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About Karan

  • Birthday 03/06/1994

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Veteran (13/14)

  • 300 Reactions Given
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  1. Radu

    buddy, after all these years, how have you been ?

    1. Radu


      btw, i`m still using that chicken butter curry recipe that you gave me a looong time ago :))))

    2. Karan


      Ayoo broo, I am doing great, what about you? :))

      Nice to hear that you are using that recipe for that long time =))

    3. Radu


      I really want to have a chat with you, catch up after all of these years

      R u using whatsapp or facebook or something ?

      PM me

  2. Heii Karan, I am Yok
    Do you remember me ?

    I am back playing B-Zone but you were retired admin level 5 ?


    Let's go play B-Zone again and i will be happy to  mess-up at CNN LS again ! ??

    1. Karan


      Hey!, Yeah i do remember you :))
      Welcome back to Game :P but u r lucky that i m retired =))


    2. Nachita


      If you have free time, play B-Zone and poke me in-game if i am online
      I believe, you will get a great story from me ?


      Please, don't use mod warez pls.
      Or i will ban you HAHA 

    3. Karan


      Sure Thing =))


  3. Eyo Karaaaaan 

    How are you boy? Everything fine? :)

    1. Karan


      Ayeeeee Francii, Long time! ?,  Everything is fine, what about u?

  4. dydu

    Hello Karan , how are you?

    Nice to hear that you are still here , can you help me with my account in SA-MP please ?

  5. test test test 123 321 123

  6. Want Euro on Clienti to trade with Paypal money? Contact me on PM!

  7. Stop Kidding Kelton is dedicated to his work. ok i'll tell you. How? He is mature and sincere so stop kidding about votes .What you think if anyone make event "He is best and he is able to take responsibility to ownership? lol At rpg1 most of all admins org. events so? If you all are serious so check server's updates and I don't knw about marik I heared he is good admin but its doesn't mean he is able to take a place of "server owner." and if u want realy judge to anyone so don't watch his events WATCH HIS WORK AND CHECK UPDATES /RULES and before him when TheEmporer and Nicolas were here as owner that time server never touch 500/1000 players means server was goes down. All time RPG2 was empty now see Kelton's work I think I dont need to say much about his work Just check updates /Rules and server reach to 600+/1000 Players everyday.
  8. Editia 135 " The Silent One " a fost castigata de Clayton, felicitari !
  9. Editia 135 " The Silent One " a inceput,puteti incepe sa va postati contractele cele mai bune. Aveti timp pana dumina la ora 22:00 sa postati.
  10. Editia 121 a fost castigata de Colcova , Felicitari! The 121 edition of "The Silent One" was won by Colcova , Congrats!
  11. The Silent One No. 121 a inceput, puteti posta contractele. The Silent One No. 121 has began, you can start posting the contracts.
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