RO: S-au adaugat niste clarificari in regulament, in urma unor reclamatii, cat si a unor discutii ulterioare intre lideri si admini. Ele arata asa:
- Membrilor S.W.A.T cu rank mai mic de 3 le este interzis sa foloseasca altceva decat vehiculele departamentelor pentru urmarirea suspectilor cu wanted. Regula se aplica doar in cazul in care membrul este SOFER. Abaterea de la aceasta regula se sanctioneaza cu Faction Warn.
- Membrilor din echipa Roads le este interzis sa foloseasca masina personala (sa stea la panda, sa dea amenzi, etc), acest lucru se sanctioneaza cu Faction Warn. Ei pot folosi masina personala doar daca au rank 3+ si vor sa aresteze un jucator caruia i-au acordat wanted.
- Suspectii cu drept de predare isi pierd dreptul atunci cand va ataca de minim 4 ori cu pumnii sau trag cu cel putin 1 glont de arma in voi, exact ca la cop attack.
New clarifications were added in the internal rules after some complaints and some discussions between the leaders/admins. They look like this:
- S.W.A.T members with a lower rank than 3 aren't allowed to use anything else than department vehicles for pursuiting wanted suspects. The rule only applies if that member is the DRIVER. Not respecting the rule will lead to Faction Warn.
- A member of the Roads team is not allowed to use their personal vehicle for chases or any other things that are work-related. (Sanction: Faction Warn); The only case in which the member can use his personal vehicle is when he arrests a wanted given by himself and he is rank 3+.
- A suspect with the right to surrender loses his right when he attacks you for minimum 4 times with his fists (4 punches) or fires a gun at you, hitting you with a bullet minimum one time.