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[C#] Generarea unui triunghi cu șirul lui Fibonacci


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[!] Sirul lui Fibonacci este un sir infinit de numere, care au la baza o formula simpla: n = n[i-1] + n[i-2]. Pe baza acestei formule se genereaza elementele sirului.


using System;

namespace fibonacci
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int a = 0, b = 1, c, n; //initializari
            Console.Write("Introdu lungimea: ");
            n = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //citirea lungimii triunghiului
            for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++)
                a = 0; b = 1; //reinceperea sirului
                Console.Write(b + " "); //afisarea primului element din sir
                for(int j = 1; j<i; j++)
                    c = a + b; // formarea urmatorului element din sir din suma ultimelor 2 valori
                    Console.Write(c + " ");
                    a = b;
                    b = c; //actualizarea valorilor cu valoarea precedenta, respectiv cu valoarea actuala.





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In this section we post tutorials, not creations.

You have to explain what you have done so that each member reading your topic understands your snippet.

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It's not a creation, but an algorithm. If you see, I explained all steps in comments using '//'. What do you want me to explain more, how to use the 'foor loop'?

Not all tutorials are based on simple things, like "vectors and arrays" or any other base things. A tutorial could be an algorithm, or at school you learn only how to use a for loop, conditionals (if, switch, "?"), or how to use OOP in your creation? Don't learn you algorithms?

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12 hours ago, Clanin3 said:

A tutorial could be an algorithm

Algorithm is algorithm, a script is a script don't mess with definitions.

12 hours ago, Clanin3 said:

or at school you learn only how to use a for loop, conditionals (if, switch, "?"), or how to use OOP in your creation? Don't learn you algorithms?

Yes we learn what's mentioned by you, and also we learn the drawing algorithms.

 What I expected is a better explanation for the utility of Fibonacci sequence, is it just used to draw? Do you have a better ideas where we use it?

Is it used in famous games or programs ? That's what we expect from a tutorial. Please accept critics, I used a decent language/way and I expect the same.



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