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[DISCUSS HISTORY] - Primul Război Mondial

BIS aka OldNab

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I don't think there is a need to discuss something happened 100 years ago or more, ethically. We literally don't have the right to judge something in the past, for the simple reason that nothing changes if we did or not and also because it was the only way countries could develop. It's a page of history turned and should never be exposed to discussion even again. All we can do for now is to have a lip of knowledge about what made us in this situation because it's good to know and start asking philosophic question like this, who are we? and what made us like this? no more. We can get the lesson that war is never the solution to succeed and develop. to conclude, the real war, is the race to discover ourselves, who wins the race, leads.

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@CouldnoT history is meant to be discussed lest it is forgotten. What historians (and history freaks like myself) do when dealing with events that happened, say, 100 years ago, is they judge them within that particular context, and not according to the things we know and the mentality we have today. This is how discussing history can be productive. If - like many do - you're just going to blame Hitler for what he's done, ignoring the context in which those things happened, then yes, it is pointless to discuss it. If you try to understand that period's state of affairs and the social atmosphere, then you might have a very productive and entertaining discussion. The same logic applies to WW1 and pretty much any historical event, no matter how distant it is.

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7 hours ago, BIS aka OldNab said:

they judge them within that particular context, and not according to the things we know and the mentality we have today. 

That was the point I referred to by saying we don't have the right to judge history ethically. And I consider it closer to Sociology, to be honest, then history. Stating events and discussing them ethically, without look at the context is a waste of time. At least, that's what we were thought at school stating events and memorizing dates for the exam ( I don't know about education in Romania ), but I can barely see difference focusing on event and forgetting the more important which is the moral we can learn and strategic ideas we can come with.


7 hours ago, BIS aka OldNab said:

you're just going to blame Hitler for what he's done, ignoring the context in which those things happened, then yes, it is pointless to discuss it. If you try to understand that period's state of affairs and the social atmosphere, then you might have a very productive and entertaining discussion. The same logic applies to WW1 and pretty much any historical event, no matter how distant it is.


As far as I'm concerned, this never happened. "If you focus more on circumstances in the book, you will start to believe that Germans did the right thing because they lost a lot, once upon time".
That's what I said relating to Hitler ( by the way we're talking about world war 2 ).


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On 11/11/2020 at 3:30 AM, BIS aka OldNab said:

Nu stiu daca ai auzit sau citit ca Franta a semnat actual de capitulare in fata Germaniei in al 2-lea razboi mondial tot in acelasi tren in care Germania semnase la finalul primului razboi mondial. Nu mai tin minte ce s-a intamplat cu trenul dupa asta, ori a fost distrus de nemti ori dus in Germania, is la munca si nu mai stau sa caut.

P.S mi-e greu si acum sa inteleg de ce Hindenburg n-a vazut raul din spatele lui Hitler si nici nu a putut sub nici o forma sa i inteleaga intentiile.


Edited by Kayac
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