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Peter BTD

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About Peter BTD

  • Birthday 08/13/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States, New York
  • Hobbies
    # National Guard #

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Peter BTD's Achievements


Explorer (5/14)



  1. I guess its about time for b.zone to start migrating to GTA V.


  2. today one of my best friends and my brother left the game, i want to tell you that i rly loved you like a brother and i still love you and i'll never forget you bro <3

    cya waifu

    i will not say good bye because we will stay on contact love you bro.


  3. Nick: .Peter Level: 60 Rank: Sergeant (3) Your doubt/s: If a level 20+ create/sell guns near a department member how many hours can i confiscate his materials licenses ? Other specifications: Thanks for ur time.
  4. Name: .Peter Rank: 3 I want in team: SWAT The reason: I want to try a new experience. Onother specifications: Thank You.
  5. Name: .Peter Rank: 3 I want in team: SWAT The reason: I want to try a new experience. Onother specifications: Thanks You.
  6. Nume: .Peter Rang : 2 Dovada la /fdeposit sau /accept ticket: https://imgur.com/a/96Pc2 Link catre reclamatie(daca exista): https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/report/39717
  7. Nick: .Peter Level: 56 Rank: Detective (2) Your doubt/s: 1: If a civil uses his cars and hits on my car 5-10 times what should i do ? 2: If a civil /q or crash during pursuit and he/she gets w2 can i still give them ticket and confiscate when they come back online ? Other specifications: Thanks for ur time.
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