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[MAYOR] - Sugestii pentru primar / Suggestions for the mayor


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Dacă ai vreo sugestie pentru primar o poți posta aici.

If you have any suggestions for the Mayor you may post them here.

Edited by Skipper
Update + Design.
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Votarea sa fie facuta intr-un topic "Poll", voturile sa fie anonime, adica sa nu trebuiasca "Add reply" in topic


Bad idea. Because players can make more accounts and vote several times. When you "add reply" you have very little chance to cheat.

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Bad idea. Because players can make more accounts and vote several times. When you "add reply" you have very little chance to cheat.


Ooo, wait, the poll can be checked by administrators / moderator global.

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Bad idea. Because players can make more accounts and vote several times. When you "add reply" you have very little chance to cheat.


You can`t vote at a poll if you don`t choos a x number of posts to vote.

Just too know :)

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I suggest that there should be a system that allows you to double-check the amount of money you enter before selling something (/sellcarto, etc.) For example, after you write /sellcarto Gisele 2,500,000$, there should be another sentence that says "Are you sure you want to sell your Faggio to Gisele for 2,500,000$? Say yes or no" (or something like that )and then you write 'Yes' to confirm. If you forgot another 0, or made an error with the numbers, just say 'No' and you can make the offer again with the correct amount of money. This way, we can prevent fraud, scammers and cheaters. I always see people posting about how they forgot to add another 0 so instead of selling their car for 2,500,000$ they sold it for 250,000$ and the buyer won't give the remaining money, they run away, never answer /sms or/call, etc.


I hope you will consider this, thank you.

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o idee ar fi ca in primarie sa fie mai multi consilieri care sa faca cu schimbul,iar cine are vreo nelamurire sau o intrebare despre regulament/case/masini/factiuni sau altele sa vina sa intrebe aici nu pe /report.

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zuga has right players can make more than one account so they can vote for thry selfs but i have a solution

you can add in scripts that every player who has a level less than 5 or 10 level in game cannot vote ok?

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I suggest that there should be a system that allows you to double-check the amount of money you enter before selling something (/sellcarto, etc.) For example, after you write /sellcarto Gisele 2,500,000$, there should be another sentence that says "Are you sure you want to sell your Faggio to Gisele for 2,500,000$? Say yes or no" (or something like that )and then you write 'Yes' to confirm. If you forgot another 0, or made an error with the numbers, just say 'No' and you can make the offer again with the correct amount of money. This way, we can prevent fraud, scammers and cheaters. I always see people posting about how they forgot to add another 0 so instead of selling their car for 2,500,000$ they sold it for 250,000$ and the buyer won't give the remaining money, they run away, never answer /sms or/call, etc.


I hope you will consider this, thank you.


I agree with you, but I'm not the one who can make this... sorry




Slim Shady propunerea ta este interesanta, voi duce propunerea mai departe lui Kelton.

Edited by F4LOaccc
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o idee ar fi ca in primarie sa fie mai multi consilieri care sa faca cu schimbul,iar cine are vreo nelamurire sau o intrebare despre regulament/case/masini/factiuni sau altele sa vina sa intrebe aici nu pe /report.


Primarul sa aiba bodyguarzi in caz ca cineva vra sa il atace + sa aiba soferi personali pentru limuzina.

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Aici faceti sugestii pentru primar, nu propuneri pentru server.

Ca primar ar trebuii sa fi ceva mai activ si sa ,,veghezi'' activitatea playerilor.
Edited by Giuliano
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Sa poata avea si 3 consileri, care sa il ajute in probleme. Sa poata ajuta playerii cu mai multa usurinta.

Sa fie ca o ''factiune'' , si sa aibe chat. Se sfatuiesc, organizeaza excursii / eventuri.. etc.

Ar fi mai usor pentru primar sa aibe cativa oameni care sa il ajute.

Poate se face asa ceva, mi se pare o idee buna.

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Sa poata avea si 3 consileri, care sa il ajute in probleme. Sa poata ajuta playerii cu mai multa usurinta.

Sa fie ca o ''factiune'' , si sa aibe chat. Se sfatuiesc, organizeaza excursii / eventuri.. etc.

Ar fi mai usor pentru primar sa aibe cativa oameni care sa il ajute.

Poate se face asa ceva, mi se pare o idee buna.


Primarul poate avea consilieri, neoficiali însă. Adică dacă tu și el dorește să fii consilierul său, îi poți ajuta cu diferitele sale probleme indiferent de facțiunea în care ești.


Sa se adauge vehicule ca la orice factiune, o limuzina ar fi frumos.


Primarul are limuzină.

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Primarul se poate ocupa de aspectul orasului,problemele cetatenilor,economie:

-Ar putea primi propuneri din partea liderilor/adminilor pentru infrumusetarea hq-urilor sau anumite locatii ale serverului(iar apoi cele mai stralucite idei propuse scripterului).

-Prin audiente programate, un primar poate asculta problemele tuturor playerilor, de obicei cei cu level mic au destule probleme si nelamuriri, si exact ei au mai multa nevoie de ajutor decat cei cu level mare, care de acum s-au integrat pe server si vor continua.Unde este intelegere intre "jos" si "sus" , placerea de a juca este mai mare.De multe ori playerii se simt dati la o parte de catre admini,lideri sau playeri mai mari.Este un joc deci corect ar fi sa fim toti mai uniti si ajutatori unul cu celalalt.

-Printr-o comanda, Primarul sa stabileasca taxele pe server(La banci,payday).

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This topic hasn't been replied to for 2 months, so I'd like to bump this topic and remind you that you can post your suggestions for the MAYOR in this section! Not for the server, good luck.

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So you are the newest mayor. Peole ask you to give me an Iphone, a new one.


Funny suggestion, but this is not a joke topic. It was made by Kelton, and it should be appreciated. Thanks anyway for the post, suggestion rejected.

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I suggest you make events in Los Santos, it's hard for players to come at GSLV !


They have [/service taxi]. In LS there is no very big place to make events, there is Reasturant LS, but in there you can't [/buygun]. And GSLS prices are too high. So that's why we use GSLV. Thanks for the suggestion anyway!


Invata romana ?


You are pretty much the most racist guy I've ever seen. Report.

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