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Ședința din această Duminică nu se va ține deoarece nu a existat activitate cu serverul oprit. De asemenea încercați să nu mai postați lucruri de genul „salut”, „bună dimineața”, „noapte bună”, „ce mai faci?”. Acesta este un topic de Discuții, iar lucrurile enumerate nu fac parte dintr-o discuție. Dacă aveți de postat ceva interesant care să-i implice și pe ceilalți într-o discuție, atunci puteți posta liniștiți.


The meeting from this Sunday will not be held because there was no activity with the server stopped. Also try not to post things like ”hi”, ”good morning”, ”good night”, ”how are you?” here. This is a Discussions topic, and the things enumerated do not make a discussion. If you have something interesting to post that will involve the others into a discussion, then you may post.

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Ședința din această Duminică nu se va ține deoarece nu a existat activitate cu serverul oprit. De asemenea încercați să nu mai postați lucruri de genul „salut”, „bună dimineața”, „noapte bună”, „ce mai faci?”. Acesta este un topic de Discuții, iar lucrurile enumerate nu fac parte dintr-o discuție. Dacă aveți de postat ceva interesant care să-i implice și pe ceilalți într-o discuție, atunci puteți posta liniștiți.


The meeting from this Sunday will not be held because there was no activity with the server stopped. Also try not to post things like ”hi”, ”good morning”, ”good night”, ”how are you?” here. This is a Discussions topic, and the things enumerated do not make a discussion. If you have something interesting to post that will involve the others into a discussion, then you may post.


See what I said ZuGa, aLeX.BiBii, Luke_James? Clearly this place is for any type of discussions, but not pointless posts which I don't make. I make interesting posts like Kelton said!


Does anyone else know any type of Multi player game? Is there any such thing as GTA IV MP? Just want to know :D.

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server down 4 days arrow :( and as i know to change version of a server it takes at least 1hour or less than 10 hours

that means there is some whole new maps and maybe factions...

but after all thats wath i think

no fun without b-zone o=>

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Buna Seara B-zone,PD! Am auzit niste zvonuri de la unii membrii mai experimentati de pe acest server ,cum ca ar fi sanse de 60% sa fie WIPE total.

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Salutare :D !


Buna Seara B-zone,PD! Am auzit niste zvonuri de la unii membrii mai experimentati de pe acest server ,cum ca ar fi sanse de 60% sa fie WIPE total.


Nu se va da, baza de bate este inca salvata.

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See what I said ZuGa, aLeX.BiBii, Luke_James? Clearly this place is for any type of discussions, but not pointless posts which I don't make. I make interesting posts like Kelton said!


Does anyone else know any type of Multi player game? Is there any such thing as GTA IV MP? Just want to know <img src='http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/4.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />.


Look what say Kelton, its place for interesting posts. Not for: Brb, ma duc la masa, its not interesting or something like that. :)) Or : Back de la uni! Server tot down, we can see when is server OFF or ON.


If this is interesting "Ma duc la masa" I have nothing more to say.

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