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Summer Wars


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În urma sondajelor efectuate pentru gangsteri pe websiteurile RPG s-a decis programul pentru warurile de vară după cum urmează:


- programul de vară începe de Luni, 15.06.2020 pe ambele servere

- warurile vor fi programate în intervalul: 14:00 - 16:00 pe ambele servere

- atacurile se vor da între orele 16:15 - 16:59 pe ambele servere în zilele de Luni - Joi  sau Duminică.




After making polls for gangsters on the RPG websites the summer wars program has been decided as follows:


- the summer program stars Monday, 15.06.2020 on both servers

- wars will be schedule during: 14:00 - 16:00 on both servers

- attacks will be given between 16:15 - 16:59 on both servers from Monday - Thursday or Sunday.



Edited by Kelton
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e bn  csz

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1 hour ago, Mr baha said:

war here will be from 12:00 to 14:00 and we still have faculty to go .

i have work and they don't even care.

we are minimum 5 leaders that work and they don't care

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