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PD be like

South Strugurel

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Mama ce naspa e =)) 

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12 hours ago, uN ThinBlueLine said:

Prost meme. PD de rank 2-3 swat se ocupa de wanted 1-2. Nu mai manca rahat atat ca in 95% din cazuri va lasam sa le terminati. 

uou, ușor frt
bun meme =))))

Edited by eB Cosmarul
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Ahhh, cand eram in PD rank 4 si faceam roads si swat.... ce vremuri bune erau. Cum vedeam prin SF un arms dealer sau in LS, uitam si de rob-urile de la 20m distanta, doar sa ii iau pe aia cu wanted 1. Foarte bun meme!

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12 hours ago, TLG MemphiS said:

Toata ziua am avut wanted 6 si a fost lejer, deci, nu mai stati wanted 1. :))

Cand am venit dupa tine ma rugai sa te las =]]]

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