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Social Media | RPG Special events - Ziua națională a României


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Salutare dragi jucatori de SA-MP



Pe 1, 2, 3 si 4 Decembrie 2022, echipa Social Media organizeaza pentru voi cate un eveniment in joc, atat pe RPG1 cat si pe RPG2 la orele 19:00 si 20:00!

Evenimentele se vor organiza dupa cum urmeaza:


01.12.2022 ora 20:00 - Whisper

Primul jucator care va ajunge la organizator si va da pe [/w] textul: "La Multi Ani Romania!", va fi castigator! Fiti atenti la chatul evenimentului [/e] deoarece organizatorul va poate cere sa veniti cu un obiect anume, ca de exemplu o arma, cu o masina anume s.a.m.d.

  • Prize: 50 RP


02.12.2022 ora 20:00 - X/O

Jucatorul care va raspunde corect la toate intrebarile puse de organizator si va ramane ultimul dintre participanti, va fi castigator! Organizatorul va pune intrebari cu raspuns 'DA' sau 'NU' despre locuitorii tarii, date geografice, numar de orase, judete, capitala tarii s.a.m.d.

  • Prize: Job skill UP


03.12.2022 ora 19:00 - Trivia

Cei care ati deschis cartea de istorie macar odata, veti avea sanse egale de a castiga! Organizatorul va pune 10 intrebari pe chatul evenimentului [/e] si jucatorii printr-un SMS organizatorului vor trebui sa raspunda la ele, fiecare raspuns corect va fi premiat cu o suma Gold iar un jucator nu va putea raspunde la mai mult de 2 intrebari, al 3-lea raspuns corect nu va mai fi luat in considerare.

  • Prize: 30 Gold


04.12.2022 ora 19:00 - Protect the VIP

Protejeaza presedintele! Ca fiind ultima zi de evenimente, echipa Social Media va intampina cu un event putin mai dur fata de celelalte unde va trebui sa ajungeti la presedinte, acesta fiind aparat de bodyguarzii lui.

  • Prize: Hidden color



Cu stima si respect, Social Media Team!




Hello dear SA-MP players



On December 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2022, the Social Media team is organize in-game events for you on both RPG1 and RPG2 at 19:00 and 20:00!

The events will be organized as follows:


01.12.2022 at 20:00 - Whisper

The first player to reach the organizer and give on [/w] the text: "La Multi Ani Romania!", will be the winner! Pay attention to the event chat [/e] because the organizer may ask you to come with a specific object, such as a weapon, a specific car, etc.

  • Prize: 50 RP


02.12.2022 at 20:00 - X/O

The player who answers correctly to all the questions asked by the organizer and remains the last among the participants, will be the winner! The organizer will ask questions with a 'YES' or 'NO' answer about the country's inhabitants, geographical data, number of cities, counties, the country's capital, etc.

  • Prize: Job skill UP


03.12.2022 at 19:00 - Trivia

Those who have opened the history book at least once, you will have equal chances to win! The organizer will ask 10 questions on the event chat [/e] and players will have to answer them via SMS to the organizer, each correct answer will be rewarded with an amount of Gold and a player will not be able to answer more than 2 questions, the 3rd correct answer will not be considered.

  • Prize: 30 Gold


04.12.2022 at 19:00 - Protect the VIP

Protect the president! As it is the last day of events, the Social Media team will welcome you with a slightly tougher event than the others where you will have to reach the president, who is guarded by his bodyguards.

  • Prize: Hidden color



With esteem and respect, Social Media Team!

Edited by KOPPEN
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Event #2:
02.12.2022 - X/O
Organizer -> @ KOPPEN
Winner for Job skill UP: StrugurelBBC


Event #3:
03.12.2022 - Trivia
Organizer -> @ KOPPEN
Winner for
30 Gold/ per question:


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Toate premiile au fost acordate, va multumesc tuturor pentru participare si prezenta.

Ne auzim cu alte evenimente din partea echipei Social Media!


Cu stima si respect,





All prizes have been awarded, thank you all for your participation and presence.

We'll hear about other events from the Social Media team!


With esteem and respect,


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