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Interviu #24 - NokS - RPG2 Admin 4


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Vă prezint căteva detalii despre NokS, Admin 4 pe serverul secundar.

Salut, NokS. În primul rând doresc să-ţi muţumesc pentru că mi-ai acceptat invitaţia. Aş dori să aflu câte ceva despre tine, cum ar fi numele, vârsta, locul natal şi locul de provenienţă.

Salut, sRn! Iti multumesc intai pentru aceasta invitatie. Sa ma prezint, numele meu este Gavrila Eduard Gabriel, am varsta de 17 ani si in acest moment locuiesc in orasul Galati.

Cum se desfăşoară o zi obişnuită din viaţa ta?

O zi din viata mea incepe, din fericire, sau din pacate, in fata calculatorului. Dupa-amiaza mi-o petrec afara, prin oras. Seara, incep o noua "runda" de stat la calculator, aceasta fiind o zi obisnuita prezentata sumar. Intr-o zi mai diferita, intervin diferite actiune, care-mi fac ziua mai speciala.

Care sunt activităţile care le practici cel mai des?

Sunt cateva activitati care-mi acapareaza timpul liber, printre cele mai importante se afla fotbalul, care-l practic de placere, plimbarile cu prietenii, dar si SA:MP-ul.

Acum că am aflat mai multe despre tine, doresc să vorbim despre partea ce implică jocul.
Cum ai aflat de SA:MP, implicit de comunitatea B-Zone?

De acest joc, in versiunea multiplayer am aflat de la varul meu, tot el aratandu-mi aceasta comumitate, care in acel moment era inca la inceput, nefiind atat de dezvoltata ca in momentul actual.

Cum au fost primele zile alături de noi?

A trecut foarte mult timp de atunci, aproximativ 5 ani, iar din pacate imi amintesc putine lucruri, insa imi amintesc, in ciuda faptului ca erau putini playeri, prin comportamentul lor, oricat de nou ai fi fost, te puteai integra cu usurinta in grupul lor deja format, eu, insa, petrecand insa putin timp alaturi de ei, fiind nevoit sa renunt la SA:MP pentru o perioada.

Ce te-a atras atât de mult încât să rămâi alături de comunitate şi să-ţi dezvolţi o astfel de carieră?

Erau multe lucruri ce ma atrageau, precum gamemod-ul, playerii in special, dar si staff-ul care iti intindea o mana de ajutor oricand, dar si ideile noi care imbunatateau serverul, insa, cum am spus si mai sus, am fost nevoit sa renunt la acest joc, implicit la acest server.

A fost uşor să intri într-o facţiune şi să-ţi faci primii bani?

Jucand o mica perioada de timp, nu am avut placerea de a intra intr-o factiune, desi imi doream extrem de mult, insa problemele din viata reala mi-au inchis pentru o periaoda "poarta", daca pot sa spun asa, catre SA:MP.

Având în vedere că joci de la începuturile comunităţii, cum a fost perioada de după wipe?

Nu stiu daca am fost norocos sau nu, dar acel wipe a venit oarecum in momentul oportun, iar in momentul in care m-am reapucat de acest joc am inceput sa ating levelul necesar intrarii intr-o factiune pasnica, prima pe lista mea fiind News Reporter, cu JustMed lider, insa sederea a fost scurta si am decis sa cresc in level si sa intru in mafii, luand pe rand mai multe mafii, Paterno Family, Stracci Family dar si Corleone Family. Dupa aceaste sederi tot nu ma simteam implinit, incercand astfel, o alta factiune pasnica, School Instructor, petrecand cea mai frumoasa perioada a mea pe serverul principal, urmand apoi inca o perioada mai slaba din punct de vedere al activitatii.

Uitându-mă peste trecutul tău, observ că pe serverul principal ai fost în stafful facţiunii School Instructors. Cum au fost acele momente? A fost uşor să ajungi la rang 5?

Da... in aceasta factiune am intrat mai mult pentru bani, insa, am inceput, incet, incet sa imi fac prieteni buni, probabil acesta a fost factorul principal care m-a facut sa raman acolo si sa fac o vechime destul de mare, petrecand cea mai frumoasa perioada de pe acel server, cum am mentionat mai devreme. Ce este de mentionat este faptul ca fara un colectiv unit si prietenos nu poti face nimic, acel colectiv tinandu-ma aproape de factiune, ajutandu-ma totodata si in realizarea activitatii mele, ceea ce a dus la atingerea acelui rang, care prin munca si activitate am reusit, spun eu acum, la 3 ani de atunci, sa-l ating cu usurinta.

Ce comparaţie poţi face între administartorii de pe atunci, Alexander, respectiv Gabb şi Kelton? Cum este mai bine?

Sincer? Nu pot sa compar munca depusa atat de Alexander, cat si de Gabb, cu cea a lui Kelton. Alexander si Gabb au avut un rol important in crearea a ceea ce avem astazi, Kelton continuind aceasta munca inceputa de primii doi, insa fiecare dintre ei, pe parcurs, au venit cu idei noi, care sa imbunatateasca serverul, insa Kelton are acel"spirit" de conducere care iti da siguranta ca stie ce face, dovezile fiind chiar playerii care joaca pe cele doua servere ale acestei comunitati.

După aproximativ 3 ani petrecuţi pe serverul principal ai decis să te duci pe cel nou făcut, RPG2. De ce ai făcut această mutare?

A fost o perioada usor dificila, nefiind sigur de alegerea pe care sa o fac. Am decis, insa, sa iau totul de la inceput, sa las trecutul de-oparte si sa ma detasez de acel "NokS" de pe serverul principal, cu timpul formandu-mi un alt caracter, un alt mod de gandire. Aceasta schimbare, de mutare pe serverul secundar, in acel moment nestiind daca imi va fi benefica sau nu, insa, am spus sa incerc, deoarece pe serverul principal, eram constient de faptul ca nu imi voi putea atinge telurile, cel de a avea o functie, neavand un trecut tocmai curat, acesta fiind unul din motivele principale, sa scap de acel trecut si sa-mi fac un nou nume, unul fara incidente mici, sau mari.

Ţinând că aveai deja o experienţă în spate, nu ţi-a mai fost aşa de greu să te acomodezi, să-ţi procuri primii bani şi să intri într-o facţiune. Cum au fost primele momente pe serverul secundar?

Tin minte, ca desi trecuse cateva zile de la infiintarea serverului secundar, inca era acea agitatie si fuga disperata dupa bani, majoritatea avand propriile lor metode de procurare a banilor. Primele mele zile s-au dedicat jobului "Bus driver" care m-a ajutat sa-mi capat banii necesari inaintarii in level, iar dupa o perioada relativ scurta de timp, dupa alegerea tuturor liderilor, am decis sa aplic in factiuni, acea "experienta" pe care o aveam de pe serverul principal, ajutandu-ma chiar foarte mult, cunoscand locurile, dar si comenzile, neputand sa ma consider un "incepator" al acestui joc.

Făcând o comparaţie între cariera de pe serverul principal şi secundar, pe acesta ai început mult mai bine. Ai intrat în The Tattaglia family (actual Verdant Family) unde ai obţinut rank 6. Cum au fost momentele petrecute acolo?

Pot spune cu mana pe inima ca, din acel moment, totul a luat o alta intorsatura, mi-am dat seama ce inseamna sa conduci o mafie, sa ai responsabilitate si oarecum mi-a dat forta si incredere ca pot face fata unei functii de lider. Acest sublider m-a ajutat enorm in deschiderea unor noi porti, responsabilitate, deoarece nu era usor si nici nu este usor sa conduci o mafie (actual gang), dar si putina imaginatie si gandire, toate astea s-au datorat liderului de atunci, Dzeu (Alves).

Nu după mult timp te-ai mutat în altă mafie (actual gang), The Barzini family (actual Red Dragon Triad). De ce ai făcut aceasta mutare?

Aceasta decizie, sunt oarecum fericit ca am facut-o, desi multi mi-au spus ca nu am facut ceea ce trebuie. Insa m-am simtit nevoit sa plec, sa fac o schimbare, deoarece se schimbase liderul, in locul lui Dzeu (in prezent Alves) venise un alt player, cu care am avut cateva incidente, neputand lucra cu el, neputand sa-l ajut cu ceva, numele lui doresc sa nu-l mentionez.

Nici aici nu ai stat mult timp şi ai schimbat domeniul de activitate, intrând în agenţie. După aproximativ o lună de activitate, fiind rang 2, ai fost ales lider al facţiunii. Care a fost prima reacţie în acel moment?

A fost ceva de genul "WOW, eu lider?". Sincer, nu ma asteptam, desi aveam level destul de mare si ma consideram pregatit, nu ma asteptam tocmai la Hitmen Agency sa primesc aceasta functie. Nu poate fi descrisa senzatia pe care o ai in momentul in care este "chemat" de catre administrator si ti se acorda o astfel de sansa. Prin aceasta, tin sa le multumesc oamenilor care m-au ajutat si au avut incredere in mine.

Cât timp ţi-a luat să-ţi pui planurile în aplicare?

Planuri aveam multe, idei si mai multe, incet incet am reusit sa le pun in aplicare pe toate, aducand factiunea la un nivel foarte ridicat, spun eu. Cand aveam o idee o si puneam in aplicare, pentru ca acea idee sa se "integreze" cat mai repede printre membrii mei si pentru a fi inteleasa de toti, dar si respecatata de toti membrii mei.

Ce plus consideri tu că ai adus facţiunii Hitmen Agency?

Facand o referire la regulament, baza o aveam, ceea ce trebuia eu sa fac este sa modelez acel regulament incat sa fie usor de inteles, de respectat dar si sa fie usor complicat, deoarece doream ca membrii mei sa faca "performanta" aici, sa fie perfecti, neacceptand greseli, oricat de mici ar fi fost. Nu ma pot pronunta in privinta cu plusurile aduse factiunii, insa cred ca modul in care ma comportam cu membrii, modul in care am organizat factiunea si regulamentul au fost suficiente cat sa le dau incredere membrilor mei si sa ridic moralul, dar nu numai, ci intreaga factiune acolo unde trebuia sa fie. In momentul preluarii factiunii, fiind un usor haos, pe care am reusit sa-l eliminam, atat de unul singur, cat si impreuna cu membrii.

După aproximativ 4 luni la conducerea agenţiei, ai fost promovat la funcţia de admin. Cum s-a întâmplat asta?

Daca, in momentul primirii functiei de lider, eram entuziasmat, cand am primit functia de admin, am avut o senzatia greu de descris in cuvinte. De intamplat, nici in momentul actual nu stiu cum s-a intamplat, probabil ca munca depusa, activitatea si devotamentul depus factiunii a fost remarcat si de administrator (Sawyer in acel moment) care m-a promovat la acea functie, care nu multi o ating.
Ziua in care am primit aceasta functie (20 iunie 2013) se parea a fi una obisnuita, nimic diferit, insa acest lucru a schimbat ziua cu totul, lucru la care nu ma asteptam absolut deloc.

A fost uşor să te acomodezi cu noile responsabilităţi, implicit cu colegii?

Mi-a trebuit putin timp de acomodare, insa membrii staff-ului de atunci m-au instruit bine si am inceput sa merg pe propriile forte, facandu-mi chiar si o initiere, pe care nu doresc sa o spun, acest lucru inlocuind traditionalul "bun venit" cu o gluma, de care ne-am amuzat cu totii, atat eu, cat si ceilalti colegi.

De ce ai renunţat la funcţia de lider? Nu mai puteai face faţă cu toate responsabilităţile din acel moment sau ai considerat că altcineva îţi poate lua locul şi să facă o treabă bună?

Din pacate, am fost nevoit sa renunt la lider, deoarece nu puteam detine doua functii, trebuia sa aleg intre cele doua, evident alegand functia de Admin RPG2, pe care o detin si in acest moment.

Treptat, ai fost avansat până la al patrulea grad al funcției de admin. Care au fost reacţiile tale în acele momente? Te-ai simţit apreciat?

Desigur, stiind ca cineva iti apreciaza munca pe care o depui, te simti din ce in ce mai bine, mai ales cand munca iti este apreciata chiar de ownerul serverului, dar si de playeri, bineinteles.

În toată cariera ta ca admin, te-ai simţit vreodată nedreptăţit?

Au fost cateva momente, insa, cu timpul am trecut peste, invatand de fiecare data cate ceva, ce-mi este de folos chiar si in aceste momente, atat in joc, cat si in viata reala.

Cum ţi se pare preluarea serverul secundar de către Kelton? Cum au fost modificările făcute până acum de el?

Cu siguaranta venirea lui Kelton pe serverul secundar a adus un plus. Ideile lui, dar si modul de gandire, au ridicat serverul, aducand modificari pana si la cele mai marunte lucruri, serverul avand o perspectiva mai imbunatatita, din orice punct de vedere.

Consideri că vreun administrator din trecut al serverului secundar a fost mai bun decât actualul?

Nu sunt in masura sa spun aceste lucruri, consider ca fiecare administrator a facut tot ceea ce a putut pentru ca serverul sa se ridice, cate putin, nu le putem critica munca, sau sa o comparam in vreun fel.

Cum ţi se pare colaborarea dintre Mastertrap21 şi KillerFish pe partea de scripting?

Pana in acest moment, aceasta colaborare functioneaza perfect, rezultatul fiind cresterea numarului de playeri intr-un timp atat de scurt, dar si al ideilor implementate de cei doi. Tin sa-i felicit pentru munca pe care o depun, dar si pentru ideile ingenioase, pot spune pe care le au impreuna.

Ce fel de activităţi s-au organizat pe serverul secundar între zilele 1-6 Septembrie, ţinând că au fost zilele comunităţii?

Pe langa eventul Trivia, precum si cel cu inimi, ne-am gandit la cateva eventuri mai interactive, unde toti playerii au putut participa, distrandu-se dar intr-o oarecare sfera de competitivitate, fiecare dorind sa castige. Printre aceste eventuri se numara "Last Hely Standing" , "Protect the V.I.P" dar si "First with G", acestea fiind eventurile mai mari, care s-au desfasurat in aceasta perioada.

Consideri că ai atins apogeul carierei sau aspiri către mai mult?

Nu, in niciun caz nu pot sa spun ca acesta este maximul pe care-l pot atinge, consider ca prin munca si activitate pot ajunge mai sus, nu se stie ce-mi va rezerva viitorul, imi continui treaba ca si pana acum, insa incercand sa fac cateva modificari, atat la comportament, cat si la modul de lucru.

Ce detalii poţi da despre atribuţiile unui admin 4 pe RPG2?

Multi considera ca daca ai ajuns la acest nivel, incepi sa lenevesti sa nu mai faci nimic, ei bine, nu este chiar asa, greul incepe de undeva de la nivelul 3 de admin. La admin 4, pot spune ca o zi in care nu ai raspuns la reclamatii sau nu ai supravegheat liderii (fara ca ei sa stie) este o zi pierduta, acestea doua fiind doar cateva din activitatile ce trebuiesc indeplinite cand ai aceasta functie.

Nu cu mult timp în urmă, RPG2 a atins un număr record de jucători, aproximativ 600. Cum v-aţi simţit în acel moment, având în vedere că voi, stafful, aţi contribuit la atingerea acestui număr de jucători record?

Pot spune ca da, si noi am contribuit intr-o oarecare masura la atingerea acestui numar de jucatori, insa, cu totii am stiut ca putem si mai mult. Aceasta crestere se datoreaza in principal lui Mastertrap21 si KillerFish care au venit cu ideile ce le avem astazi implementate pe servere, lui Kelton care a reorganizat total serverul, rezultatul fiind, cum ai spus si tu, atingerea acestui numar record de playeri, in doar doi ani de la deschidere. Ce am simtit? Probabil ca toti eram oarecum uimiti de numarul crescut de jucatori, numarul crescand deodata, de la aproximativ 400 de jucatori, la 500-550, suntem insa fericiti ca am ajuns pana aici, dar si nerabdatori sa vedem pana unde putem merge, facand o referire la numarul de jucatori.

Cum vei vedea serverele de SA:MP ale comunităţii peste un an?

Este cam greu de spus, nu stim ce ne rezerva viitorul, probabil noi idei ce vor face jocul mai interactiv si mai distractiv. De un lucru sunt foarte sigur, si anume cresterea considerabila a numarului de jucatori.

Te consideri pregătit în acest moment să preiei cârma serverul secundar?

As putea spune ca da, doar pentru a ma lauda putin, dar sincer eu unul nu ma consider pregatit pentru acest lucru, desi am vechime stiu ca nu sunt pregatit, poate in viitorul apropriat voi reusi sa invat toate "tainele" acestui joc si sa fiu pregatit in proportie de 100%, insa in acest momoment nu ma consider a fi pregatit.

Care-ţi este părerea despre noul sistem de alegere al liderilor, aici referindu-mă la aplicaţii?

Este o idee ce a adus un plus, fiecare player ce indeplineste conditiile impuse putand aplica, avand sanse egale cu toti ceilalti aplicanti. Aceasta idee, sincer, trebuia aplicata cu ceva timp in urma, insa mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata.

Crezi că se vor alege lideri mai buni, având în vedere că oricine care are experienţă în respectiva facţiune poate să aplice?

Cu siguranta, nu doar lideri mai buni, ci mai activi si mult mai pregatiti pentru aceasta functie. Multi isi doresc sa ajunga lider, insa putini sunt cu totul pregatiti pentru a detine functia, nu iti trebuie doar activitate, ci si experienta, seriozitate si putin simt al umorului, fara acestea nu te poti considera pregatit.

Cum ţi se par noile update-uri?

Nu pot cataloga update-urile. Fiecare are un scop, fie ca modifica o singura factiune sau intreg serverul, fiecare update are un scop, unu bine prestabilit, un scop principal fiind cresterea numarului de playeri. In concluzie, nu pot sa-mi dau cu parerea despre aceste noi update-uri, nu sunt in masura sa comentez, Mastertrap21, KillerFish si Kelton stiu ce este cel mai bine pentru cele doua servere.

Te-ai gândit în vreun moment să te reapuci de serverul principal?

Au fost unele momente in care m-am decis sa intru si acolo, dar nu m-am gandit niciodata sa ma reapuc pe primul server, am considerat ca nu am niciun motiv sa fac acest lucru, din moment ce am inceput o ascensiune, mai inceata ce-i drept, dar sigura pe serverul al doilea.

Te-ai gândit vreodată sa renunţi la această comunitate?

Pana in momentul de fata, nu si sunt bucuros de acest lucru. Daca timpul liber imi permite sa stau alaturi de aceasta comunitate, nu am motiv sa renunt, insa nu se stie pe viitor, sper totusi sa fie un viitor indepartat.

Având în vedere că eşti un jucător cu foarte mare experienţă, ce sfaturi le oferi jucătorilor în plină ascensiune pentru a fi remarcaţi?

Nu pot spune foarte multe lucruri despre modul in care te poti face remarcat, fiecare jucator este liber sa aleaga ce cale vrea, cea mai usoara sau mai anevoioasa. Calea usoara este, evident, usor de stabilit daca ai o mentalite buna si incepi sa joci corect, sa te faci remarcat prin lucrurile bune pe care le faci, de la eventuri, la activitate si vechime in diferite factiuni, aceste lucruri, considerate de unii jucatori a fiind lucruri "marunte" ii pot lansa spre diferite functii, fie lider, helper sau chiar admin. Tot ce pot spune este sa joace cum considera ei mai bine, insa sa gandeasca de mai multe ori cand fac anumite lucruri, daca le pot afecta viitorul sau nu, bineinteles daca sunt interesati de primirea unei functii, desi multi doresc functii, dar nu o recunosc.

Îţi mulţumesc încă odată pentru acceptarea invitaţiei. Îţi urez mult succes în continuare!

Si eu iti multumesc pentru aceasta invitatie.Succes atat tie, cat si tuturor jucatorilor si ramaneti alaturi de aceasta comunitate. Nu uitati, distrati-va, insa ganditi de mai multe ori daca este bine sau nu ceea ce faceti.

Acesta a fost interviul meu alături de NokS. Aşteptăm comentarille dumneavoastră.


I'm going to show you some details about NokS, current admin of level four on the secondary server.



Hello, NokS. Firstly, I’d like to thank you for accepting my invitation. I’d like to find out some things about you, like your name, your age and where you come from.


Hello, sRn! I’d like to thank you for this invitation. Let me introduce myself, my name is Gavrila Eduard Gabriel, I’m 17 years old and I currently live in Galati.


What happens in a regular day of yours?


A day of my life begins, happily, or sadly, in front of the PC. I spend my evening outside, through the city. At night, a new “round” of spending time in front of the PC begins, this being something normal in my everyday life. In a more different way, many other stuff happen, which make the day more special.


Which are the activities that you spend the most time on?


There are some activities that occupy my free time, the most important ones being football, for fun, long walks with friends and SA:MP.


Now that we’ve found out more things about you, let’s talk about the game as well.

How did you find about SA:MP and about B-Zone?


About this game, I’ve found out about the multiplayer version from my cousin, he also showed me this community, which was only at the start back then, not as developed as it is now.


How were your first days with to us?


A lot of time passed since then, about 5 years, sadly I don’t remember much, but I remember that in spite that there were not many players, through their behavior, no matter how new you was, you could get along with them easily, me, however, I spent little time with them because I had to quit SA:MP.


What made you stay with our community and develop such a career?


There were many things that attracted me, like the game mode, the players, but the staff as well, who were always willing to help you, but also the new ideas that made the server better, however, as I said before, I had to quit the game.


Was it easy to join a faction and earn your first money?


Playing for a little period of time, I hadn’t had the chance to join a faction, even though I really wanted to, many problems kept me away from playing SA:MP for a period.


Considering you’re playing since the beginning of the community, how was the period after the wipe?


I don’t know if I was lucky or not, but that wipe came at the right time, and in that moment I started playing again and I got the level to join a peaceful faction, my first one being News Reporter, with JustMed leader, however I left quickly to level up and join a gang, trying more gangs like Paterno Family, Stracci Famly and Corleone Family. After these experiences, I still didn’t feel satisfied, so I tried other peaceful faction, School Instructors, having the greatest time I had on the primary server, followed by a lower activity period.


Looking at your past, I can see that on the primary server you’ve been in the staff of School Instructors. How were that moments? Was it easy to get to rank 5?


Yes.. I’ve been in this faction more for the money, however, I started, slowly, to make good friends, maybe that was the main reason that made me stay in the faction for a longer period of time, having the most beautiful period I ever had on the server, as I said. What is to be said is that without an united group or friendly you can’t do anything, that group kept me close to the faction, helping me in the same time while also helping me with my activities, which made me get this rank, which I got through rank and activity. Now, in 3 years since then, I can say I can get to it easily.


Can you make a comparison bwteen the two admins from then? Alexander, Gabb and Kelton? Which one was/is the better one?


Honestly? I can’t make a comparison when we’re talking about Alexander and Gabb in comparison with Kelton. Alexander and Gabb had an important role in creating what we have today, Kelton just continued their work, but each of them, in time, came with new ideas, that made the server better, but Kelton has this “spirit” of leadership that makes you believe in him, the proof being the players playing on the two servers of the community.


After about 3 years spent on the primary server, you decided to move on to the new secondary one, RPG2. Why did you do this?


It was a rather difficult period, not being totally sure about the choice I was going to make. I decided, though, to start all over, to put the past aside and to get rid of the “NokS” from the primary server, with time forming a new character, a new mindset. This change, of moving on to the secondary server, in that moment not knowing if it’s going to be beneficial or not, I thought I should try, because on the primary server, I knew that I won’t be able to reach my goals, to have a function, having not the best past on the server, this being one of the biggest reasons, try to get rid of the past and to create a new name for myself, one without small or big mistakes.


Considering you already had some experience it wasn’t too hard to accommodate at all, to earn money and joina faction. How were your first moments on the secondary server?


I remember that, even though some days passed since the server opened, it was that hype and rush after money, the most having their own methods or getting money. The first days they kept using the “Bus driver” job in order to get money quickly, after the leaders have been selected, I decided to apply for a faction, having the “experience” from the first server, knowing all the things and the commands, no one could say that I am a beginner.


Making a comparison between your career on the main server and the secondary one, on this one you started way better. You joined The Tattaglia Family (the actual Verdant Family) where you got rank 6. How were the moments you spent there?


I can say with the hand on my heart that, since that moment, everything changed, I realised what it meant to lead a gang, to have responsabilities and in a way it gave me will and faith about becoming a leader. This co-leader helped me a lot in realising things, responsability, because it wasn’t easy and it is not easy to lead a gang, but you need imagination and a good mindset too, all of these happened because of the leader of that time, Dzeu (Alves).


Didn’t take long until you moved to another gang, The Barzini Family (actual Red Dragon Triad). Why did you do this?


That decision, I’m kinda happy I did it, even though many told me I didn’t do the good thing. However, I felt the need to leave, to make a change, because the leader changed, in Dzeu’s place there came another player, who I’ve had some problems with, since I couldn’t work with him or help him, I don’t want to mention his name


You haven’t spent much time and you already changed your domain, joining the agency. After about a month of activity, being rank 2, you was chosen as the leader of the faction. What was your first reaction in that moment?


I was like “WOW, me leader?”. Honestly, I didn’t expect this, even though I was high level and I considered myself ready, I didn’t expect me to lead the Hitmen Agency. I can’t describe the feeling I had back then when you’re called by the admin and you get such a chanse. In addition, I’d like to thank the people who helped me and trusted me.


How long did it take till you applied your plans?


I had many plans, even more ideas, slowly I succeeded in putting them all in application, bringing the faction to the next leve, I have to say. When I had an idea I was putting it in instantly, because my members had to quickly get used to and understand the new changes to the faction.


What good changes do you think you’ve made to the Hitmen Agency?


Considering the regulation, I had a base, what I had to do was modelling it so it’s easy to understand and follow but in the same time it had to be complicated a bit, because I wanted the members to perform well, to be perfect, to not accept mistakes, no matter how small they were. I can’t say what good things I’ve brought to the faction, but I have to say that my behavior towards the members and the faction organisation was enough in order to make the members believe in me and have a good morale, but not only, all the faction was where it was supposed. When I started leading the faction, being a little chaotic, which I managed to fix together with the members.


After about 4 months of leading the faction, you got promoted as an admin.

How did this happen?


If I was happy when I was promoted to a leader, I was really excited when I got promoted to admin, I had a feeling that is hard to describe using words. Funnily, I still don’t know how it happened, maybe cause of my had work, my activity and my loyalty to the faction, which was seen by the admin, Saywer, who promoted me to this function which not many achieve.

The day I received this function (20 june 2013) was like any other, nothing different, but that thing changed the day totally, a thing that I didn’t expect at all.


Was it easy for you to get used to the new responsabilities and the mates?


I needed some time to get used to the new things, however the staff members from then trained me well and I started to trust myself more, initiating myself, which I don’t want to say, this thing replacing the casual “welcome” with a joke that always amused us, me and my mates.


Why did you quit being a leader? You couldn’t deal with all the responsabilities at that time or you considered that someone else can atke your place and do a better work?


Sadly, I had to quit the leader, because I couldn’t deal with two functions in the same time, I had to pick one of the two, of course I picked the admin function on RPG2, which I still have right now.


Slowly, you’ve been promoted till the forth level of the admin function. Which was your reaction in that moment? Did you feel appreciated?


Of course, knowing that someone appreciates your work, you feel better and better, especially when your work is appreciated by the server owner, but the players too, of course.


In all your time spent as an admin, did you ever feel cheated?


There were some moments, but I got over them, learning each time something new from them, some things that are useful to me even now, in game and in real life too.


What do you think about Kelton managing the secondary server? How are the updates made by him so far?

Surely the arrival of Kelton on the secondary server was a positive thing. His ideas, but also his mindset increased the server quality, bringing modifications to the smallest things, the server becomiing even better from each perspective.


Do you think one ex administrator of the secondary server was better than another?


I don’t have the right to decide that, I think that every administrator did all they could for the server to grow, not too much, we can’t critique their work at all.


What do you think about the scripting team, Mastertrap21 and KillerFish?


Till now, their collaboration has been perfect, the result increasing the number of players in a short amount of time, but also the ideas added by the two. I have to congratulate them for the work they’re doing, but also for their great ideas.


What kind of activities have been hosted on the secondary server throughout 1-6 September, considering we’ve been celebrating the community foundation days?


Besides the Trivia event and the hearts one, we thought about some events that are interactive, where all the players could participate, having fun while also being competitive, since everyone wanted to win. Events like “Last Hely Standing”, “Protect the V.I.P” and also “First with G”, these being the bigger events happening back then.


Do you think you’ve reached the limit of your career or you want more?


No, I can’t say this is the maximum that I can reach, I think that by working more and more I can get even further, no one knows what will happen in the future, I’ll keep working like I did so far, but I’ll try to modify my behavior and my way of working too.


What details can you give me about the duties of a level 4 admin on RPG2?


A lot of people think that if you get to this level, you start to be lazy and do nothing, well, it’s not like that, the hard work begins with level 3 admin. At level 4 admin, I can say that a day when you didn’t reply to the complaints or when you didn’t watch the leaders (without them knowing) is a wasted day, these two find only two activities from the wide range of activities that must be done by level 4 admins.


Not long ago, RPG2 reached a new record of online players, about 600. How did you feel back then, knowing that you, the staff, contributed to this big number of players?


I must say yes, we also contributed in our way in reaching this number of players, however, we all knew we could get more. This growth happened because of Mastertrap21 and KillerFish, who came with all the ideas that we see today on our servers and also Kelton who reorganized the whole server, the result being, reaching this big number of players in only two years from opening. What did I feel? Maybe we’ve all been surprised by the number of players, the number growing all of a sudden from 400 to 500-550, we’re happy anyway for getting here, but also impatient to see how far we can get, talking about the player count.


How do you think our SA:MP servers will be in about a year?


It’s kinda difficult to say, we don’t know what awaits us in the future, probably new ideas that will make the game even more interactive and fun. I’m sure about a thing, that the number of players will keep growing.


Do you think that you’re ready to take the lead of the secondary server?


I could say yes just to boast about it a little, but honestly I don’t consider myself ready for such a thing, even though I’m old here I know I’m not prepared, maybe in the future I’ll be able to learn all the “secrets” of this game and be ready 100%, but for now I don’t consider myself ready.


What’s your opinion on the new system of selecting leaders, talking about the applications?


It’s a good idea, every player who fulfills the requirements can apply, having equal chances as every other competitor. This idea, honestly, should’ve been added long ago, but it’s better later than never.


Do you think better leaders will be selected, considering that anyone that has experience in that faction can apply?


Of course, not only better leaders, but more active and more prepared for this function. Many want to become leaders, but a few are actually prepared for having such a function, you don’t need only activity, but experience, seriosity and a good sense of humor, without these you can’t be a leader.


What do you think about the new updates?


I can’t really classify updates. Each of them has a reason, even if they only modify a faction or the whole server, each has a reason behind it, one good reason, a main objective which was increasing the player base. In conclusion, I can’t really tell my opinion about these new updates, I’m not worthy to critique, Mastertrap21, KillerFish and Kelton know what’s the best for our servers.


Did you ever thought about moving back to the main server?


There have been some moments when I’ve decided to log in there as well, but I never thought about starting to play on it once again, I considered that I had no reason to do so, since I started my career, a slow career, but a safe one on the secondary server.


Did you ever think about leaving this community?


Till today, no, and I’m happy about this. If my free time allows me to stay in this community, I have no reason to quit, but who knows in the future, I hope it won’t come to this.


Considering you’re a player with a lot of experience, what advice can you give to those who want to get in the eyes of the people?


I can’t say too many things about the ways that can get you noted, each player is free to choose the path they want to follow, the easiest one or the best one. The easy one is, obviously, easy to set up if you have a good mentality and you start playing fair, to get noted for the good things that you do, at events, at activities and for the time you spend in factions, these things considered by some people “little things” can send people on their way to the leader, helper or admin function. All I can say is they should play the way they think is the best, but they should think a lot before taking any action, if it could affect their future or not, of course if they are interested in getting a function, even though many do but don’t admit it.


I’d like to thank you once more for accepting my invitation! I wish you the best in your career!


I’d like to thank you too for this invitation. Good luck to you too, and to all the players, stay with us, with our community. Don’t forget, have fun, but think a lot if it’s a good thing what you’re planning to do.


This was my interview with NokS, we are waiting for your opinions!




Thanks to Plutonium for the english translation.

Edited by sRn
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Bune întrebări, bune raspunsuri. Felicitări sRn pentru acest interviu și NokS ai respectul meu pentru munca depusă pentru RPG 2! Mă pot regăsi acolo undeva în vorbele tale la început.


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