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Khalsa Ji

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Everything posted by Khalsa Ji

  1. >>> http://imgur.com/FpFKzHA <<< bhai log ye toh trailer tha, Picture toh Online Players ne dekhi :P :P

  2. 2+2 = ?? (( Why you always think Khalsa will post some kinda Love Status ? ... :P ))

  3. Accepted Applications 13/11/2015 The following 2 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Alireza_VvV Brati Note to accepted applicants: You have until Monday 16th November, 09:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  4. Lokan Ne Mashook Rakhi Honi Aa, Par Mittran Ne Much Rakhi Aa..

  5. Love in India is like, A boy loves a girl and all of his classmate knows about that love, Except that Girl..... :V :V

  6. The points for Activity Report has been modified once again. Minimum Licenses sold per week according to the ranks given below: Rank 1 = At least 10 licenses SOLD. Rank 2 = At least 15 licenses SOLD. Rank 3 = At least 20 licenses SOLD. Rank 4 = At least 10 licenses SOLD. Rank 5 = At least 10 licenses SOLD. Rank 6 don't have activity reports but may post at their own will to gain points (this will get their chances to receive sub-leader to increase if they are rank 5 and they are still doing their activity report). Modification to activity report will come in force on 16/11/2015.
  7. Accepted Applications 11/11/2015 The following 5 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Mihnea_Gamer emir.b ...Ryan... HaDii. HouR Note to accepted applicants: You have until Saturday 14th November, 19:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  8. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: INSINC 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Uninvite Reason: Runner in a Peaceful Faction. Proof (optional): Other specifications?:
  9. Love is like a Sea, You Go deep into it and At last Die....

    1. innocent


      Yr shaadi kyu ni kr leta? :D

    2. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      Shaadi toh aj kar lu,Par fer sochta Kyo kisi ki life khrab kru :P xD

    3. innocent
  10. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: [CaR]FahaD[Cop] 4 (SF Supervisor) Sanction: Faction Warn Reason: Incomplete Activity Report for the week (19.10.2015 - 25.10.2015) Proof (optional): Other specifications?: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Realy_Nigga 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Faction Warn Reason: Incomplete Activity Report for the week (19.10.2015 - 25.10.2015) Proof (optional): Other specifications?:
  11. I do like your suggest, But As the Blacklist is on forum, not on RPG Site its hard to create such Command. Talk with the community owner, to have such beneficial..
  12. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Krutik 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Uninvite with 3/3 Faction Warn. Reason: Inactive more than 3 days without request. Proof (optional): Other specifications?:
  13. haha hahahaha Muuuhahahahahahahahahahaha ...........

  14. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: [W]AT[E]D 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Uninvite with 60/60 Faction Punish Reason: More than 3 mistakes in less than 14 days of joined. Proof (optional): Other specifications?:
  15. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: [W]AT[E]D 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction Warn. Reason: Sold license to Blacklisted Player Proof (optional): Other specifications?: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Gunner 3 (SF Senior Instructor) Sanction: Faction Warn. Reason: Sold license to Blacklisted Player Proof (optional): Other specifications?:
  16. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Realy_Nigga 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Faction Warn Reason: Incomplete Activity Report for the week (12.10.2015 - 18.10.2015) Proof (optional): Other specifications?: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Krutik 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Faction Warn Reason: Incomplete Activity Report for the week (12.10.2015 - 18.10.2015) Proof (optional): Other specifications?: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: ivan_jakic 4 (SF Supervisor) Sanction: Faction Warn Reason: Incomplete Activity Report for the week (12.10.2015 - 18.10.2015) Proof (optional): Other specifications?:
  17. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: [W]AT[E]D 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction Warn Reason: Used Faction Vehicle for personal use. Proof (optional): Other specifications?:
  18. Bla Blalalala Blalalalalalalalalalala Blalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

  19. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MeMoRy Legend

      MeMoRy Legend


    3. Andr3y00B Comunistu
    4. Akame



  20. Aa Lekhe Dedo Kadde Oh Lekhe Dedo, Aladdin Da Bana Laiya Chirag Naddi Ne ..... :V :V

  21. Accepted Applications 08/11/2015 The following 4 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Jessica TheGoldenDriver Valoare20 M@gici@nu Note to accepted applicants: You have until Wednesday 11th November, 07:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
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