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69 Pier Mobs - Evidenta war - Evidence of wars


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SS cu scoruri:

Luni: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/9rjjlv7o/e43b0d58/ scor total: 7-4

Marti: Imagini: scor total: Nu am fost marti, am avut invoire.

Miercuri: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/aj1b09uw/e19d71c1/ scor total: 6-8

Joi: Imagini: http://postimg.org/image/huzsrukfj/7f4f0ec3/ Scor total: 3-1 , am fost doar la un war deoarece am avut jail, stiti voi.

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  • Nume: EuGen90

  • Screenshot cu scoruri:

Miercuri: http://postimg.org/gallery/7utp3gzc/29908a4e/ Scor total: 40 - 26

Joi: http://postimg.org/gallery/26i40lu6/b7dc033d/ Scor total: 14 - 9

# Scor final: 67 - 49. Cam slab.. Vin dupa o inactivitate, abia imi intru in mana.


Edited by E u G e n 9 0
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Nume: [RTS]RoberT.

SS cu scoruri: Luni: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/QOMmr#0 | scor total: 12 - 5

Marti: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/GZCt1#0 | scor total: 14 - 4

Miercuri: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/B4QjC#0 | scor total: 23 - 15

Joi: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/l9cnf#0 | scor total: 11 - 8


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SS cu scoruri: Luni: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/84dke1pm/bf059e4c/ scor total:3-2

Marti: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/6hyoym5u/53365594/ scor total: 6-0

Miercuri: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/1teu6ab6/7a28e819/ scor total: 5-5

Joi: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/2juq6oy6/82dbcad2/ Scor total: 8-9

Eu marti am mai fost la un war dar nu mai gasesc poza poate nu am facut...

Best Wars


Edited by aS Calin33
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Nume: Prody.

SS cu scoruri: Luni: Imagini: am postat

Marti: Imagini: invoit de Atom

Miercuri: Imagini: http://postimg.org/image/5e3amgeen/ , http://postimg.org/image/9rnqzx9a9/ , http://postimg.org/image/pxl0pm253/ : 12-5

Joi: Imagini : http://postimg.org/image/tvr9fqg5x/ , http://postimg.org/image/i1kashnvx/ , http://postimg.org/image/tpz0ok4ld/ : 13- 11

P.S: Uite Atom !

Edited by aS Prody
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Nume: [RTS]Aragaz

SS cu scoruri:

Luni: http://imgur.com/a/J1qYE#0
Marti: M-am uitat la prostii aia cu profesie de fotbalisti => cerere de invoire.
Miercuri: http://imgur.com/a/Er9MG#0 imi pare rau ca n-am prins si ultimul war, m-am lasat afk in HQ la :40 crezand ca nu vor mai fii waruri
Joi: http://imgur.com/a/s5vr7#0

Scor: 6 - 18

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Nume: SoundKiller

SS cu scoruri: Luni: http://imgur.com/a/rYC4t Imagini: scor total: 16-11

Marti: Imagini: INVOIT scor total: INVOIT

Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/p0b5b scor total: 44-26

Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/LchD1 Scor total: 15-10

Edited by DC SoundKiller
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Screenshot cu scoruri:
Luni: Nu eram in factiune.
Marti: Nu eram in factiune.
Miercuri:http://postimg.org/gallery/2hlbp0ba/ 5-15.
Joi:http://postimg.org/gallery/84qwi7no/ . 7-8


Am avut scoruri extraordinar de proaste, dar o sa imi revin......sunt primele waruri dupa ceva timp si nu sunt obisnuit cu lag mare, probabil o sa mai scot din moduri poate mai scap de lag.

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Nume: HaNii

SS cu scoruri: Luni: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/gbqw9 scor total: 1-2

Marti: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/MfIoA scor total: 2-4

Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/RVoVX scor total: 1-7

Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/ZNWSaZf scor total: 0-1

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Nume: Dodge.

SS cu scoruri: Luni: - Nu am fost | scor total: 0 - 0

Marti: -Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/zVWiW | scor total: 21 - 6

Miercuri: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/V4x75 | scor total: 35 - 12

Joi: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/eC8aX | scor total: 2 - 1 Cea mai proasta zi de war luam mereu crash +am scapat o poza....

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Nume: sNrobert

SS cu scoruri: Luni: Imagini: http://prntscr.com/266onl, http://prntscr.com/266ou3 scor total: 21 - 13

Miercuri: Imagini: http://prntscr.com/266qwi, http://prntscr.com/266ra4, scor total: 12-4

Edited by rTs sNrobert
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~Nume: Ady007

~Luni:Imagini: AICI scor total: 3(kills)-12 (deaths)

~Marti:Imagini: AICI scor total: 0 (kills)-7(deaths)

~Miercuri:Imagini: AICI scor total: 1(kills) - 5(deaths)

~Joi:Imagini: AICI scor total: 0(kills)- 4(deaths) [si un rezultat nu l-am prins mi-a picat netul]

Edited by RefLuxRo
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