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Happy Easter Quest, Gift & Discounts


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To be honest the quest could be better, but its my personal opinion , for me the oldschool quests like find 150 briefcases in the 3 cities were the best quests , also the x/o quest was good but once again its personal enjoyment. Happy easter holidays to everyone 


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On 5/5/2021 at 6:19 PM, TDi1997 said:

Dacă am ajuns să st 15 min sa iau un ou la a 5 a zi. At la ultima cat o sa st? 20 min?

Un caz fericit. Am stat si 30 minute la un ou. Am observat ca in fiecare oras prind la un ou cel putin 12 bombe apoi pe restul le trec din maxim 2 incercari.

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@Mushroom What did you have to do with us? I am now on day 8/10 and I never thought in my life that I would get so angry at such a quest. I tell you honestly if you had this idea, don't get mad at us, but it's an embarrassing and weak bad quest. Speaking of some players, you'd better make me look every day in the cities or that basket of jobs than that with bombs.

I invite you to make it at least up to 350 gold to see when out of 3 lives, 3 bombs fall directly or when you have 5/6 eggs, 3 lives and the last 5/6 fall being the bomb, it is clear that it is annoying.

Try that next time you have ideas for such quests, give us easier, of course not in 5-10 minutes or 1 hour to do it, but not in 4-5 hours, especially on this day, 8/10 .


@Kelton Vrem acele questuri vechi de pe vremea 2018-19-20 cand cautam total 150 de obiecte sau cosulete cu joburi, e mult mai activ si avantajos pentru oricare jucator de pe acest server. Cand avem un asa quest si de pe un cont sa ti ia 3-4h bune sa l faci, deja devine enervant si nu s daca si voua v ar conveni 3-4h bune sa l faceti pentru niste premii. Eu doar o zic din experienta ca o fac pe 3 conturi, nu ma plang, dar sunt alti jucatori ce pe un singur cont, sta la ziua 4-5, 2-3h bune sa l faca, stai la un ou 30min -  1h sa ti dea acel OU.


Eu sper sa nu fi deranjat pe nimeni cu acest mesaj, dar vrem ceva mai simplu pe data viitoare ca deja e un quest greu, a ajuns @Mushroom sa ne faca questuri d astea cu bombe pe care le faci in o zi buna, in 5-10h, nu se poate asa ceva. Nu s daca doar el a fost cu aceasta idee, dar e un quest penibil si deja enervant cand doar la un OU, sa stai 30-1h ? Serios? :)) 


##Asta a fost mesajul meu, nu ma injurati, va rog !

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1 hour ago, YourCharisma said:

@Mushroom What did you have to do with us? I am now on day 8/10 and I never thought in my life that I would get so angry at such a quest. I tell you honestly if you had this idea, don't get mad at us, but it's an embarrassing and weak bad quest. Speaking of some players, you'd better make me look every day in the cities or that basket of jobs than that with bombs.

I invite you to make it at least up to 350 gold to see when out of 3 lives, 3 bombs fall directly or when you have 5/6 eggs, 3 lives and the last 5/6 fall being the bomb, it is clear that it is annoying.

Try that next time you have ideas for such quests, give us easier, of course not in 5-10 minutes or 1 hour to do it, but not in 4-5 hours, especially on this day, 8/10 .


regarding the quest, I'll talk on Kelton's behalf. It is true that the minesweeper quest is hard to do especially on its final days and I do not deny nor ignore the lack of features in which you can tell where bombs are actually located. However, the quest is a system in which keeps players active on the server and it's doing its job perfectly. The quest never was and never will be obligatory for you as a player to finish. Therefore, you are always free not to finish the quest and focus more on doing marathons, missions, bunkers, activity reports, robs... I, as a developer/half-time samp scripter did my job coding this system and even more(providing a full guide on how the quest actually works 'Click'). I'm not the one who picks whether we should add more bombs nor fewer bombs. These decisions are mostly made after further testing on our test server to verify how hard the quest is, or if it is doable or not, and it's pretty much done because I, myself finished all 8 days. As I said above I don't deny that it's hard nor ignore the frustrating especially when u lose all 3 hearts at once but it is doing its job of allowing me to spend more time on the game and getting more active hours. 

This aside, I've been in the domain of game development/programming to tell you that whatever the programmer provides, the client will always feel the burden of the bordem after doing the same thing or using the same product over and over again. As far as I've been told, You(The players) asked for a change when it comes to quests because it became repetitive and may I say boring for some of you. You've always been complaining about the lack of excitement and the lack of fun when it comes to the "find 150 objects to receive a prize" so we decided to implement new types of quests such as "Build a plane", "X O", "Tasks quest" and "Minesweeper with its shades". We can agree that we will never be able to satisfy everyone, but we will do our best to do so anyway. Some liked the quest and some didn't. It's totally acceptable. However, the mentality of "easy access" is not written in my dictionary. Don't expect us to give free prizes anymore(happened on the "build an airplane" quest. The quest took a maximum of 15 mins to do). 

1 hour ago, YourCharisma said:

Vrem acele questuri vechi de pe vremea 2018-19-20 cand cautam total 150 de obiecte sau cosulete cu joburi

This was not the case back in that time, wasn't it? As you can verify on older topics some quotes such as "iar questul de genul asta". Time changes, thus the mentality changes. Have you ever heard of a saying that goes " history will repeat itself"? As I said above we cannot satisfy all players because if we bring back the "find 150 objects" most of you will repeat the loop of criticism that we got back in 2018. Therefore, I will try to improve Minesweeper by adding numbers that locate nearby bombs(if I have the time of course because I do not work here) and will try to improve the quality of maps. 


I appreciate the criticism and no, I won't get mad when someone asks politely.  

Edited by Mushroom
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11 minutes ago, Mushroom said:


regarding the quest, I'll talk on Kelton's behalf. It is true that the minesweeper quest is hard to do especially on its final days and I do not deny nor ignore the lack of features in which you can tell where bombs are actually located. However, the quest is a system in which keeps players active on the server and it's doing its job perfectly. The quest never was and never will be obligatory for you as a player to finish. Therefore, you are always free not to finish the quest and focus more on doing marathons, missions, bunkers, activity reports, robs... I, as a developer/half-time samp scripter did my job coding this system and even more(providing a full guide on how the quest actually works 'Click'). I'm not the one who picks whether we should add more bombs nor fewer bombs. These decisions are mostly made after further testing on our test server to verify how hard the quest is, or if it is doable or not, and it's pretty much done because I, myself finished all 8 days. As I said above I don't deny that it's hard nor ignore the frustrating especially when u lose all 3 hearts at once but it is doing its job of allowing me to spend more time on the game and getting more active hours. 

This aside, I've been in the domain of game development/programming to tell you that whatever the programmer provides, the client will always feel the burden of the border after doing the same thing or using the same product over and over again. As far as I've been told, You(The players) asked for a change when it comes to quests because it became repetitive and may I say boring for some of you. You've always been complaining about the lack of excitement and the lack of fun when it comes to the "find 150 objects to receive a prize" so we decided to implement new types of quests such as "Build a plane", "X O", "Tasks quest" and "Minesweeper with its shades". We can agree that we will never be able to satisfy everyone, but we will do our best to do so anyway. Some liked the quest and some didn't. It's totally acceptable. However, the mentality of "easy access" is not written in my dictionary. Don't expect us to give free prizes anymore(happened on the "build an airplane" quest. The quest took a maximum of 15 mins to do). 

This was not the case back in that time, wasn't it? As you can verify on older topics some quotes such as "iar questul de genul asta". Time changes, thus the mentality changes. Have you ever heard of a saying that goes " history will repeat itself"? As I said above we cannot satisfy all players because if we bring back the "find 150 objects" most of you will repeat the loop of criticism that we got back in 2018. Therefore, I will try to improve Minesweeper by adding numbers that locate nearby bombs(if I have the time of course because I do not work here) and will try to improve the quality of maps. 


I appreciate the criticism and no, I won't get mad when someone asks politely.  


Thank you very much for these answers. I appreciate the fact that you gave me a beautiful and civilized answer and that implies that you wanted to make goat and cabbage happy, but at the same time in my opinion and I will not only say it, but all the players who went through do this quest, it's quite hard such a quest, it's not your fault, what I said, I didn't say you did, but I said you came up with ideas, it's good, something newer on the server, but sometimes it's a bit exaggerated with quests like that. I don't think that you as a person and that any other player who thinks that you also play other games and participate in different events to do them, I don't think that it suits you that on day 8, I give an example, I give myself, to stay somewhere at 5-6h to complete it, meaning it's huge, very much. I just said my opinion about this quest, I didn't want to do it at the beginning, I let it see how things move by reaching day 5+ and I realized that it's a pity, very hard and I said, I'm getting to the last prize and it's a bit of a step, I don't want to complicate things. Some players have already given up on day 5 at gold, you realize it's super hard right? \

Finally, I don't want to make a drama out of what we're talking about here, but it would be nice if there were quests in the future to be made much easier, I haven't spoken here for 15 minutes as you said, not 30min - 1h, but don't stay 5-6h for a day of quest, now let's be serious ...

## Once again, thank you very much for answering me for what I wrote and for the future to come up with other better improvements and make people happy when they play and do a quest, not to get nervous taking 3 lives, 3 instant bombs.

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Nu am citit tot ce s-a scris mai sus, dar dupa 8 questuri facute vreau sa fiu si eu hater putin si sa spun ca nu e cel mai rau quest, dar probabil printre cele mai plictisitoare si cel mai probabil enervante daca stai rau cu nervii. Puteati sa diversificati putin de data asta, nu neaparat sa bagati acelasi quest / asemanator cu ultimele 2, n-am apucat sa uitam de primul ca sa ne placa si a 2-a oara :))


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2 hours ago, TheTom said:

Nu am citit tot ce s-a scris mai sus, dar dupa 8 questuri facute vreau sa fiu si eu hater putin si sa spun ca nu e cel mai rau quest, dar probabil printre cele mai plictisitoare si cel mai probabil enervante daca stai rau cu nervii. Puteati sa diversificati putin de data asta, nu neaparat sa bagati acelasi quest / asemanator cu ultimele 2, n-am apucat sa uitam de primul ca sa ne placa si a 2-a oara :))


Eu nu cred ca e unul usor sau greu cum altii o zic, insa gandeste te ca s a stat pe un singur cont la un OU si 1h, de cand mama m a facut si de cand joc pe b-zone, nu prea am intalnit asa questuri, au fost alea de 150 cautari pe vremea aia de 2017-2018 si le uram si pe alea uneori, dar parca le doresc pe alea mai mult acuma decat asta cu bombe.


Adevarat, care sta prost cu nervii, e naspa, eu am facut pe 3 conturi ca mna, cat timp aveam 0 vieti pe x cont, faceam pe y si tot asa, dar din ce am observat, pe secundare luam mai repede ouale si pe cel principal, uneori aveam noroc din prima, alte ori din 3 vieti, 3 bombe sau 3 vieti, 5/6 oua si bubuia de 3 ori... Deci eu zic ca nu e simplut acest quest, nu m am plans in ce am scris mai sus lui @Mushroom dar e putina exagerare. In fine, am facut decat pana la ziua 8, de aici nu se mai merita sa continui, ziua 1-2-3-5 maxim e mai usor, eu asa zic ca am ajuns foarte usor pana la gold, insa incepand cu ziua 6, a inceput jihadu :)) :)):))...

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20 minutes ago, YourCharisma said:

Eu nu cred ca e unul usor sau greu cum altii o zic, insa gandeste te ca s a stat pe un singur cont la un OU si 1h, de cand mama m a facut si de cand joc pe b-zone, nu prea am intalnit asa questuri, au fost alea de 150 cautari pe vremea aia de 2017-2018 si le uram si pe alea uneori, dar parca le doresc pe alea mai mult acuma decat asta cu bombe.


Adevarat, care sta prost cu nervii, e naspa, eu am facut pe 3 conturi ca mna, cat timp aveam 0 vieti pe x cont, faceam pe y si tot asa, dar din ce am observat, pe secundare luam mai repede ouale si pe cel principal, uneori aveam noroc din prima, alte ori din 3 vieti, 3 bombe sau 3 vieti, 5/6 oua si bubuia de 3 ori... Deci eu zic ca nu e simplut acest quest, nu m am plans in ce am scris mai sus lui @Mushroom dar e putina exagerare. In fine, am facut decat pana la ziua 8, de aici nu se mai merita sa continui, ziua 1-2-3-5 maxim e mai usor, eu asa zic ca am ajuns foarte usor pana la gold, insa incepand cu ziua 6, a inceput jihadu :)) :)):))...

Durata intradevar a fost problema, eu am luat 17 bombe la rand, facusem pariu cu baietii pe /r ca daca iau 20 la rand le dau la toti 1kk. Si ieri, incep frumos questul, chill, bomba, se mai intampla, 3, hai 4, da nu, 8 de la primul obiect =))

La partea cu nervii pot sa zic ca, chiar am ras bine de unii la questul asta, mi-e mila de tastaturile lor :))

Legat de alea cu 150 de pe vremuri poate e strategie, ne plangeam de alea, ne-a dat mai rau ca sa le apreciem la adevarata valoare :))

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Nivelul de dificultate al Questului ar fi trebuit să fie similar cu cel de Valentines, fiind mult mai ușor. Din lipsa de timp pentru verificarea acestuia din cauza unor probleme personale din partea mea și probabil o mică neatenție din partea scripterului, a fost adăugat un concept inițial al Questului care este mai greu și nu Questul modificat. Cei care ați făcut și Questul de Valentines recunoașteți ușor diferența dintre cele două.


Abia ieri am aflat despre problemă și am discutat cu KillerFish și a realizat și el că adăugase o altă variantă. Fiind deja ultimele zile nu o să mai modificăm Questul și vom păstra nivelul de dificultate curent. Uneori nu toate lucrurile se pot obține cu aceeași ușurință...



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Ba adevarat ca e greut, dar se putea face de 5 ori pentru 350 gold lejer, a 5 a oara a durat cam o ora sa zic, nu stiu cat de dificil a fost a 6 a sau a 7 a oara.

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