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Khalsa Ji

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Everything posted by Khalsa Ji

  1. Accepted Applications 26/11/2015 The following 3 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: DariusPayne davor_peric Realy_Nigga Note to accepted applicants: You have until Sunday 29th November, 10:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  2. Thanks a lot Bruh.. Everyone is talking about it ))
  3. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: sfrdg 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Uninvite with 3/3 Faction Warn Reason: Reported own leader on RPG Site Proof (optional): Other specifications?:
  4. Hey , Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  5. Thanks a lot.. I hope you are ready for another shock, This time its real one.
  6. Hey @Dansy, Welcome to the World B-Zone.
  7. Hello Everyone, I am back from my Inactivity, See you all in game later today.. Also, I have many complaints of some members..
  8. Hey , Welcome to the world of B-Zone.
  9. Come on, Don't hate me.. I am just too Shy to say... :|

    1. Styleeer


      c'mon, do it!JUST DO IT

    2. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      I can't, Damn Shyness :|

  10. Hey @Emda, Welcome to the world of B-Zone.
  11. Never Cry For That Person Who Doesn't Know The Value Of Your Tears....

  12. Helping Hands Are Always Better Than Praying Lips..

  13. Hello , Welcome to the world of B-Zone.
  14. Jatt Jattan Wali Karke Dikhauga, Je Tainu Kitte Hor Mangeya...

  15. The Man Who Have Real Sister(s), Only Knows How To Respect Girls.....

  16. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Khalsa Ji
    3. petar kovacevic

      petar kovacevic

      alphabet in CRO :PP

    4. MikeTyson Trimisu Domnului

      MikeTyson Trimisu Domnului

      NIGGA alphabet :- N I G G A ___F O R ____L I F E , (rembember that)

  17. Hello , Welcome to the Our World, Enjoy by being part of SF School Instructors. Have Fun.
  18. >>> http://imgur.com/IWuFxcq <<< Someone Please Help ME Please , I AM STUCK BADLY .... :|

  19. Hey @Emenique, Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  20. In this topic you will find a lot of frequently asked questions with their answers. It is highly recommended to read all the questions below. Q: What if the client dies during the test? A: If the client dies during the test then the instructor must contact him again and continue the test. Q: What if the client uses [/q] during the test? A: The client will fail the test if he/she uses [/q]. Q: What if the client crashes during the test? A: If the client crashes during the test then you must wait for 5 minutes for him/her to login. If the client does not login even after 5 minutes then he/she will fail the test. Q: What if the client rejects to pay the fee? A: If the client rejects to pay the fee they will fail the test. Q: What if the client rejects or does not accept the lesson? ( Ater you use [/startlesson] ) A: If the client rejects to accept the lesson they will fail the test. If the client does not accept it for some reason then the instructor must teach the client how to accept it (i.e /accept lesson Name/ID). If the client still fails to accept the lesson they will fail the test. Q: What if the client rejects or does not accept the license? ( After you use [/givelicense] ) A: If the client rejects to accept the license they will fail the test. If the client does not accept it for some reason then the instructor must teach the client how to accept it (i.e /accept license Name/ID). If the client still fails to accept the license they will fail the test. Q: What if the client runs away while in middle of the test? A: If the client runs away during the test the instructor should try to talk to them once using [/call] or by going near his/her. If the client still continues to run hen he/she will fail the test. Q: What if the client do DM / Drive-by on the instructor during the test? A: If the client do DM / Drive-by on the instructor during the test then he/she will fail the test. You may report them to the admins or their faction leader if they belong to a faction. Q: What if the client uses bad language / abuses the instructor during the test? A: If the client uses bad language and abuses the instructor then he/she will fail the test. You may report them to the admins or their faction leader if they belong to a faction. Q: What if you go to the client in your personal car and then he/she steal's your personal car and runs away? A: Use [/call] or [/sms] and tell the client to come back. If they ignore you or do not return back to you then they will fail the test for stealing the instructors car. You may use [/call 112] as well if possible. Q: What if the client is not answering to your questions and remains silent during the test? A: Repeat the question again after 1 minute. Do this 3 times and take screenshots. If the client still does not reply they will fail the test for being unable to answer the questions. Q: What if an Instructor accepts a [/needlicense] request and finds their client AFK? A: The instructor must take a screenshot immediately and wait for 5 minutes. If the client is still afk, the instructor must take another screenshot to prove that the client was afk for 5 minutes. After that the instructor can leave the client. Q: What if the client uses [/eject] on the instructor during flying test? A: The instructor must use [/stoplesson] and fail the client for ejecting the instructor out during a test. Q: What if a client below level 50 offers some bribe to instructor for Giving him the license without Test? A: The instructor must refuse such offers. Giving licenses without tests will result in being uninvited from the faction. Q: What if the client has wanted level? A: The instructor must tell the client to first surrender and afterwards contact the instructor for the test. This is done to avoid interference by the police during the test. Q: What if the client gets arrested after the instructor accepts his/her [/needlicense] request? A: The instructor must [/call] or [/sms] the client and ask them to contact the instructor again after getting released from the jail. Q: What if the instructor himself has wanted level? A: If the instructor himself has wanted level then he must first get arrested before accepting any [/needlicense] request or finding a client. Q: What if a player does DM/DB and kills the instructor or the client? A: You must [/call] or [/sms] the client again and continue or restart the test if necessary. Q: How to check the Health (HP) of a vehicle? A: You can check a vehicle's health using the command [/dl]". After using the command you will see blue text on the vehicle which includes the health. You must be near the vehicle to view the text. If you Still have any type of doubt, You can Ask here.
  21. Accepted Applications 15/11/2015 The following 3 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Tank .Laura VasiDanciu Note to accepted applicants: You have until Wednesdayday 18th November, 06:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  22. Hey @Biedermeier, Welcome to the world of B-Zone..
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