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One Decade Together [RPG Events]


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La multi ani b-zone, in ciuda exploit-ului si a multor alte greutati peste care a trecut serverul, uite ca s-a ajuns si la 10 ani, speram sa se ajunga la mai mult si sa ne bucuram in continuare de cea mai faina comunitate de samp. <:-P Hai cu restart bossilorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !

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2xRP & Level UP

For each payday you’ll recieve 2xRespect Points at the price of one. Also, each 9 hours spent on the server you’ll recieve a Level UP. Use the [/levelup] command to find out when you’re able to advance in level. You can recieve one Level UP per day at most, and the played hours get saved for the next day. Only now you may level up like others do in an year’s time.


We want Level Up also in 2k18 Anniversary events like in previous anniversary events we receive.



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23 minutes ago, Bobo said:

Cand am inceput aceasta nu credeam ca voi reusi vreodata sa ajungem la 10 ani. Meritul va apartine!

Cred ca noi ar trebui sa-ti multumim/sa va multumim pentru munca pe care ai depus-o/ati depus-o in acesti 10 ani pentru a ne oferi noua un joc cat mai relaxant si placut, fara sa platim ceva.  ^_^ 


Nici eu nu am crezut in 2011 cand m-am apucat sa joc pe acest server ca va rezista atat, dar dupa ani si ani uite ca B-zone inca rezista si sper ca va rezista in continuare ! La multi ani, B-ZONE ! #10years

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Felicitări tuturor, la mulți ani, B-Zone!

Sunt mandru ca activez doar aici, e singura comunitate de care m-am atasat la maxim, singura din care am avut foarte multe de invatat. Ma bucur ca fac parte din Zona B!

Multe amintiri frumoase, si relatii de prietenie pe care n-am sa le uit, si la care tin mult, s-au adunat de-alungul anilor, si pentru asta tin sa va multumesc voua, tuturor! Distractie placuta! ?❤

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2 hours ago, RW Akki said:

2xRP & Level UP

For each payday you’ll recieve 2xRespect Points at the price of one. Also, each 9 hours spent on the server you’ll recieve a Level UP. Use the [/levelup] command to find out when you’re able to advance in level. You can recieve one Level UP per day at most, and the played hours get saved for the next day. Only now you may level up like others do in an year’s time.


We want Level Up also in 2k18 Anniversary events like in previous anniversary events we receive.



Font a little bit small please. La mulți ani B-Zone! 

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