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About Argent

  • Birthday 05/21/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Manila, Philippines
  • Hobbies
    Music Production, Mixing, Recording, Playing Instruments (guitars,bass guitars, piano, drums), Programming and Gaming

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Nick: Argent Rank: 1 What I agree with (session / training / activity / war): war Date you can't come: 07/06/2023 Missing for the reason: internet connection issue.. Number of agreements this week: 1/2 Total number of bids: - Other specifications: Good luck in wars!
  2. Nick: Argent Rank: 1 La ce mă învoiesc (sedinta/antrenament/activitate/war): War Data la care nu poți veni: 2/06/2023 Lipsesc din motivul: ( -Unstable internet+ I'm not feeling well . i just vomited- ) Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana: 0/2 Numar total de învoiri: Alte precizări: cancelled
  3. please do this.. this is very nice and much realistic ❤️ this is an idea that no FiveM or RageMP or any SA:MP (i think) have on their servers. this is like realism which can be very nice if implemented properly.
  4. - Name: Argent1FPS - Link to the website profile / RPG bar: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Argent1FPS - The type of interview you want: normal interview i guess. - Name of other participants (if any): - Link to the website profile of the participants / RPG bar: - I was aware of the rules presented on the first page: Yes i am aware. - Other specifications: can we do this now?
  5. *Nume: ArgentFPS[ToV] *Rang: 2 *Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/RfxH2Xw *Alte specificatii: Raport Namecover Optional
  6. Nick: ArgentFPS Rank: 1 Date of war you can't reach: 23.03.2022 Number of bids this week: 0 Reason for agreement: Scheduled Fiber Internet Cable Maintenance. and i will have no internet at that time. Other specifications: i hope you understand. i really want to attend on this war but i will not have internet later.
  7. Nick: Daret. Rank: 1 Date of war you can't reach: 14.03.2022 Number of bids this week: 0 Reason for agreement: Daret doesn't have Internet Connection. he can't access anything at the moment so he asked me to post a pass request for this war. Other specifications: i hope you understand. his internet is far beyond fixable as for the moment.
  8. hi everyone..

  9. - Nume: Argent[ToV] - Rank: Captain (5) - Data testului: 29/10/2021  - Jucator testat si rankul sau: .M4RCO Detective (2) - Rezultatul probei de arme: - 6/8 - Admis/respins: Admis! - Alte precizari: Congrats! .M4RCO Roads ---> SWAT
  10. -Nickname: Argent[ToV] -Rank: 5 (Captain) -Proof: https://imgur.com/kj7YrHL https://imgur.com/O6VbTbW https://imgur.com/EKZo9D4 -Additional information: GG
  11. - Nume: Argent[ToV] - Rank: Captain (5) - Data testului: 23/10/2021  - Jucator testat si rankul sau: Staicu Lieutenant (4) - Rezultatul probei de arme: - 6/8 - Admis/respins: Admis! - Alte precizari: Congrats! Staicu Roads ---> SWAT
  12. @South Staicu Transfer Accepted, you have 48 hours to take the test with one of: Andrei [Legend], Argent or ShubhaM. I advise you to read the rules for that team. Good luck!
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