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SF Police Department - Transfer Echipe / Team Transfer

Plutonium ToV

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- Nume: kazutolalala

- Rang: 4

- Echipa curentă: Roads

- Echipa în care doresc: S.W.A.T

- Motivul: Pot merge pe orice wanted vreau

- Alte precizări: Multumesc.

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- Name: .DjC.

- Rank: 2

- Current team: Roads

- Team where I want to go: SWAT

- Reason: In my opinion, it is an easier discipline and I am skilled in shooting

- Other information: I hope I have this opportunity, kiss

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- Nume: Cristi.OSP

- Rang: Detective (2)

- Echipa curentă: ROADS

- Echipa în care doresc: SWAT

- Motivul: Ma simt mai bine alergand dupa suspectii cu wanted si cred ca ma descurc mai bine.

- Alte precizări: Multumesc anticipat!

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