Salut, urmatoarea regula va fi inlocuita cu cea de mai jos:
Regula veche: Daca un jucator are pe G un suspect cu drept de predare, se va soma o singura data suspectul, dupa care se va soma soferul vehiculului pe [/ms] sau [/m] (Minim 3 somatii). Daca soferul nu se conformeaza, o sa primeasca "Complice". Cine nu respecta regula risca Faction Warn
Regula noua: Daca un jucator cu wanted cu drept de predare este pasager intr-un vehicul, va fi somat corespunzator, iar daca soferul nu ii da [/eject], atunci soferul va fi sanctionat cu wanted 6 ''Complice'' fara alte somatii. ATENTIE! Pasagerul cu wanted NU isi pierde dreptul de predare. Cine nu respecta regula risca Faction warn.
Hello, the next following rule will be replaced with the one below:
Old rule: If a player has suspect with the right to surrender on G, you will summon suspect only once, afterwards summon driver with [/ms] or [/m] (Minimum 3 summons). If the driver doesn`t obey, he will receive "Accomplice". Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn.
New rule: If a suspect with the right to surrender is a passenger in a vehicle, he will be summoned accordingly, and if the driver don't [/eject] him, then the driver will be sanctioned with wanted 6 ''Accomplice'' without other summonses. ATTENTION! The passenger with wanted will NOT lose the right to surrender. Whoever does not respect the rule, they will receive Faction Warn.