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69 Pier Mobs - Invoiri - Pass requests


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Nick: victim_vodka
Rank: 2
Motivul absentei : nu stiu daca voi fii acasa
Data war-urilor: 07.05.2014
Alte precizari?: daca pot voi venii.
Numarul total de invoiri: 1


Edited by VicTiMVoDka
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Nick: victim_vodka
Rank: 2
Motivul absentei : nu stiu daca voi fii acasa
Data war-urilor: 08.05.2014
Alte precizari?: daca pot voi venii.
Numarul total de invoiri: 1

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Nick : SabzeRoo
Rank: 3
Motivul absentei : can't come
Data sedintei: 08.05.2014
Alte precizari?: bafta la war
Numarul total de invoiri: 2

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Nick :Rambo.exe[baR]
Motivul absentei :Plec pana la Bucuresti .
Data war-urilor:8 astazi
Alte precizari?:-
Numarul total de invoiri:-

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Nick : SabzeRoo
Rank: 3
Motivul absentei : i can't come
Data sedintei: 11.05.2014
Alte precizari?: bafta
Numarul total de invoiri: -


Edited by 69 SabzeRoo
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Nick : Krul

Rank: 1

Motiv : A intervenit ceva daca ajung pana in 10 intru la war

Data warului: 12.05.2014

Alte precizari : Imi cer scuze sper sa nu fie mare deranj

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Nick : Adolfe.

Rank: 2

Motiv : I have pc problem atm I`m trying to fix it, I hope I`ll be on time..

Data warului: 12.05.2014

Alte precizari : Sorry but I can`t run Samp or do anything...

Retrag problem solved.

Edited by MwP Adolfe
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Nick : Razvan14
Rank: 2
Motivul absentei : M-a rugat sa-i fac eu invoirea, e plecat.
Data war-urilor: 12.05.2014
Alte precizari?: -
Numarul total de invoiri:

Edited by KroG
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Nick: ciResel

Rank: 1

Motivul absentei: Probleme personale

Data war-urilor: 13.05.014

Alte precizari?: -

Numarul total de invoiri: 1

Edited by 4FS ribe
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Nick: Kobra

Rank: 1

Motivul absentei : Trebuie sa plec

Data war-urilor: 13.05.2014

Alte precizari?: Scuzati ca am facut asa de tarziu, dar acum am aflat ca trebuie sa plec

Numarul total de invoiri: 1

Edited by Kobra
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Nick : SabzeRoo
Rank: 3
Motivul absentei : i can't come
Data sedintei: 14.05.2014
Alte precizari?: bafta la war
Numarul total de invoiri: 1




Edited by 69 SabzeRoo
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Nick : SabzeRoo
Rank: 3
Motivul absentei : i can't come ( im not sure!! maybe i come 20,00)
Data sedintei: 15.05.2014
Alte precizari?: bafta la war
Numarul total de invoiri: 1

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Nick :LevelUPz0r
Motivul absentei :A aparut o rpblema de familie si nu pot ajunge la war.
Data war-urilor:15.05.2014
Alte precizari?:bafta la war.

Numarul total de invoiri:1

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Nick : EDU
Rank: 2
Motivul absentei : Vine sesiunea si ma duc sa lucrez pentru examene la o colega. Nu stiu daca ajung pana la ora aia inapoi.
Data antrenamentului: 18.05.2014
Alte precizari?: Am facut aceasta cerere pentru orice eventualitate.
Numarul total de invoiri: 1

Edited by AIM EDU
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