Accepted Applications 22/10/2015
The following 5 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests:
Note to accepted applicants: You have until Sunday 25th October , 09:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
Some changes has been made in the announcement of Level 50+ on [/f], Go though the topic Member's Guide, Disrespecting this rule will lead you to punishments.
The following chances has been made:
I do recommend you all to go though to the topic too, It will make you more clear.
I do agree with you. Anyway, What ever they do, They will blame me after punishment.
Its not the Respected Admins who have changed the Activity Report Points, Its the leader who did efforts for his Members (With the Admin level 4 Approval, Ofc)
Nick: Khalsa
Rank: Leader (SF Boss)
Sanctioned member and his rank: knazinho_ 2 (SF Instructor)
Sanction: Faction Warn
Reason: Bad behavior towards members
Proof (optional):
Other specifications?:
Nick: Khalsa
Rank: Leader (SF Boss)
Sanctioned member and his rank: Rock_Ryder 1 (SF Trainee)
Sanction: Faction Warn
Reason: Death Match
Proof (optional):
Other specifications?:
Its hard to gather members for just a party. I mean, No one likes to have a vertual party. Anyway, You contact respected members separately and them for the parties.
Better If you read the rules again. Anyway, You can find your Answer below.
• During Night Time (20:00 - 12:00)Every Member can have any legal or illegal job during the mentioned period of time.
Man, Repeating this is SF School Instructor's Forum, Don't dare to post here again. We have PM + sms (In game)
You are always welcome to talk, share views, and something. But not here
Nick: Khalsa
Rank: Leader (SF Boss)
Sanctioned member and his rank: KeyNox 1 (SF Trainee)
Sanction: AV (Verbal Warning)
Reason: Disturbance at Activity
Proof (optional):
Other specifications?:
Nick: Khalsa
Rank: Leader (SF Boss)
Sanctioned member and his rank: ahmadto 2 (SF Instructor)
Sanction: AV (Verbal Warning)
Reason: Disturbance at Activity
Proof (optional):
Other specifications?:
Nick: Khalsa
Rank: Leader (SF Boss)
Sanctioned member and his rank: Michail 1 (SF Trainee)
Sanction: AV (Verbal Warning)
Reason: Disturbance at Activity
Proof (optional):
Other specifications?:
Accepted Applications 19/10/2015
The following 1 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests:
Note to accepted applicants: You have until Thursday 22th October , 10:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
The points for Activity Report has been modified once again.
Minimum Licenses sold per week according to the ranks given below:
Rank 1 = At least 10 licenses SOLD.
Rank 2 = At least 15 licenses SOLD.
Rank 3 = At least 20 licenses SOLD.
Rank 4 = At least 10 licenses SOLD.
Rank 5 & 6 don't have activity reports but may post at their own will to gain points (this will get their chances to receive sub-leader to increase if they are rank 5 and they are still doing their activity report).
Modification to activity report will come in force on 19/10/2015.
Nickname: Khalsa
Meeting / Activity: Meeting / Activity
Date and hour: 18.10.2015 and 19:00
Present members:
SF Boss Khalsa
SF Under Boss Sniper_
SF Under Boss tallatali
SF Supervisor petar_kovacevic10
SF Supervisor ivan_jakic
SF Supervisor [CaR]FahaD[Cop]
SF Senior Instructor Costi86
SF Senior Instructor .Zikou.
SF Instructor ahmadto
SF Trainee KeyNox
SF Trainee ziad414
SF Trainee Michail
SF Trainee Mr.Munja
SF Trainee Krutik
SF Trainee QSpiraXQ
SF Trainee Realy_Nigga
SF Trainee Caty
Excused members:
SF Supervisor Si[N]gh
SF Instructor UmanO.
SF Instructor knazinho_
SF Instructor Bebegim
SF Instructor oRoxii
SF Instructor Gunner
SF Trainee sunny_vats
SF Trainee aman_yadav
Absent members:
SF Senior Instructor Aleksei2220
SF Instructor Divyanshu
SF Trainee Khushal
SF Trainee Paula95
SF Trainee Plakomouni_Madness
SF Trainee ReLoG
SF Trainee Rock_Ryder
SF Trainee Nikola_Djukic
SF Trainee BadBoYzZ
SF Trainee Danijel_Trifkovic
Other mentions: There was 2 team. Team A and Team B, Team B won 3/3 rounds where as Team A won 0/3 Rounds.
This time I let all the Absent members go just because there are lot of new members.
Accepted Applications 18/10/2015
The following 3 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests:
Note to accepted applicants: You have until Wednesday 21th October , 13:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
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