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Avispa Rifa - Invoiri activitati / Activities consent


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Nick: KroSs

Rank: 2

Data la care nu poti veni: 08/10/2015

Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate): war-uri

Lipsesc din motivul: Am meci.

Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2): Prima.

Alte precizari: Posibil sa ajung la 1,2 war. Bafta!

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Nick: Andu.

Rank: 2

Data la care nu poti veni: 08/10/2015

Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate): war-uri

Lipsesc din motivul: Sunt foarte racit si nu prea pot sta la PC am febra. Ma chinui sa pot ajunge

Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2): Prima.

Alte precizari: Nu este vina mea pentru starea de sanatate o sa vad cum ma simt poate vin ....

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Nick: TayLor.
Rank: 4
Data la care nu poti veni: 08/10/2015
Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate): war-uri
Lipsesc din motivul: Merg la meci, Romania - Finlanda
Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2
Alte precizari: Bafta
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Nick: Scenox

Rank: 1

Data la care nu poti veni: 10.09.2015

Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate): war

Lipsesc din motivul: La mine in oras se organizeaza anual un concurs de a urca pe munte (Muntele Magura) iar eu sunt in organizare si pana pe la ora 20-21 nu pot pleca pentru ca trebuie pregatite probele.

Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 0/2

Alte precizari: Scuze Deea, poate ajung macar la vreo doua waruri dar nu promit. Bafta la waruri.

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Nick: likee

Rank: 3

Data la care nu poti veni: 10.09.2015

Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate): war

Lipsesc din motivul: Ajung tarziuu acasa de la o conventie. E trafic in bucuresti nu am ce face. Daca ajung , intru

Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2):1/2

Alte precizari: . Preventiv

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Nick: Brummel.
Rank: 2
Date that you can't come: 9/10/215
I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): war
The absence reason: problem on connexion
Number of consents this week (x/2): 1/2
Other specifications: I'm so sorry. Thanks for reading

Edited by Mexicanoo01
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Nickname: Alaric

Rank: 4

Number of consents this week (x/2): 1/2

Reason: i have exams 14/10 (in real life) Tomorrow ... i'm gonna stay in library for revise so good luck in wars

The date of war: 13/10/2015

Other mentions: Thanks

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Nick: BOB.JR

Rank: 2

Date that you can't come: 13/10/2015

I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): War

The absence reason: He is not home and he asked me to post here for consent.

Number of consents this week (x/2): 1

Other specifications: Good Luck.

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Nick: likee

Rank: 3

Date that you can't come: 14/10/2015

I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): War

The absence reason: probleme personale. daca le rezolv voi veni

Number of consents this week (x/2): 1

Other specifications: Good Luck.

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Nick: LALu

Rank: 3

Data la care nu poti veni:14.10.2015

Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate):war

Lipsesc din motivul: Am foarte mult de scris si de invatat pt maine , nu pot ajunge .

Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2

Alte precizari: Imi pare rau ca nu pot ajunge , dar si scoala e scoala .

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Nick: Sabzeroo


Rank: 3


Date that you can't come: 14/10/2015


I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): War


The absence reason: .havent internet internet


Number of consents this week (x/2): 1


Other specifications: Good Luck

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Nick: Firas

Rank: 2

Date that you can't come: 14/10/2015

I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): War

The absence reason: .havent internet internet

Number of consents this week (x/2): 1

Other specifications: Good Luck
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Nick: Firas

Rank: 2

Date that you can't come: 14/10/2015

I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): War

The absence reason: .havent internet internet

Number of consents this week (x/2): 1

Other specifications: Good Luck
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Nick: R3mlX


Data la care nu poti veni: 15.10.2015

Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate): war

Lipsesc din motivul:Plec la control si ajung tarziu.

Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2

Alte precizari: Va multumesc!

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Nick: Likee

Rank: 3

Data la care nu poti veni:15.10.2015

Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate):war

Motivul : foarte multe probleme de rezolvat. Azi nu intru deloc

Numarul de învoiri : 2/2

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