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Everything posted by Revenant

  1. Good Morning

    1. TLG Ratonescu

      TLG Ratonescu

      gud moring very much

  2. @Ralucy good luck at the Miss B-zone Competition seems like your winning ❤️
  3. hmm intresting, althou 1st july abit late, im okey with any time anyways
  4. haha why is cnn empty, nice one
  5. Nume: .SouthRang: 3Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/Nu9nl0cAlte specificatii: ...
  6. Revenant

    Admin`s Life

    thats a funny one
  7. 'Do my best, so that I can't blame myself for anything.' Magdalena Neuner.

  8. i cant understand it xD, others seems like they did
  9. Revenant


    lollll true 100%
  10. Just saw this NG trailer best one is Sparros =)))
  11. Discount usefull and quest is fun, thanks!! ❤️
  12. Happy EID to all Muslims in National Guard, Good day! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  13. Nume: TylenolRang: 3Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/yv4SxKCAlte specificatii: -
  14. @TiG3R Just heard the news im happy and sad. Happy for you because u deserve admin 4 and u have been a great leader i want to congratulate you. Im sad that ur name wont be in my FH anymore ur the best u showed alot of support and helped make right decision we will miss u NG will miss you. #respect
  15. Nick:E46 Rank:1 Reason:left home (wasn't planned) Date of wars:20/05/2019 Total number of pass requests:1/2
  16. In the Meeting @TiG3R asked the new members about their opinion of NG i will answer you with a PIC!! Glad to be Part of this Awsome Faction with such awsome members leaded by an awsome leader and awsome subleaders! and i regret that i wasted alot of time in other faction and left this awsome place! happy to finnaly be here
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