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Robooooooooo, am terminat cu tezele, scuza-mi inactivitatea dar si weekendul asta am sa lipsesc. De luni incolo voi putea intra. Mersi.

Mie dor de vooooooooooooooooi!

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Robooooooooo, am terminat cu tezele, scuza-mi inactivitatea dar si weekendul asta am sa lipsesc. De luni incolo voi putea intra. Mersi.

Mie dor de vooooooooooooooooi!

Si eu de tine.

When i loook into your eyes, it's over :X .


Am terminat cu tezeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :X




Azi am plecat de la 8 la scoala, un mic spectacol dedicat copiilor orfani...pregatiri, chestii , chestii :))


Maine plec in (SE)Xcursie :X :X

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Hai noroc.

O zi plictisitoare, m-a apucat un somn la scoala de adormeam in timpul orelor :)) + o zi ploioasa + panarama cu profesorii

Discutii aprinse legate de festivitatea de sfarsit de an.

Ce faceti?


Bafta Andrew, Rossi si Obz. Va mai asteptam

Edited by A41 Rogue
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Judgement Day is coming, so...Hide yo' kids, Hide yo' wife, Hide yo' kids, Hide yo' wife and hide yo' husband 'cause they're rapin' everybody out there.

Edited by P h a n t o m
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