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Paramedics - Discuţii | Discussions


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Neatza ... la toti >:D<<'>

Am niste dureri de cap , zici ca eu am baut toata noatea :( , am sa intru si eu in joc imediat ;)


Tu si RoxoR ce va mai simtiti rau astazi :)). V-am spus: "Direction: Toilet FTW".

Am ras in ultimele 5 minute cat pentru toata saptamana asta. Ne-auzim in-game, baieti :)).

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I've not got many screenshots yet :(. Let's hope we earn some more over the weekend and this week :).


In 1 week I will be going on holiday, but it's a bit early to post an inactivenes post :-??


Anyway, see you all in game and good luck with the commands! :D.

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(:| Back de la teme si tv.. am fost si pe-afara putin, mi-a prins bine, s-a mai incalzit putin, aparent.

Intru si eu imediat in-game, mai arunc un ochi pe forum intai.

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Eu am iesit, m-a cam luat oboseala.

Va doresc o seara cat mai placuta, un somn cat mai linistit si un inceput de saptamana cat mai bun tuturor. Bafta la omenzi!

Edited by everzor
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Back de la liceu, am avut o zi de luni cat se poate de buna, in acest plan :). Sper ca la fel a fost / va fi (pt. cei ce invata dup-amiaza) si a voastra.

Ma duc sa mananc ceva si intru si eu putin in-game dupa. Apoi ma bag la serial. Sau invers, am sa vad :-??.

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