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Locatii quest Valentine's Day


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In Los Santos:

1. LS 1. Ocean Docks

2. Parcare HQ Clan EKT ( ID Clan HQ 5)

3. Casa 160

4. Carusel SMB

5. Casa 783.



In Las Venturas


2. Podul de la intersectie LV-LS sub el

3. Casa 744

4. Bone County

5. LV Aeroport


In San Fierro

1. La barcile de la SFSI ( Langa City Hall SF)

2. GSSF (Mai exact langa acel santier in tuburi)

3. Aeroport SF (Mai exact pe Vapor)

4. Spawn SF

5.Restaurant club SF ( Biz 138)

Special Thanks @Aqqua

Special Thanks: @BattlEye

P.S: Folositi [/radar] e mai usor.


Inimi SF https://imgur.com/a/OIila7k 

Inimi LV https://imgur.com/a/wtASeod

Inimi LS https://imgur.com/a/wcbWkAi

Daca v-a fost de ajutor un +1 m-ar ajuta, multumesc!, Spor la Quest.

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