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Bestiale dar regulamentul ala mai e valabil ma, mai ales faza aia cu ( cine face cele mai multe ss-uri primeste rank up) ? Ca eu nu vad ca se aplica, e scris la misto sau...?

Edited by Bob Marley
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Bestiale dar regulamentul ala mai e valabil ma, mai ales faza aia cu ( cine face cele mai multe ss-uri primeste rank up) ? Ca eu nu vad ca se aplica, e scris la misto sau ?


Raspunsul este: SAU :)))) =))))




Noapte buna all !:)

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Bestiale dar regulamentul ala mai e valabil ma, mai ales faza aia cu ( cine face cele mai multe ss-uri primeste rank up) ? Ca eu nu vad ca se aplica, e scris la misto sau ?

Ce asa nervos? Cu rabdare multe vei dobandi...

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Bestiale dar regulamentul ala mai e valabil ma, mai ales faza aia cu ( cine face cele mai multe ss-uri primeste rank up) ? Ca eu nu vad ca se aplica, e scris la misto sau ?


The rules say that you do not ask for rank up under any circumstances. The leader will give if he truly believes that you deserve it. I made the most SS on my 2nd week, and I never received rank-up, but I never complain or ask because the leader has the right to think. Don't worry, just give it time, you will get rank-up soon. Like me, I have been in TCC for one month and I am still Rank 1, but I still wait.


Salutare TCC. Ce mai faceti?

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The rules say that you do not ask for rank up under any circumstances. The leader will give if he truly believes that you deserve it. I made the most SS on my 2nd week, and I never received rank-up, but I never complain or ask because the leader has the right to think. Don't worry, just give it time, you will get rank-up soon. Like me, I have been in TCC for one month and I am still Rank 1, but I still wait.


Salutare TCC. Ce mai faceti?

Yep, you're an example of a TCC member. Unlike some...

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Salutare TCC !


Ce ai ma? Te'ai saturat de societate sau ce?



Prodigy eu stiu foarte bine ce trebuie sa vorbesc si ce nu, si stiu foarte bine de ce am zis chestia aia, si deaia ma deranjat ca te-ai bagat.



Si ai grija cum vorbesti la adresa mea (ma refer la ce i-ai zis lu' Gisele) veziti de treaba ta.

Edited by Bob Marley
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Salutare TCC !





Prodigy eu stiu foarte bine ce trebuie sa vorbesc si ce nu, si stiu foarte bine de ce am zis chestia aia, si deaia ma deranjat ca te-ai bagat.



Si ai grija cum vorbesti la adresa mea (ma refer la ce i-ai zis lu' Gisele) veziti de treaba ta.

Am zis oare ceva la adresa ta?

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Salutare TCC

plec in Grecia <img script_blocat'http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/8.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt='' />



Drum bun !

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