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  1. Nick: MarvinZEW Level: 70 Age (real): 18 Gender(real): Male How old are you on the server?: i'm on server from 26.02.2014 RPG profile link: Here The reason you want to become a Mayor: So firstly, i want to be mayor for the first of my live, and i want be closer then everyone else with players with low (level 2-7) and know there problems, happinnes things, what they really want to become on server, what they want to know more about our server, what they want to get... otherways, i want to make them happy, and feel that someone think of them with events and prodive money for them to help them in wich things that they need to. everyone of us was newbie in the first, and he feel sadly when he don't have money to buy a car or house, and everyone ignore him...i feel it, but i will support them in what they want, i will not be ingnoring them, never and ever cauze i know what that make in future, it will make them do the some the newbie players etc... it's my first opinion to help the newbie players, other things it comes later of this, that is my Rules. What I intend to do for other players: # The fee will be set to $1 It will be divided as many times as possible. # I wil do my best to make so much events for these players, one event in the week with highter prize, and other events will be normally prizes # I want to guide anyone who has a question about the situation of the game. # I'm gonna help them to know what is in need to join factions and how to provide money to be rich in future, and to get job and work hard on it to make the money # I will make a topic at the Mayor section called "Ask and You'll Get" where players with levels between 2 and 7 will be sponsored by me through a corresponding request made in that topic. Following this request, I will offer a modest $ 10,000, you can make this request once a week. # Every Sunday I'm going to put a car at $ 50,000- $ 100,000, this car will only be won by an event. Another thing i want to say: I'm already make the same application cauze i have the same system and same ideas about what i want to do, don't see that i'm making same application that means i copie it for nothing...Same opinnion and same reasons i don't make much changes in my life, and also for my houres played in month i was inactive 2weeks you can check helper inactivity and FBI inactivitys too!
  2. Nick: MarvinZEW Level: 69 Age (real): 18 Gender(real): Male __ How old are you on the server?: i'm on server from 26.02.2014 ____ RPG profile link: https://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/players/general/MarvinZEW _____________ The reason you want to become a Mayor: So firstly, i want to be mayor for the first of my live, and i want be closer then everyone else with players with low (level 2-7) and know there problems, happinnes things, what they really want to become on server, what they want to know more about our server, what they want to get... otherways, i want to make them happy, and feel that someone think of them with events and prodive money for them to help them in wich things that they need to. everyone of us was newbie in the first, and he feel sadly when he don't have money to buy a car or house, and everyone ignore him...i feel it, but i will support them in what they want, i will not be ingnoring them, never and ever cauze i know what that make in future, it will make them do the some the newbie players etc... it's my first opinion to help the newbie players, other things it comes later of this, that is my Rules. ________________ What I intend to do for other players.: # The fee will be set to $1 It will be divided as many times as possible. # I wil do my best to make so much events for these players, one event in the week with highter prize, and other events will be normally prizes # I want to guide anyone who has a question about the situation of the game. # I'm gonna help them to know what is in need to join factions and how to provide money to be rich in future, and to get job and work hard on it to make the money # I will make a topic at the Mayor section called "Ask and You'll Get" where players with levels between 2 and 7 will be sponsored by me through a corresponding request made in that topic. Following this request, I will offer a modest $ 10,000, you can make this request once a week. # Every Sunday I'm going to put a car at $ 50,000- $ 100,000, this car will only be won by an event.
  3. Nick: .ToHoT. Level:59 Rank:15 Activitatea la care ma invoiesc:War Data:02.03.2018 Invoirea ( din aceasta saptamana ) numarul : 1/2 Motivul:Sunt plecat de acasă. Alte precizari: Multumesc
  4. ba kayden acceapta cererea de prietenie pe skype  Roma))  sunt eu .ToHoT.

  5. Uite te rog  la adminul Vesca de pe rp2 are 4 ore jucate luna noiembrie si din 2016 nu a mai jucat si a fost acceptat la admin dar eu cu ore jucate lunare am fost respins pentru helper imi lamuresti de ce te rog? Cum adminul nu e asa important ca helperul?  rog sa se faca dreptate sa fie tot cinstit si egali nu asa  ce cu pilele astea.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. DeliaMarduk


      Succes. Eu mi-am facut treaba.

    3. fug de pd cu katalintalent

      fug de pd cu katalintalent

      are mai multa experienta fata de un copil de 12-13 ani deci...

    4. RW  MaRvinZEW

      RW MaRvinZEW

      Tu taci daca nu stii varsta omul;ui si nu comenta ca nu am spus de experienta.. Nu comentati fara motiv ..

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