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Valentine's Day Quest, Gift, Discounts and War Changes


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menwhile toti pasnicii care nu au avut nici o data peste 20 de zile in mafii spunand ca este un update bine gandit. (proportie 20%)

absolut toti mafiotii(printre care si persoane care joaca de peste 4-5 ani in mafii) spunand ca este un update foarte prost gandit. (proportie 80%)


decizia finala? "atatia oameni au zis ca este un update bine pus la punct, eu zic sa-l implementam"

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33 minutes ago, T e o said:

Ez ?, pai pana acuma se rupea codu pentru orase dar pentru gold nimeni o sa mai joace

I consider gold as a bait for the real aimboters to show up not the other way around. 

Edited by Mushroom
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Just now, Mushroom said:

I consider gold as a bait for the real aimboters to show up not the way around. 

it's not bait man

1 minute ago, Jderuletz said:

menwhile toti pasnicii care nu au avut nici o data peste 20 de zile in mafii spunand ca este un update bine gandit. (proportie 20%)

absolut toti mafiotii(printre care si persoane care joaca de peste 4-5 ani in mafii) spunand ca este un update foarte prost gandit. (proportie 80%)


decizia finala? "atatia oameni au zis ca este un update bine pus la punct, eu zic sa-l implementam"


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sa vezi bait cand o sa fie 300 de clan uri pe server bataie pe turfs si alte cacaturi, multi mai multi codati care trag pentru gold, orice update faceti fara un anti cheat ok nu scapati de codati. Luati exemplu 69 acum. N au nevoie de codati sa tina orasul, doar 14 tec-9 si combat la war is suficiente sa castigi daca scoti c-bugul. Dar oricum, aici au fost mereu promovati pasnicii si PD ul cand de fapt baza serverului au fost mereu mafiile, eu m-am reapucat de samp doar pentru war uri. in 3 ani cat am jucat pe b-zone (2013-2016) n am fost decat in mafii.. https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/faction/George.
Ca acum sa ma duc in mafie sa stiu ca nu mai pot sa castig orasul ca la final de luna ma bat iar pe turfs. E exact cum ti-ai strange bani intr un cont si la final de luna ii cheltui pe toti pe femei droguri si bautura.. Ma rog, sincer sper sa nu se schimbe nimic.

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13 minutes ago, Mushroom said:

add the bit where they got banned for aimbot countless times so u can make it even.

and if you win gold, you think they will don't get banned again? they will got banned, but maybe they will have gold to buy unban at discounts. 


also, 400 gold/month is like 1.5 warn clears, so more gangsters will do c-bug(with cheats obvios). this mean like 1 euro in shop, so just server will lose(incomes and players). this update is good only for peaceful faction members/pd members/hitman members because they don't play in gangs:))


@Mushroom and btw, not only gangsters have cheats:)) look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlVIcX0FQ-Y

Edited by Jderuletz
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20 minutes ago, Jderuletz said:

and if you win gold, you think they will don't get banned again? they will god banned, but maybe they will have gold to buy unban at discounts. 


also, 400 gold/month is like 1.5 warn clears, so more gangsters will do c-bug(with cheats obvios). this mean like 1 euro in shop, so just server will lose(incomes and players). this update is good only for peaceful faction members/pd members/hitman members because they don't play in gangs:))

You are talking as if all the gangs will receive 400 gold each month, Only the top 2 gangs will receive this prize. This reduces the stress admins get. Admins will be able to focus on these top 2 gangs because obviously, they are winning for some reason instead of focusing on countless reports from other gangs. 

This goes with the rule of 10 cheaters = LW, which makes leaders pickier while recruiting their members. 

20 minutes ago, Jderuletz said:

@Mushroom and btw, not only gangsters have cheats:)) look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlVIcX0FQ-Y

You can't compare the use of cheats in robs to the use of cheats in active wars. Trust me I've been there, I know how it feels when you enter the turf and you start getting blasted out of nowhere then rage, then activate smooth/silent slightly so admins don't get you. 

This is not a new thing to me. 

Edited by Mushroom
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am jucat in mafii pe comunitatea asta 4-5 ani si niciodata nu am jucat pentru gold, mafiotii adevarati jucau de distractie, pentru spiritul de a castiga si pentru death-match. 

consider ca nu este un update prea stralucit si ca sezoanele astea ar trebui totusi sa fie mai lungi, macar pe anotimpuri. la un moment dat sa se faca niste statistici ce arata cei mai buni membrii ai fiecarei mafii (cu cel mai mare plus si cele mai multe secunde) si aceea sa fie premiati, nu toti ptc au castigat niste waruri la plesneala. cel mai bun mafiot al lunii sa castige o suma de gold daca tot vreti sa incurajati acest tip de factiune. 

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3 minutes ago, IAWYmernic said:

am jucat in mafii pe comunitatea asta 4-5 ani si niciodata nu am jucat pentru gold, mafiotii adevarati jucau de distractie, pentru spiritul de a castiga si pentru death-match. 

consider ca nu este un update prea stralucit si ca sezoanele astea ar trebui totusi sa fie mai lungi, macar pe anotimpuri. la un moment dat sa se faca niste statistici ce arata cei mai buni membrii ai fiecarei mafii (cu cel mai mare plus si cele mai multe secunde) si aceea sa fie premiati, nu toti ptc au castigat niste waruri la plesneala. cel mai bun mafiot al lunii sa castige o suma de gold daca tot vreti sa incurajati acest tip de factiune. 

Chiar buna idee

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Frumos update-ul.


as dori ceva la wanted. Eventual sa poti face job ilegal ca membru de departament. Vreau sa fac skill 5 la arms si nu pot ca sunt in PD :(

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6 hours ago, FalleN Miau Miau tot ce vr said:


Zice bine @Barowak, hai sa ne batem toti cu bate ca e mai roleplay

Cu poza aia de profil oferi cea mai mare incredere :D  cand "tipi" la noi ! 

Edited by oZZie S4F
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Ce se oftica codatii pe aici, mie mi se pare o idee buna, asa nu vor mai exista mafii de zile si toata lumea va avea mai mult placere la wars. Daca o mafie e plina de codataii si tine 48 de turfuri automat 5 mafii raman la zile si lumea isi pierde interesul, sa vedem ce o sa fie acum la wars. Unii din voi prea mult va dati viata pentru niste patratele pe samp si de asta se aduna asa multi codati. Mergeti la o caterinca cu prietenii sa va distrati nu sa faceti 20 de kill uri cu silentu in blana. 

Edited by RW Pink
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9 hours ago, Mushroom said:

rupi cu codu si ia ban de adminii foarte ez ???

Ce gluma buna=))))

44 minutes ago, RW Pink said:

Ce se oftica codatii pe aici, mie mi se pare o idee buna, asa nu vor mai exista mafii de zile si toata lumea va avea mai mult placere la wars. Daca o mafie e plina de codataii si tine 48 de turfuri automat 5 mafii raman la zile si lumea isi pierde interesul, sa vedem ce o sa fie acum la wars. Unii din voi prea mult va dati viata pentru niste patratele pe samp si de asta se aduna asa multi codati. Mergeti la o caterinca cu prietenii sa va distrati nu sa faceti 20 de kill uri cu silentu in blana. 

Aici e vorba ca se oftica cei curati ca nu vor putea beneficia de nimic, unui codat ii convine treaba asta primeste un premiu ca da pereți 

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11 hours ago, Mushroom said:

I've been reading your reviews lately and I took some of my time to check each and every one of those who were against the Gangs update. I found out that 80 % of those who were against were actually banned for either cheating or breaking the rules such as fast C Bug. It's just obscene to see this number of " cheaters " signing for a petition to remove this update which has a really good potential of reducing the hackers. 

I mean if you look at it logically, the only thing I can think of is that this petition is a desperate move to keep the OLD system which has a lot of flows when it comes to banning, etc...

I've seen a lot of people asking how they can make 72/72 turfs if this update gets implemented. Let me tell you, You can't even do 72/72 with the current Gang system. It is mathematically impossible looking at the odds of the leader getting 10 bans in faction within a month. I'll give a small example such as The ex-leader of Southern Pimps in RPG2. He got 27/27 then got an LW for having more than 13 players banned for cheats, more of these occur so often, Although there are some cases where a leader gets 24/24 without any punishment. This is not due to the fact the gang members are not cheating, this is due to the fact that we have few admins who can't be able to keep an eye on a total of  225 players simultaneously.


Down below, I left the real reason why these players are complaining about this new update.

2.thumb.PNG.cf7986d05bc179d47851f9716d780960.PNG V4

5.thumb.PNG.8451eca9b92c75672a76253be56fc30a.PNG Permanent which means he was banned for cheats before.

3.thumb.PNG.b80d65d5225c3d1dc214b1bc58dac63e.PNG Breaking the rules.



You're funny.

Habar n-am dc ai pus aia ca am fost banat :)))...tu nici nu stii motivul pentru care m-am banat ( Da, am jucat cu cod, care-i problema ? )  vreau sa zic ca acest update este de tot cacatul, de acum liderii o sa-si aduca toti codatii ca sa cucereasca turf-uri si sa primeasca gold, la ce staff incapabil avem pe 2 si cate favorizari sunt, acum o sa fie si mai rau. 

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