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Ghidul Incepatorului Cu Armele


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Am Creeat acest topic pentru a nu ezita nelamuriri in privinta unui duel la deagle,mp5,m4,ak47,rifle,shotgun,etc...


1. Niciodata sa nu trageti fix in skin, deoarece nu scade Hp, chiar daca vedeti ca sare sange sau cade.

2. mereu trageti la inaintare, de exemplu inamicul se misca spre dreapta tragi putin pe langa el si atunci ii va scade Hp

3. niciun duel nu se face cu C, adica sa va rastogoliti, toate duelurile se fac in picioare.

4. Duelul se desfasoara astfel : playerii stau spate in spate pana la fluierul organizatorului ( 3,2,1,GO) la Go va intoarceti

5. ca sa nimeriti inamicul : tineti mana pe click dreapta( ca sa indreptati tinta) si va miscati cu A-D daca este posibil puteti alerga si incerc(run)




PS: Sper ca v-am fost de folos unor incepatori.Mult Succes !

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3. niciun duel nu se face cu C-bug, adica sa va rastogoliti, toate duelurile se fac in picioare.

C-bug nare legatura cu rastogolirea pe C.


3. Niciun duel nu se face cu C, adica sa stati jos si sa va rastogoliti. TOATE DUELURILE SE FAC DIN PICIOARE !

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sunt destule video`uri pe youtube : lag shoot samp bla bla ... :)

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Un topic inutil, cu niste sfaturi "la mintea cocosului", pe care tu il numesti ghid.In primul rand, un ghid trebuie sa contina si niste demonstratii video, pe langa alte detalii care n-are rost sa le enumar.

Credeti ca niste sfaturi banale pot sa ajute incepatorii inspre a deveni mai buni?Nu, singura metoda prin care acestia pot deveni mai buni este antrenamentul si practica, nu cititul.


OFF: Nu cred c-o sa dea PINNED.


Nici macar n-ar merita sa ramana la aceasta sectiune, ci la Recycle Bin, unde ii este locul.

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Good advices :D

Are you fucking kidding me? If you don't speak romanian that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. You are playing for long time ago and now you are coming to tell us those are good advices? Then I don't have idea what are doing in PD.

Stop posting for +1 and DO NOT REPLY SAYING YOU DIDN'T 'cause I would get mad at you.



*Inainte sa faci un topic, pune-ti mintea aia la contributie. Daca ar incepe toti ca tine sa dea sfaturi de genul asta, in scurt timp nimeni nu ar mai sti sa tina un deagle in mana. Dupa ce ca sunt multi care nu au habar cum sa traga cu vreo arma, vii tu si dai cele mai proaste sfaturi ever.

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Pff. Cine satana nu stie sa traga cu arma?


Ce mod de exprimare.


ON: Inveti totii civilii sa traga cu deaglu, parerea mea este ca atunci cand intrau intr-o mafie, antrenorul mafiei respective era obligat sa-l invete aceste lucruri.

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Multe dintre sfaturile tale sunt praf. De ex. ultimul ,, Duelul se desfasoara astfel : playerii stau spate in spate pana la fluierul organizatorului ( 3,2,1,GO) la Go va intoarceti ,, , e logic ca ne intoarcem, doar nu ramanem pe loc. Cred ca voiai sa zici sa ne intoarcem si sa tragem, crezand ca o sa-l tintim in spate, dar este o presupunere; poate si adversarul are aceeasi idee si ne prinde el inainte.

,, ca sa nimeriti inamicul : tineti mana pe click dreapta( ca sa indreptati tinta) si va miscati cu A-D daca este posibil puteti alerga si incerc(run),, , nu e asa. Nu trebuie sa mergem doar pe A-D, si putin run; trebuie sa fugim si sa ne oprim mergand pe A-D doar pentru 2-3 gloante. Daca este posibil sa mergem si sa tragem in spatele adversarului, la picioare, sau la umeri.


Invata putin limba romana. Playeri n-o sa invete sa traga cu deagle prin un topic ( aiurea ). O sa invete intrand intr-o mafie si facand antrenamente.

Pot paria ca multi dintre playeri la care le ,, explici ,, tu te bat cu usurinta la deagle.

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Are you fucking kidding me? If you don't speak romanian that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. You are playing for long time ago and now you are coming to tell us those are good advices? Then I don't have idea what are doing in PD.

Stop posting for +1 and DO NOT REPLY SAYING YOU DIDN'T 'cause I would get mad at you.



*Inainte sa faci un topic, pune-ti mintea aia la contributie. Daca ar incepe toti ca tine sa dea sfaturi de genul asta, in scurt timp nimeni nu ar mai sti sa tina un deagle in mana. Dupa ce ca sunt multi care nu au habar cum sa traga cu vreo arma, vii tu si dai cele mai proaste sfaturi ever.


And who are you to jugde MR.DEAGLE EXPERT ? Those are some good advises that someone may use to get better ! Because i am not Romanian it dosn't mean i write whatever i want ! Before i post something , i copy the text , put it at Google Translator and then i read It.After that i make my reply! I don't have need for +1 , cause i don't give a shit about forum posts or hours :-q .


*Ps: Are you moderator and use that kind of language? I think you need to study a little more the forum rules son :-J


Are you fucking kidding me?

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Good advices :D


This really is a +1 post.


Are you fucking kidding me? If you don't speak romanian that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. You are playing for long time ago and now you are coming to tell us those are good advices? Then I don't have idea what are doing in PD.

Stop posting for +1 and DO NOT REPLY SAYING YOU DIDN'T 'cause I would get mad at you.



*Inainte sa faci un topic, pune-ti mintea aia la contributie. Daca ar incepe toti ca tine sa dea sfaturi de genul asta, in scurt timp nimeni nu ar mai sti sa tina un deagle in mana. Dupa ce ca sunt multi care nu au habar cum sa traga cu vreo arma, vii tu si dai cele mai proaste sfaturi ever.


Calm down man, you have the "Report" Button.

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But that doesn't mean you're allowed to make such posts.


I agree with ya.Becouse i posted " Good Advices " it means it's for +1 ? All those guys that replied to me saying it's for +1 those are the reall +1 hunters.

Also because i don't wanna discourage that guy means it's for +1 ? Grow up kids , cause it seems that this game is not for you.

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And who are you to jugde MR.DEAGLE EXPERT ? Those are some good advises that someone may use to get better ! Because i am not Romanian it dosn't mean i write whatever i want ! Before i post something , i copy the text , put it at Google Translator and then i read It.After that i make my reply! I don't have need for +1 , cause i don't give a shit about forum posts or hours :-q .


*Ps: Are you moderator and use that kind of language? I think you need to study a little more the forum rules son :-J



I agree with ya.Becouse i posted " Good Advices " it means it's for +1 ? All those guys that replied to me saying it's for +1 those are the reall +1 hunters.

Also because i don't wanna discourage that guy means it's for +1 ? Grow up kids , cause it seems that this game is not for you.

You said before make a reply you use google translate for YOUR OWN WORDS. Please, tell me where are your own words in romanian in that post for +1 (good advices :D ) ? NOWHERE.

I didn't said I'm a deagle expert, i just said those are bad advices an whoever made the topic has 1 or 2 months on this community and on the sa:mp server and he definitely doesn't know how to use a deagles. "Grow up kids" ? If you don't like our server, you are free to go. Nobody is tieing you.

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cei care nu ati apreciat mai bine numai va bagati nasul aici pentru +1 ca sa criticati 1. am facut topicul pentru ca unii playeri nu stiu sa traga cu arma.. si se mira de ce nu scade hp

2. chiar un player a scris mai sus ca habar navea sa traga.. 3. daca ati venit sa criticati mai bine numai veneati am facut un oarecum tutorial pentru ca este la mintea cocosului cum ai spus tu Video,pratica, este logic eu iam invatat doar cum sa faca si pe parcurs ei se antreneaza si vor sti asta.

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You said before make a reply you use google translate for YOUR OWN WORDS. Please, tell me where are your own words in romanian in that post for +1 (good advices :D ) ? NOWHERE.

I didn't said I'm a deagle expert, i just said those are bad advices an whoever made the topic has 1 or 2 months on this community and on the sa:mp server and he definitely doesn't know how to use a deagles. "Grow up kids" ? If you don't like our server, you are free to go. Nobody is tieing you.


I didn't say i use google translator for MY WORDS.I use google translator to read romanian texts that people post.I am not going to speak more with you , and give you worth.Good night.I repeat again.I don't give a shit about forum posts.Bye Bye.


PS: You need to grow up more ,if you think "good advices" is post for +1 . I posted this , for not discouraging this new member MR.SMART-EXPERT DEAGLE guy. Good night , pls dont make more replies to me , cause i am tired speaking with ya. Bye.

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