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Pe autostrăzile din România se “zboară” prea jos! Prea mulți șoferi circulă cu 200 km/h


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Pe autostrăzile din România se “zboară” prea jos! Prea mulți șoferi circulă cu 200 km/h


Poliţiştii Brigăzii Autostrăzi din Poliţia Română care au acţionat pentru prevenirea accidentelor de circulaţie au depistat 3 șoferi care au pus în pericol traficul rutier pe A1, A2 și pe A3.


La data de 10 mai a.c., poliţiştii Biroului de Poliţie Autostrada A2 București – Constanța au depistat un șofer, care conducea cu viteză excesivă. Conducătorul auto a fost înregistrat de aparatul radar, în timp ce rula pe autostrada A2, cu viteza de 215 km/h.


De asemenea, în cursul zilei de ieri, alți doi participanți la trafic au depășit viteza legală, conducând cu 206 km/h, pe Autostrada A1, respectiv pe Autostrada A3.

Cei 3 șoferi au fost sancţionați contravenţional cu amenzi de 2.900 de lei fiecare, iar, ca măsură complementară, poliţiştii le-au reţinut permisele de conducere, în vederea suspendării exercitării dreptului de a conduce autovehicule pe drumurile publice, pentru 90 de zile.


Poliția Română reamintește că depăşirea limitelor legale de viteză şi viteza neadaptată la condiţiile de trafic reprezintă unele din principalele cauze ale accidentelor rutiere grave produse pe drumurile publice.


Conform Ordonanței de Urgență a Guvernului nr. 195/2002, privind circulația pe drumurile publice, viteza maximă admisă pe autostradă este de 130 km/h. De asemenea, trebuie ținut cont de faptul că limita maximă se poate modifica, pentru motive legate de siguranța rutieră, atunci când se circulă în condiții meteo nefavorabile sau pe anumite segmente de drum, acest lucru fiind semnalizat prin indicatoare rutiere.


Depășirea cu mai mult de 50 km/h a vitezei maxime admise pe sectorul de drum respectiv și pentru categoria din care face parte autovehiculul condus, constituie contravenție și se sancționează cu amendă prevăzută în clasa a IV-a de sancțiuni, respectiv de la 9 la 20 de puncte-amendă.


Totodată, se aplică sancțiunea complementară a suspendării exercitării dreptului de a conduce pentru 90 de zile.



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2 hours ago, CouldnoT said:

I couldn't believe someone can sacrifice his life in this way, that was a miracle that the police stopped it. 

On May 10, cops of the Police of Bureau A2 Bucharest - Constanța Highway found a driver, who was driving with excessive speed. The driver was recorded by the radar device, while driving on the A2 motorway, with a speed of 215 km/h.


Another two has been catch in the same day.

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21 minutes ago, Madalin said:

On May 10, cops of the Police of Bureau A2 Bucharest - Constanța Highway found a driver, who was driving with excessive speed. The driver was recorded by the radar device, while driving on the A2 motorway, with a speed of 215 km/h.


Another two has been catch in the same day.

Yes bro i understood well, i meant that driving 215km/h is a shortcut to the graveyard.

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Just now, CouldnoT said:

Yes bro i understood well, i meant that driving 215km/h is a shortcut to the graveyard.

Deadly, but not imposible. In Romania there are soo many crazy drivers. They really like speed but they don't realise what they're doing :(

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5 minutes ago, AT DarkNight said:

Deadly, but not imposible. In Romania there are soo many crazy drivers. They really like speed but they don't realise what they're doing :(

5 minutes ago, Madalin said:

Is unconsciousness, playing with his life and other's life.


In my country cars with high speed cars need an extra approval to drive it, the driving licenses isn't enough to drive such a car.

It's not only his own life, it's other's life too that is exposed to danger.


Edited by CouldnoT
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4 minutes ago, CouldnoT said:


In my country cars with high speed cars need an extra approval to drive it, the driving licenses isn't enough to drive such a car.

It's not only his own life, it's other's life too that is exposed to danger.


In Romania exist categories for vehicles only, example, A is for motorbike, B is for cars, C for trucks, D for buses, Tr for tractors, etc. 

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1 minute ago, AT DarkNight said:

You forgot those who drive without license :))

I drove twice without license too, but in 60km/h speed.

*FBI you don't have proofs calm down*

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1 minute ago, AT DarkNight said:


ME : PD you misunderstood i forgot to mention that i did it in game 

PD : you can't drive in game if you don't have driving license

ME again image.jpeg.bb8f2b0fa13280d065c6a2b225cd8ec6.jpeg

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Just now, CouldnoT said:

ME : PD you misunderstood i forgot to mention that i did it in game 

PD : you can't drive in game if you don't have driving license

ME again image.jpeg.bb8f2b0fa13280d065c6a2b225cd8ec6.jpeg

You should make a meme about this and post it on B-GAG :))

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Just now, AT DarkNight said:

You should make a meme about this and post it on B-GAG :))

It's not a meme about game, but it inspired me, thanks :pup: 

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