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English Gang

Termi ToV

English GanG  

296 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with making an english gang in b-zone servers ?

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Good idea

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@,anyway we thank you for your vote , this is not a discussions topic so i won't argue with you , we all know how you act when it is all about your enemy , remember zeek/oldnab and many other persons , i hope that one day you will grow up like what all the people are doing , i will not quote your comments here anymore .


Contradicting yourself like this merely justifies why I think you or others are not ready. You can't follow your own advice.


cowS nWo Cows you always hate arabic people and i still don't know why..


I do not hate anyone. I have a lot of Arabic friends myself.

But I have had a bad experience with the ones I don't get along with.


cowS nWo if you don't want english gang you are not Forced to vote


There is a "No, I disagree" button, in-case you forgot.




This is a Romanian server let's just remember. I am surprised they gave us SF SI, I think asking for gangs is way too early. We haven't got that many English players here to start 'settling' in.


Do not get offended by my condescending tone, but learn from a player who has been here much longer than you. We're not ready for this in my eyes, and I think there a more important things to look into than this.


I apologize if my negativity towards your sprouting suggestion upsets you but I am thinking ahead here.

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Thanks guys for your votes we respect all answers and votes (yes & no) about this idea , but please stop fighting or discussing as Termi mentioned above cause this is not a discussion topic this is a public poll where all the players are free to vote what they want ,also Each one has personal opinion. and thanks to everyone who support us

keep voting!

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This is a Romanian server let's just remember. I am surprised they gave us SF SI, I think asking for gangs is way too early. We haven't got that many English players here to start 'settling' in.



It's Romanian/English server, Sorry cowS if i'm not at your side this time, cause i really like the idea, i can explain every negative point you said.
About Physically adding the faction as you said, Bobo asked him to make this topic, which it means that he can add/choose it, without distributing the gameplay.
About english, we all can speak english that everyone understand, doesn't need to have have high skills, otherwise we aren't welcome to play (cuz we won't understand).
Buddy you can't disturbs the idea because termi is qualifying himself, let it go, We all respect your vote but, please do not try to change bobo's mind and opinion :(
My Love cows
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Ba guys keep voting, don't care for any hater, just vote and write your opinion if you want, they have their own opinions, :)


Maybe i'll never join this gang, not because of my function, but really i want to help in the creation of this english gang, that's all.

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Nice ideea on papper guys but how do you want to apply it when we got 9 gangs on server , 3 gangs in every city and i think adding one more gang will disturb the curent gameplay.That being said , another ideea would be to wipe an entire gang and chose a foreign leader(or RO who is doing well at mastering English as you mentioned above) but again that is hard to apply because no one wants to get their faction wiped or this kind of transformation over night.

I'm ok with this inovation called ,,The dream of an English gang,, but you need to mention and explain in this topic how is gonna be made in details.I had voted Pro to encourage this intiative ;)


Or they can choose a gang ( ex - Red Dragon Triad ) and the next leader after the resignation of the actual one will be foreign.This is a nice idea because at some moments it is hard for a foreign player to understand Romanian so the new gang will help him communicate easily with members from his country or with people from another country in English.

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There isn't a problem, I agree that, but you (EN), can find a gang from all which are already on list. Why? In every city are three gangs, if one more will be added, the balance will be wanton. I hope you understand what I say.

Yes But Admins Will do What is necessary They know What They Do :)

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@, You can read what Phax Said, He's a genius :)




Or they can choose a gang ( ex - Red Dragon Triad ) and the next leader after the resignation of the actual one will be foreign.This is a nice idea because at some moments it is hard for a foreign player to understand Romanian so the new gang will help him communicate easily with members from his country or with people from another country in English.


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I agree. I am sure sometimes its hard for you, foreigner players, to socialize on a chat where everybody speaks in romanian, and you don't understand nothing. It would be nice to have a gang specially for foreigner players. So, I support you guys. :):)>-

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Or they can choose a gang ( ex - Red Dragon Triad ) and the next leader after the resignation of the actual one will be foreign.This is a nice idea because at some moments it is hard for a foreign player to understand Romanian so the new gang will help him communicate easily with members from his country or with people from another country in English.

+1 from me , your idea is perfect really , thanks for supporting us :*

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@@PhaxSILENT,Ce Red Dragon Triad, mă? Uită-te la postul meu, de ce să modifice un gang deja făcut? E server de români, nu străini. Nu le convine, să plece! Nici ei nu ar face o asemenea facţiune pentru români, aşa că nu mai posta prostii pe forum.


E idee bună, dar să nu mai bage români în ele, ca în SFSI, să se plângă străinii că nu pot aplica acolo. În cazul în care, această propunere va fi acceptată, să bage HQ-ul în BS / P.C / Angel Pine) (fără să aibă waruri).


Sau, exemplu:


Adaugă un nou gang (unde doar străinii să aibă loc) iar Kelton mă ascultă şi le bagă gangul undeva în afara oraşelor principale (să zicem P.C). Iar apoi (dacă vrea să le dea şi waruri) să mai adauge încă 2 ganguri pentru (Bay Side + Angel Pine). 4 turfuri / oraş, le ajunge! 12 membrii / facţiune.



Nu am nimic cu jucătorii străini (unii îmi sunt chiar prieteni buni) dar deja există o facţiune paşnică (unde au intrat şi români, nu s-a ţinut cont că este facţiune dedicată jucătorilor străini). Şi staţi calmi, dacă nu se mai adăugau două School Instructors şi 2 Taxi Drivers, nu aveau străinii nici măcar SFSI.
Eu sunt de acord să le adauge, dar cum am spus eu, dacă nu, va fi bătaie de joc. Dacă noi ne-am duce pe servere străine, nu se va face o facţiune pentru români, ştiţi bine!
Vreţi cam multe, aveţi paşnică, vreţi gang, apoi ce mai urmează? Departament? =)) Dacă românii vin pe servere străine, trebuie să înveţe engleza. Deci, învăţaţi româna dacă nu vă convine!
If somebody wants to know what i said, you have google translate, I don`t want to translate!


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@@PhaxSILENT,Ce Red Dragon Triad, mă? Uită-te la postul meu, de ce să modifice un gang deja făcut? E server de români, nu străini. Nu le convine, să plece! Nici ei nu ar face o asemenea facţiune pentru români, aşa că nu mai posta prostii pe forum.



Nu am nimic cu jucătorii străini (unii îmi sunt chiar prieteni buni) dar deja există o facţiune paşnică (unde au intrat şi români, nu s-a ţinut cont că este facţiune dedicată jucătorilor străini). Şi staţi calmi, dacă nu se mai adăugau două School Instructors şi 2 Taxi Drivers, nu aveau străinii nici măcar SFSI.
Eu sunt de acord să le adauge, dar cum am spus eu, dacă nu, va fi bătaie de joc. Dacă noi ne-am duce pe servere străine, nu se va face o facţiune pentru români, ştiţi bine!
Vreţi cam multe, aveţi paşnică, vreţi gang, apoi ce mai urmează? Departament? =)) Dacă românii vin pe servere străine, trebuie să înveţe engleza. Deci, învăţaţi româna dacă nu vă convine!
If somebody wants to know what i said, you have google translate, I don`t want to translate!


Everyone should know english. Also, I met some servers which were supporting romanians during my career there. The native language of the player who did this vote poll isn't english, so it will be a great idea to see a foreign player as leader.

@, I'll pretend I'm not a romanian in order to join your gang :P


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@@PhaxSILENT,Ce Red Dragon Triad, mă? Uită-te la postul meu, de ce să modifice un gang deja făcut? E server de români, nu străini. Nu le convine, să plece! Nici ei nu ar face o asemenea facţiune pentru români, aşa că nu mai posta prostii pe forum.







Nu am nimic cu jucătorii străini (unii îmi sunt chiar prieteni buni) dar deja există o facţiune paşnică (unde au intrat şi români, nu s-a ţinut cont că este facţiune dedicată jucătorilor străini). Şi staţi calmi, dacă nu se mai adăugau două School Instructors şi 2 Taxi Drivers, nu aveau străinii nici măcar SFSI.

Eu sunt de acord să le adauge, dar cum am spus eu, dacă nu, va fi bătaie de joc. Dacă noi ne-am duce pe servere străine, nu se va face o facţiune pentru români, ştiţi bine!


Vreţi cam multe, aveţi paşnică, vreţi gang, apoi ce mai urmează? Departament? =)) Dacă românii vin pe servere străine, trebuie să înveţe engleza. Deci, învăţaţi româna dacă nu vă convine!


If somebody wants to know what i said, you have google translate, I don`t want to translate!


Unde vezi tu comunitate de Gaming cunoscuta in Tunisia, Maroc sau alte tari dominante pe B-ZONE? Este irelevant ce spui tu, ma refer la aluzia care ai facut-o, spre deosebire de ganguri sau SI, cred ca departamentele au chat comun deci nu ar fi o problema comunicarea pentru ca sunt membrii straini si in alte departamente. RDT a fost doar un exemplu deci nu stiu care ti-a fost mirarea, daca ai cunoaste engleza ai fi stiut la ce ma refer, ma refeream sa se schimbe liderul nou cu unul englez doar cand liderul actual isi pune demisia sau este demis, liderul nou isi poate alege dupa aceea membrii, asta nu inseamna ca factiunea va suferi Wipe. Engleza este limba de circulatie deci daca nu cunosti macar bazele comunicarii in 2016 te poti considera tampit, restul serverelor celebre din Rusia sau chiar si rivala nu promoveaza aducerea strainilor la fel de mult ca B-ZONE, de aia serverele rusesti celebre nici nu au Gamemode pe EN, nu vad de ce eu ca roman m-as juca pe alt server, in schimb daca as fi tunisian problema se schimba. Cat despre "stati calmi ca bla bla bla", era si normal geniule sa se deschida alte factiuni si in alte orase pentru ca avem seara dupa ora 22:00 3 servere 1000/1000.
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