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[SOLVED] People Disrespecting Countries ( In-Game )


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                                                                                       English Version #1

Hello, I Made This Topic Because People Are Saying 'Terrorist' To People Belonging From ' Pakistan-India ' i Just wanted To say, Stop This. I never Disrespected Romania Or Abused Them.

I want That Kelton To Stop It. 

                                                                                       Romania Version #2


Bună ziua, am făcut acest subiect pentru că oamenii spun "terorist" persoanelor care aparțin din "Pakistan-India", am vrut doar să spun, Stop This. Nu am niciodată disrespectat România sau le-am abuzat. Vreau ca Kelton să o oprească.

                        ( Guyz I am Sorry If The Version #2 Has Some Mistakes Because i Recently did this from google Translate )

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That's right, not only Pakistan-India, also Jewishs, Muslims, and everyone else who are not romanians. They laugh on us because who are we, in racism way and I don't understand @Kelton / @Odin / @Bobo Why you don't make harder punishment for racism? a Warn won't stop this ! 

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7 hours ago, DraGonSoul Rpg2 said:

Hello, I Made This Topic Because People Are Saying 'Terrorist' To People Belonging From ' Pakistan-India ' i Just wanted To say, Stop This. I never Disrespected Romania Or Abused Them.

I want That Kelton To Stop It.

I see this year that many players here call "taliban" any foreigner, even french or brittish players, not only indians, pakistans or others. Try to ignore them because they are only idiots. They don't even know what "taliban" means. They heard it once and take it like this, without trying to discover the real meaning. I'm sorry I share my citizenship with so many idiots and that you all are treated like this. I give you an advice. Next time a romanian call you taliban or terrorist, call him poor and gypsy. That's how western europeans call us anytime and they will certainly don't like it.

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55 minutes ago, Kelton said:

Because racism has nothing to do with our culture. It is more like stupidity from children than racism, as most players who do this are minors :)

yes realy kelton he is serieus what he said.

they all time tell us that we are talibans at first am thiking that they juke cuz we play good or something but after.

some one gave me contra on my clan aplication and he block me from skype and he put me in ignore list cuz he saw that am from tunisia.

realy ? those kids.

please try to find solution example : punishment with warning for all who say taliban. or rasism

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2 hours ago, Juve said:

Next time a romanian call you taliban or terrorist, call him poor and gypsy. That's how western europeans call us anytime and they will certainly don't like it.


It's needed to stop all this bullying, not to switch victims alright? It's either all of them allowed or none of them.

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1 minute ago, Covrigel said:


It's needed to stop all this bullying, not to switch victims alright? It's either all of them allowed or none of them.

True, it will just cause more troubles

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9 hours ago, GrayWolf said:

That's right, not only Pakistan-India, also Jewishs, Muslims, and everyone else who are not romanians. They laugh on us because who are we, in racism way and I don't understand @Kelton / @Odin / @Bobo Why you don't make harder punishment for racism? a Warn won't stop this ! 

 Pakistan-India- and Tunisia and Morroco also as you know many tunisian and marocan players on the server STOP  that @Bobo and @Kelton !

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20 minutes ago, Covrigel said:


It's needed to stop all this bullying, not to switch victims alright? It's either all of them allowed or none of them.

Cui pe cui se scoate. Ar trebui sa vada si ei cum e ca mai apoi sa realizeze cum ii fac pe altii sa se simta.

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Just now, Juve said:

Cui pe cui se scoate. Ar trebui sa vada si ei cum e ca mai apoi sa realizeze cum ii fac pe altii sa se simta.

Sau sa reactioneze matur si sa ignore?

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It's very sad that this is happening. In my opinion, everyone should be equal. Romania it's a horrible country seen by many people, but these which are making fun of the foreigners are making Romania even worse. 

Yea, I am from Romania, but I respect the foreigners because they got beautiful traditions, dishes of food and the most, they love their country and don't make fun of others just for their amusement. #respect

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53 minutes ago, Victory oRoxii said:

It's very sad that this is happening. In my opinion, everyone should be equal. Romania it's a horrible country seen by many people, but these which are making fun of the foreigners are making Romania even worse. 

Yea, I am from Romania, but I respect the foreigners because they got beautiful traditions, dishes of food and the most, they love their country and don't make fun of others just for their amusement. #respect

I really love your opinion! It's not that Romanian's Are worse Just 20% out of 100 Are Stupids.

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1 hour ago, Victory oRoxii said:

t's very sad that this is happening. In my opinion, everyone should be equal. Romania it's a horrible country seen by many people, but these which are making fun of the foreigners are making Romania even worse. 

Yea, I am from Romania, but I respect the foreigners because they got beautiful traditions, dishes of food and the most, they love their country and don't make fun of others just for their amusement. #respect

Thanks! And I am Appreciated :) 



13 hours ago, DraGonSoul Rpg2 said:

                                                                                       English Version #1

Hello, I Made This Topic Because People Are Saying 'Terrorist' To People Belonging From ' Pakistan-India ' i Just wanted To say, Stop This. I never Disrespected Romania Or Abused Them.

I want That Kelton To Stop It. 

Nice That you make this topic :) i am appreciated....because you are right.

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6 hours ago, Kelton said:

Because racism has nothing to do with our culture. It is more like stupidity from children than racism, as most players who do this are minors :)

He almost answered y'all with this reply . 

We're different from each other some of us learnt how to live togethere and the others didn't accept this idea .Even me , i have some hate for the Jewish because of the war thing on "Palistin" but i m dealing with it . 

The proverb says : the trains are passing and the cats are moaing 

My advice is to win their love by helping them or making a relationship . In the end it's a romanian server .


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10 minutes ago, S E T H said:

Ye we know that its a romanian server but they should respect Muslims and other religions person

And then what ? 

Nothing will change in the end . 

New players will start playing and will keep doing the same thing over and over again .

U're Muslim right ? If you're then you know that you need to forget and to forgive people arround you . Whatever they said and whatever they did. 

Just try to live with it . Show them respect and trust  me they will be obliged to respect you back no matter their age or their religion .

Take graywolf for example ' , i asked him Politely to do not talk with me again and he didn't because he respected my opinion .

Thanks graywolf . :)

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all i can say is.. that...

no matter in what country. what religion what tradition whatever they are.. is... the only thing we need to have is.. respect. and yeah.. respect each other and be matured enough to live with it.

if someone insults u with those kinds of words without even them knowing it. or something like it.. well its up to you weather to argue back or just ignore what im trying to say here is to be matured

and just ignore them.. they will get tired of insulting or saying something like that to you.. soon.. just /ignore and leave them.. 

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1 hour ago, Mushroom said:

And then what ? 

Nothing will change in the end . 

New players will start playing and will keep doing the same thing over and over again .

U're Muslim right ? If you're then you know that you need to forget and to forgive people arround you . Whatever they said and whatever they did. 

Just try to live with it . Show them respect and trust  me they will be obliged to respect you back no matter their age or their religion .

Take graywolf for example ' , i asked him Politely to do not talk with me again and he didn't because he respected my opinion .

Thanks graywolf . :)

:) Appreciated :) I understand that what you wanna to say :) thanks by the way for this opinion 

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Just now, Juve said:

Sunt unele subiecte sensibile precum rasismul peste care nu poti trece cu vederea.

Nu ai inteles, nu-ti faci singur justitie aruncand cu cuvinte in cazul unui subiect asa sensibil.

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Helloooooo Bzone.

What's up.


My EN friends, be calm guys. 

Isn't the matter of saying "Terriost" to Indians or Pakistanis.


Actaully, Most of the RO people don't like English language, English people. As so as in game, That people don't like the one who speaks in English (English players.)

and Also, Most of the them are racist. Sooo, Let them bark, Live your life, Enjoy the game.


Recent ex: A player called me asked "I want to join your faction" (IN RO), I simply asked him "Do you can speak in English".. 

His reply was soo awesome "FUCK.OFF YOU FKING ENGLISH PLAYERS" =))


Sooo, I report him ? Nah, I am not gonna waste my time for that. (Because, You are not gonna get Justice)


5 hours ago, Duntex said:

I dont hate Indians. :) I like and I respect people be like @Khalsa Ji :) 

I do appreciate the people who respect me, I do respect them tooo.


But, I don't give a Fk to haters. Haters gonna hate.


A SUGGESTION: if they tease you (Vulgar or anything.) in their language, Use your language to tease them. (Our language have power too!!)


Take care, Stay safe.

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