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69 Pier Mobs - Evidenta war - Evidence of wars


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Imagini MARȚI: http://imgur.com/irdpPo6 (A fost fara limita de - )

Imagini MIERCURI: http://imgur.com/a/jhe0y

Imagini JOI: http://imgur.com/a/btxcj (Probleme cu net-ul , nu am apucat toate war-urile )

Alte Precizari : Imi pare rau de acest scor dar deabea m'am reapucat si e prima saptamana dupa cateva luni bune .Dupa cum a spus si Aragaz , suntem multi noi si trebuie sa ne acomodam umpic la inceput ->

si dupa cum stiti si voi a fost o saptamana:1) plina de lag / 2) desync

3) Rivalii nostri faceau abuzuri de desync + sinucideri + etc . stiti voi

Daca considerati ca merit FW asta e . eu doar mi'am spus cuvantul alaturi de ceilalti.
Edited by Gheorghe Iovu
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  • Nickname: [iB]Kew.

  • Imagini LUNI: Nu am fost.

Imagini MARȚI: Nu am fost.

Imagini MIERCURI: http://imgur.com/a/9nmjx

Imagini JOI: http://imgur.com/a/ZyLhn

Alte precizari: - Am niste scoruri de aruncat la gunoi.De saptamana viitoare voi face un scor mult mai bun.

- Aseara nu am mai putut sa stau la PC,am avut probleme cu familia.

Edited by IB Keww
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Imagini MARȚI: -

Imagini MIERCURI: http://imgur.com/6g709L0,tF7Pfz8

Imagini JOI: http://imgur.com/Zj76ciU,3HJGVk0

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Marti: Imagini: - scor total:

Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/nfwh23a http://imgur.com/iij2uza scor total:1-3 si 0-1

Joi: Imagini: Invoit Scor total:


Marti: Imagini: - scor total:

Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/nfwh23a http://imgur.com/iij2uza scor total:1-3 si 0-1

Joi: Imagini: Invoit Scor total:

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Nickname: [RTS]Aragaz
Imagini LUNI: http://i.imgur.com/b8EUXuc.png
Imagini MARȚI: Ne-ai zis sa nu o postam
Imagini MIERCURI: http://i.imgur.com/ChgsOZA.png
Imagini JOI: http://i.imgur.com/zdRlweB.png http://i.imgur.com/3qS1d1b.png http://i.imgur.com/9N4CjEs.png

Edited by rTs Aragaz
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Nickname: [DC]Ronaldo96
Imagini LUNI:
Imagini MARȚI: http://i.imgur.com/KDcmrD3.jpg
Imagini MIERCURI: http://i.imgur.com/Sevdm0n.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/q5iy9zz.png
Imagini JOI: http://i.imgur.com/42fCDpP.jpg

Edited by Ronaldo96
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Nickname: [RTS]EllaFox17

Imagini LUNI: http://i.imgur.com/Vb8td5G.png

Imagini MARTI: Invoita.

Imagini MIERCURI: http://imgur.com/8MzrgKZ,9aRadk4

Imagini JOI: http://imgur.com/cssKgkx

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