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LS Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions


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Ok, Bobo said that the server is going to be back on this afternoon. It's nearly midnight; WHERE IS THE SERVER BOBO? <img script_blocat'http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/2.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />


Bobo isn't the one who is bringing modifications or updates to the server, Andrei is. The server will be up and running when it's finished.

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Bobo isn't the one who is bringing modifications or updates to the server, Andrei is. The server will be up and running when it's finished.


Hm, ok, I have a question;


Didn't Andrei resign from B-Zone? Because on his profile people are saying "bafta in continuare" etc. Hmm?!?


But then, you have to still think on the good side a bit. This could mean B-Zone RPG V4.1 is coming . Can't wait till the server is back. Hopefully Andrei will finish everything he needs to quickly .

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Before I go to sleep, I would just like to say, thanks all for the +1's you've given me on the "Entertainment" topic. I appreciate it <img script_blocat'http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/10.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt='' />.



Edited by Officer DH01
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Ce faceti baieti eu sunt la info sa deschis serverul <img src='http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/1.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> ?




ON : Salutare !

Ce mai faceti ? :D

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Ati vazut ceva la stiri....adolescenti sinucisi,sau ceva?

Ma gandesc ca odata cu oprirea serverului 3zile....obsedatii au disperat si au trecut la astfel de obtiuni :))

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