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F.B.I. - Discutii intre membrii | Discussions amongst members


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Salut tuturor! Am si eu o mica problema, cand intru ingame, ma joc cam 10 minute, iau restart, iar ma loghez, iar ma joc 10 minute, iar iau restart, si tot asa..Daca stiti cum sa rezolv, mi-ati fi de mare ajutor.

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Page 1369. :)))

Ce faceti bai colegilor? :O Vad ca discutiile mai devreme erau Discutii Minecraft. :)))

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna :X

Unii fac bine, altii mai putin bine, iar altii...

Tu ce faci ?! : @-)

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