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[PREZENTARE] Nemanja_Milijic

Nemanja Milijic

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- Nick: Milijic
- Name: Nemanja
- Age: 21
- Location: Serbia
- Ocupation: Cooking-Chief
- Favorite games: League of Legends, World of WarCraft (WOTLK), Gta,CSGO,
- Your hobbies: Driving,Cooking(My work is cooking)
- A short description about you: Hello, my name is Nemanja and I beautiful age of 21 years. I live in Serbia. I'm a little talkative and sometimes this is my advantage but as bad luck talking when to shut up. I love equality between people. I sense humor and are also less stubborn. I like to help others and not accept in exchange more than a simple "Thanks" that fills me with happiness every time. Always listen to what others say and then do what I think it is better. I appreciate the help received. I like to interact with people, I like to help everyone. Respect the rules require, but I like to be respected in my turn. Every time I try to do my job as well to please others and to me thanking me. I am a sociable, serious and always ready to help, whenever I required. I like to follow the rules and orders. Wherever I go I try to leave a good impression as. I am always ready to learn something.
- How did you find B-Zone?: Friend
- Anything else: Thanks for reading this :)

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