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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/21 in all areas
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- Nume: vlwd - Record doborât: The Most Active - Dovezi: Aici - Alte precizări: Bafta la scoala maine1 point
Castigatorii acestei saptamani sunt Locul 1: Juvinho Locul 2 : DragonMyr Locul 3 : - FELICITARI!!1 point
Nickname: Posty.Meeting / Activity: Activity.Date and hour: 12/09/2021 20.00Statistics (Present / Absent members): https://imgur.com/a/P8PoRub Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: : Wampire: 100.000$ | mario.alex.18: 200.000$ | Urklebama: 200.000$Other mentions: Thank you for participating!1 point
Statistica activității din 12 septembrie, anul 2021, ora 21:00 Activitatea a fost una cu prezență obligatorie. Cei absenți primesc Faction Warn! Network Editor (5) - 3 Amarok.[Highline][GoV] Radius14[VODA] Alucard[ToV] Network Anchor (4) - 3 [OG]whoiskarther [OG]Blue.Stefan Irina[ZEW] Local Editor (3) - 4 [AIM]Superpig [low]vlwd [low]Translucid. [420]iplaylols Local Reporter (2) - 2 .DariuS.. Seecron Intern (1) - 14 Razvanica.Shunk[ZEW] Fabian.Shunk[ZEW] Cocox[S4F] [wS]BambuiTancu [RF]Ne[X]uS Bekey [FBI]Rafito gabi77 yumo [OG]FILIP_ ValentynN[LcP] zenow marius1005 SasukeDinZavoiu[xT] Câteva poze: click Dacă doriți să aflați alte informații, aștept un PM. Total jucători prezenți: 17 Total jucători absenți: 3 Total jucători învoiți: 6 Legendă: - jucător absent; - jucător prezent; - jucător învoit; - câștigător.1 point
Hello, Instructors! The results from this weekly mission are here: 1st prize: @COMMANDO. 250.000$ 2`nd prize: @Andy.Andu 150.000$ 3`rd prize: @imsebb 100.000$ Participation in mission prize: @AK7EL 20.000$ Thank you for participating! See you in the next weeks! Have fun!1 point
1 point
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1 point
Nimeni: Nimic Prietenii la 4 dimineata facand quest pe samp: BA DECI DE II FUT UN PUMN LA LAPTOPU ASTA.. NU CA IMI BAG TOATA PL IN EL DE QUEST SI MA LAS DE SAMP SI SPARG SI LAPTOP U ODATA CU EL Bun, +11 point
Adevărul e că meme-urile tale sunt parfum pe lângă ce face el.1 point
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1 point
@South Termiactivity accepted, 13.09.2021, 18:15. After the activity, please post the statistics in this topic Click @VISA activity accepted, 14.09.2021, 20:00. After the activity, please post the statistics in this topic Click1 point
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1 point
Nick: Mascstef Rank: Lider Am dat test cu : [LPH]CNS.Cetate.Deva Data testului:12-09-2021 Admis / respins: Admis Rezultatul la proba teoretica: 0/3 Rezultat la proba de practica: 8/8 Alte precizari: Mult succes in factiune!1 point
Nick: Ovidiu255 Suma: $500.000 Dovada: Link Alte precizari: Sa fie primiti.1 point
- Nume: DiKE - Rang: 6 - mare producator - Suma depusa/extrasa: 15.000$ - Motivul depunerii/extragerii (donație, altul): decontare pachet (whoiskarther [15]) - Dovada: uite - Alte detalii: va pupa dike, olteanul vostru preferat.1 point
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1 point
Nickname: Rusher Author: Malala Yousafzai, Patricia McCormick Book title: I Am Malala - How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World Publication year: 2013 Book genre: Nonfiction, Biography Number of pages: 230 approx. Short description: When the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, one girl spoke out. Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced and fought for her right to an education. Personal review: This was the Young Reads version, but it was still super compelling and informational! Wow! I never really knew the story behind Malala besides she was shot for standing up for women's education, so this was really informational! I would recommend this to all the readers who haven't read it yet.1 point
1 point
- Nume: .Aku - Rank: Network Director - Membrii sancţionati: DanDiaconescu.OTV - Sancţionati în data: 12.09.2021 - Motiv: Limbaj vulgar / Reclamatie RPG - Sancţionati cu: 3/3 FW - Dovada (în funcţie de caz): https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/report/94564 - Alte precizări: spor!1 point
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1 point
Noul Raport: Rank 1: - Roads: 10 amenzi | 2 licente confiscate | 2 wanted | 16 orice actiune. (Total 30) Rank 2: - Roads: 10 amenzi | 5 licente confiscate | 5 wanted | 10 orice actiunee. (Total 30) - S.W.A.T: 10 arrest/kills | 5 obiecte confiscate | 5 wanted | 10 orice actiune. (Total 30) Rank 3: - Roads: 15 amenzi | 5 licente confiscate | 5 wanted | 15 orice actiune. (Total 40) - S.W.A.T: 15 arrest/kills | 5 obiecte confiscate | 5 wanted | 15 orice actiune. (Total 40) Rank 4: - Roads: 50 orice actiune. - S.W.A.T: 50 orice actiune Rank 5: - Roads/S.W.A.T: 20 orice actiune.1 point
NEW Nick: Runix NEW Suma: 500.000$ Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/VtFKo3v Alte precizari: O noua donatie!1 point
Nick: Runix Suma: 500.000$ Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/zZCo2pQ Alte precizari: O donatie pentru cea mai tare factiune, a doua mea familie!1 point
Nick: Gloin Suma: 200.000$ Dovada: aici Alte precizari: love news reporters1 point
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