Xtazy (aur) - 100,000 $

[sQ]Silver (argint,bronz) - 50,000$ + 20,000$ = 70k

[mWp]Adolfa (silver,bronse) - 50,000$ + 20,000$ = 70k

[sp3]Hero. (silver,bronse) - 50,000$ + 20,000$ = 70k

zke.Monks (bronse) - 20,000$


Restul banilor vor fi folositi pentru evente in cadrul factiunii si prime.

The rest of the money will be used for events inside sfpd and for bonuses.

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Hello SFPD!

First of all, Congratulations Sasa and Dajicu!

Adolfe, this time i dont think i can complete 100 points as i had to delete 30 ticket's ss! :X


-SFPD Officer zKe.mONKS

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My first SFPD training :D was good!

Sasa_Sale you organised a good training session!

Unfortunely [mWp]Adolfe wasn't there or i would have won duels against him! :P


-SFPD Officer zKe.mONKS

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