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nu stiu ce e mai rau acest meme sau avatarul cu xxxtentacion tinand o fata in brate avand in vedere controversele legate de violenta sa asupra femeilor3 points
2 points
Regula '1 amenda=1 Avertisment Verbal. Daca acumulati 2 amenzi la o distanta mai mica de 7 zile sunteti sanctionati cu Faction Warn.' din topicul cu amenzi a fost scoasa.2 points
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2 points
Spune-mi si mie care sunt acei băieți ce te-au pus sa postezi aici, o sa am ceva de discutat cu ei.2 points
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1 point
Display Name:Cypzh. Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profil):Avatar Link către ultima cerere făcută (obligatoriu):- Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnătură):- Tema (În caz că nu există o imagine): O imagine cu iluminatii miscatoare(gif) Text:In partea de sus sa scrie ''Cypzh.'', iar undeva jos sa scrie ''RPG2 Helper''. Dimensiuni: 150x300 Alte precizări: Multumesc pentru munca depusa!1 point
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1 point
Nu am mai trecut de ceva timp prin această secțiune, însă apreciez o persoană care duce lipsa unei perioade apuse mult mai bună.1 point
da stiu ca e demodat sa faci meme-uri cu fnz dar e asa la bengleala pus pe discord, le-a placut baietilor @FnZo sa-ti placa si tie1 point
1 point
Apreciati si voi munca omului ba, tot sariti rpd cu gura, sa va vad pe voi cum pictati in paint.. P.S: Pe bune acum ca nu trebuia sa postezi aici Ce e asta frate?1 point
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De ce esti tu primul pe pagina ....? Bine, tu ?1 point
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@Bestialu@LORD AzoG @wicKed47H @AlyN Beleaua69 ZEW Daca nu-mi dati follow eu imi dau demisia.1 point
1 point
Felicitari pentru astazi baieti, pentru maine avem un singur atac deoarece siteul RPG a mers in carje si lua refresh la 1-2 minute, ne vedem maine.1 point
Da a fost destul de trist. @Ivascuatunci bine ai venit sau bine am venit eu depinde de cat timp joci pe cont1 point
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Nick:[ESU]ToNy Data: 01.05.2018 Rank:2 Am sanctionat pe (Nickname sau bara rpg): Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/vZkoENv Amenda pentru: Suspend carnet Alte precizari: 01 point
Ce aveți cu Sex Shop-ul? Când o să vă faceți prietene le invitați acolo Bug Developer* Off-topic: îmi place avatarul tău, RIP Avicii1 point
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1 point
Display Name : Smailykes Nume anterioare pe forum : Smilee, Alin S. Numărul de post-uri : 575+ De ce dorești funcția de designer ( Minim 10 cuvinte) : Vreau să obțin această funcție de mult timp, consider că mi se potriveşte acest domeniu, al Photoshop-ului şi să ajut la dezvoltarea acestei secţiuni şi persoanele care au nevoie de creaţii. Crezi că ai timpul necesar pentru a te ocupa de cereriile membriilor în fiecare zi? : Sigur că da, am destul timp. Ce te deosebește de un alt membru care dorește funcția aceasta? : Experiența pe care o am şi imaginaţia. Experiența ta în photoshop : Peste 3 ani. Link către portofoliul tău (obligatoriu) : [ArtWork]Alin S. Link către activitatea ta: Sunt destul de multe, se pot vedea pe profilul meu, https://forum.b-zone.ro/profile/145961-smailykes/1 point
Se recrutează doi designeri. Rog a citi primul post al acestei pagini!1 point
1. Incepand cu data de 30.04.2018 rapoartele vor deveni din nou obligatorii, dar INJUMATATITE ! Prin urmare, fiecare membru va trebui sa isi faca jumatate +1 din raport. *Daca sunteti helperi sau admini, va faceti jumatate +1 din raportul vostru. 2. In alta ordine de idei, regula cu cele 20 de ore pe care trebuia sa le jucati lunar a fost modificata: Membrii care nu acumuleaza intr-o luna de zile minim 5 ore jucate, vor fi considerati inactivi (demitere rank 1, rank down rank 2+) *Nota: Indiferent daca au avut sau nu cerere de inactivitate. 3. Concursurile "The Silent One", "The Fastest One" si "Agent of the Month" au fost redeschise, acestea avand un noi premii: 250.000$, respectiv 500.000$1 point
Pai dam attack Duminica seara #First on page Saau nu1 point
1 point
Si dupa o sa ne numim BSB (Black Street Bloods)1 point
Organizator: Robertw0w.FAKETAXI Rank: 4 Activitate: Duele 1v1 cu Deagle. Dată: 25.04.2018 Membrii prezenți: KevLar, Roberte.N00Bul, .Sarah., Roice95, Skelleton, _D@NY_., Furio[Legend], Master.Claudiu08, Haos.V3, HumDrumMinaj. Membrii învoiți (doar la cele anunțate): - Membrii absenți (doar la cele anunțate): - Poze: https://imgur.com/a/3h7Gp4Y Alte precizări: KevLar a castigat activitatea si tot odata suma de 100,000$. Felicitari! Va multumesc pentru participare.1 point
Organizator:PriseJderul Rank:4 Activitate:LMS Dată:23.04.2018 Membrii prezenți:Skellton,Panda245,dani0wn,G[a]by,Haos,Colcear_David. Membrii învoiți (doar la cele anunțate):- Membrii absenți (doar la cele anunțate):- Poze:https://imgur.com/a/J4syRGx Alte precizări:Le multumesc celor prezenti si va astept si data viitoare.Activitatea a fost castigata de Skellton care si a primit banii.1 point
Internal Rules Los Santos Police Department is a police department located in Los Santos that deals with processing criminals, materials confiscating, drugs, licenses and road trafic. 1. General internal rules 1.01. You are forced to respect Server Rules, Departments General Rules, Internal Rules, and also all others rules established by leader or subleader. 1.02. In the absence of the leader you are obliged to listen to a subleader. If the subleader is not online, then you are obliged to listen to the highest rank online. 1.03. For concerns, proposals or problems you will announce the leader or subleader. 1.04. The request for Rank Up or FW Clear are allowed, but not in a abusive way, spamming the leader (punishment: Faction Warn) 1.05. You are not allowed to go On Duty at poker or dice (punishment: Faction Warn) 1.06. All members of the departments must use [/timestamp] (punishment: Verbal Warning first offence, Faction Warn to the following) 1.07. You can talk freely on the /d departments chat after 23:00 until 08:00 AM, anyone who speaks or makes fun outside the specified hours will be sanctioned (punishment: Verbal Warning) 1.08. Is forbidden to use goods from faction safebox in personal use. These goods are for reward members at certain activities/events (punishment: Faction Warn first offence, Dismissal if continued) 1.09. LSPD/SFPD/LVPD members are not allowed to use [/frisk] in jail (punishment: Faction Warn). 1.10. Routine checks and drugs confiscating can be made only by members with Rank 2+. 1.11. It is forbidden to use the mod that types [/frisk], [/confiscate] and [/su] at the same time (punishment: Faction Warn). 1.12. The minimum interval between two government announcements [/gov] is 15 minutes, regardless of department. (punishment: Faction Warn). 1.13. Having multiple accounts in the same faction type at the same time is forbidden. Example: You're not allowed to have an account in LVPD and another one in LSPD / SFPD / FBI / NG, only one account in one department (punishment: Dismissal) If 2 players share the same IP but are not the same person (ex: 2 siblings, a couple) you must make a ticket to receive permission from an admin 4+. 2. Behaviour and Language 2.01. Serious sanctions for negative generalizations refering to another department will be given. Departments must be united. Those who are looking for a fight do not deserve to remain in them. 2.02. Department members are not allowed to disconnect from the game (/q) when they have in custody a suspect (punishment: Faction Warn) All the rules mentioned in Departments General Rules will be applied. Click 3. Meetings, trainings and activities 3.01. Who is late at meeting or training will go in Armoury / Meetings room / Training room without making noise on chat or on [/r]. 3.02. If you are late at training/activity/meeting you can join in the first 10 minutes, and you will be punished with Verbal Warning. If you come after 10 minutes, the punishment is Faction Warn and you are kicked out from training/activity/meeting. 3.03. During the meetings, trainings or activities you will turn off the phone and listen to leader or subleader untill them will let you talk (punishment: Faction Warn) 3.04. Who speaks without permission at meetings, trainings or activities or disturbing them will pe punished with Verbal Warning at first offence, and Faction Warn to the following + excluding from activity. 3.05. A Pass request for an activity must be posted to the forum topic at least 15 minutes before the activity begins. Otherwise, the request will not be taken into account and your presence at the activity remains mandatory. 4. Roads & SWAT teams 4.01. Respect the team you have been assigned. 4.02. A Roads team member is not allowed to use the personal car to chase / ambush / others connected to work, regardless the rank (punishment: Faction Warn) 4.03. A Roads team member is allowed to arrest only the suspects whose wanted was given by them. At the same time, they can kill the suspects that attacks them (punishment: Faction Warn) 4.04. You are not allowed to start radar / confiscate licenses / give fines with personal car (punishment: Faction Warn) 4.05. When you are changing the team from SWAT to Roads or from Roads to SWAT by making an application on the forum you are obliged to do the activity report on the current week according to your new team. 4.06. A member from SWAT have the right to perform activity report only from their category, and a member from Roads team only points that belongs to them (exception rank 4+) (punishment: Faction Warn) (!)Those from Roads team can kill suspects with wanted who attacked them, can give wanted to those who attack them and can arrest suspects whose wanted is given by them. 4.07. Any member with rank 4+ will pe part of SWAT team. 4.08. Members from Roads Team have the right to use [/frisk] on drivers, to check their alchool level. 5. Summoning players 5.01. Is forbidden for a cop to call the suspect to ask him if it is surrendering (punishment: Faction Warn) 5.02. The cop is obliged when summon a suspect to make sure that he was near enough to the suspect that can see the summon and to summon enough times. 5.03. The minimum number of summons is 3, and the maxim value is 5 (punishment: Verbal Warning first offence, Faction Warn to the following) 5.04. Before punishing with wanted a player he must be summoned at least 3 times (in a time interval of maximum 5 minutes from the first summon), and if the player stands still you have to wait 30 seconds before punishing him (punishment: Faction Warn) 5.05. Before killing a player with wanted who has right to surrender must to be summoned at least 3 times to surrender (in a time interval of maximum 5 minutes from the first summon), and if the player is not moving you need to wait at least 30 seconds before you can kill him (punishment: Faction Warn) 5.06. When a player enters on Governmentan territory must to be summoned using [/m], summons who are not given using [/m] are not valid (punishment: Faction Warn) 6. Treatment & arresting suspects 6.01. Is forbidden to confiscate weapons from a suspect without right to surrender (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.02. Is forbidden to confiscate weapons from a player who is in HQ or in HQ yard, if he doesn't attack you or using weapons to attack other players (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.03. You are allowed to confiscate weapons from a player with right to surrender if he keep the weapons visible or is attacking other players. 6.04. To give a player wanted 1 "Stealing", he needs to steal your car at least 2 times. This rule applies only in case of department cars (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.05. To give wanted 3 "Cop attack" to a player, he must attack you with fists at least 4 times or to shot you with a weapon (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.06. In case you are attacked or killed by a suspect, regardless of your location (Jail/HQ/Garage/Another zone), the suspect will receive Wanted 3 - Attack cop, respectively Wanted 5 - Cop kill. 6.07. Only members with rank 3+ are allowed to arrest suspects, perform routine checks (/frisk) and go after suspects without right to surrender using a personal vehicle (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.08. The driver of a vehicle with a wanted suspect will not be summoned, but only the wanted suspect will be summoned. If the driver does not stop when the suspect is being summoned, he risks to receive Wanted for "Accomplice" without any other summons. 6.09. Accomplice / Runner / Disobeying orders / Cop Attack - these measures are applied based only on video evidence. Lack of evidence is punished with Faction Warn. 6.10. Members of the departments are not allowed to use intentionally the assistance of civilians in pursuing a suspect with or without Wanted (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.11. It is forbidden to confiscate a suspect's weapons if he is in the clan zone, except when the player does not have a clan (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.12. Is considered illegal parking when a player is standing on the road with an aircraft (Plane/Helicopter) more than 1 minute, disturbing so the other players (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.13. Members are allowed to use National Guard aircrafts (Hydra/Hunter/Rustler) for aerial suspects or suspects without the right to surrender who are on top of buildings that can be reached only with a parachute (punishment: Faction Warn) Members that open fire without reason towards vehicles or players with wanted that are on the ground risk being Ranked Down. 6.14. Is forbidden to give wanted (or any other punishments / fines / confiscate / etc) when the player is in any arena (paintball, gungame, war arena, racing arena, last car standing) (punishment: Faction Warn, for each sanction given) 6.15. Is forbidden to add on Blacklist a player who did DeathMatch to you (punishment: Faction Warn first offence, Rank Down to the following) 6.16. You can use [/su] to sanction a player in case you were Off Duty and he did Deathmatch on you, in first 5 minutes after the crime was committed (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.17. Is forbidden to use [/frisk] on members of other factions if they are near an HQ. Exception: When the player runs towards the HQ and you have proofs (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.18. You are not allowed to stop for routine check players that works at legal jobs. You can stop them if they have wanted or they violated the driving rules (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.19. Giving the Wanted for "Prank Call" will be done only by the first person who uses the expression "Acord apel" on [/d] (punishment: Verbal Warning first offence, Faction Warn to the following) (!)Who is not using this expression and give or intervenes over another person who announced first will be punished (punishment: Verbal Warning first offence, Faction Warn to the following) 6.20. Is forbidden to use [/confiscate] on a player which is dead (in process to respawn). Cops must go to Jail after the suspect to confiscate the drugs/driving license (punishment: Verbal Warning first offence, Faction Warn to the following) 6.21. Is forbidden to steal the suspect from another cop, the suspect must surrender to the first cop who give [/ms] (punishment: Faction Warn) In case the suspect does not want to leave the car, you need to use [/eject] and give the suspect to the cop who give first [/ms]. In case the suspect is not surrendering to the cop who give him first [/ms], he can be killed. 6.22. You have the right to have maximum 1 suspect with [/cuff] in your police car / personal car. You can pick another suspect if is near or in your way to the [/arrest] point. Don't run after suspects when you have already one in your custody (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.23. When you have a suspect with [/cuff] you must take him to the nearest point of [/arrest] in the shortest time possible (punishment: Verbal Warning first offence, Faction Warn to the following) 6.24. In case you are chasing a suspect with Wanted with right to surrender and he stole your car and run away, you can give Wanted 6 "Runner" if you gave him at least 1 summon. this rule is available only in case of personal vehicles, because when the suspect stole a police car, he receive wanted without right to surrender. 6.25. In case you rob a Bunker when you use the "Resupply" system, you are not allowed to give Wanted for "Cop Attack" to the owner defending himself. Also, you are allowed to do DeathMatch on the owner if he attacks you and if your Bunker is robbed, you can defend yourself. When you are defending yourself, you need to be Off Duty. For failure to comply this stipulations you will be punished with Faction Warn. 6.26. If a player is announced that will be made a routine check, and he run away on foot and you give them at least 1 warning with [/ms] you can use [/tazer] on him maximum 3 times (punishment: Faction Warn) 6.27. When you use [/clear] WANTED a wrongfully sanctioned SUSPECT, you have an obligation to notify [/d] before or after a good reason why you did so. [Sanction: Verbal Warning first offence, Faction Warn for subsequent offences] 6.28. To give a player Wanted 4 "Drive-By", they have to hit your vehicle on purpose and multiple times with their vehicle to create damage. (punishment: Faction Warn) - If you are on foot (On-duty) and you are attacked multiple times or killed by a player using a vehicle, you can sanction them with Wanted 4 "Drive by". (punishment: Faction Warn) Remarks: - If the suspect does not answer when is asked if he is surrendering, then the cop is allowed (only) to kill him. - If the suspect says he is not surrendering, then the cop is allowed (only) to kill him. - If the suspect says he is surrendering and then try to escape on foot, then the cop is allowed (only) to kill him. - If the suspect says initially that he is not surrendering or running away from the cop, then reconsidering and want to surrender, the cop is allowed (only) to kill him. - If the suspect says he is surrendering and then attacks the cop, then the cop is allowed (only) to kill him. - If the suspect says he is not surrendering and running away with a vehicle, then the cop has the right to give him wanted for Runner. - If the suspect does not answer when asked if he is surrendering and running away with a vehicle, then the cop has the right to give him wanted for Runner. - If the suspect says he is surrendering and then he's running away with a vehicle, then the cop has the right to give him wanted for Runner. - If the suspect kills a cop, then he will get wanted for "Cop Kill" without the right to surrender. - If the suspect has wanted (1+) and attacks a cop, then he will get killed. Careful! Suspect (in this case) = any civilian with wanted 1+. Careful! If a suspect is AFK (on ESC), the cop will notify on [/d] that the player is AFK. 3 minutes after the announcement, the cop has the right to kill the suspect. 7. Radar 7.01. Players who overpass the speed limit with 1-2 km/h do not receive penalty (punishment: Faction Warn) 7.02. Do not place the radar while moving, police vehicles must be parked when you put the radar. 7.03. Driving license will be confiscated for speeding over 50 km/h only to players with level 7+ (punishment: Faction Warn) 7.04. Placing the radar in a different city from your HQ can be done only if the member makes sure that there is no other colleague in that area and then announces it on the department chat [/d] (punishment: Verbal Warning) 7.05. Placing the radar in Marina and Market zones is forbidden because they are too close from other radar places (punishment: Faction Warn) Examples: - If the player passes with 101-102 km/h when the limit is 100 km/h, then the player does not receive the penalty If the player passes with 151-152 km/h when the limit is 100 km/h, then the player receives only a fine (speeding under 50km/h) - If the player passes with 158 km/h when the limit is 100 km/h, then he will remain without driving license for 1 hour and will receive a fine (speeding over 50km/h) - If the player passes with 201-202 km/h when the limit is 100 km/h, then he will remain without driving license for 1 hour and will receive a fine (speeding over 50km/h) - If the player passes over 203 km/h when the limit is 100 km/h, then he will remain without driving license for 2 hours and will receive a fine (speeding over 50km/h) 8. Irregular driving 8.01. Is considered Irregular Driving when the player is driving fully on the other side of the road for at least 5 seconds. It is considered also Irregular Driving when the player is using grass, sand or another things, in crowded areas (for at least 5 seconds) for having an excuse for not driving on the correct side of the road. Examples of crowded zones: click - to punish a player for Irregular Driving you must have video proofs. - applying the wrong sanction or without video proof is punished with Faction Warn. 8.02. It is considered regular driving when the car is fully on its own lane or even when it passes very little on the opposite side of the road. 8.03. It is considered regular driving when it cuts the bands at an angle of 90 degrees. 8.04. When confiscating a license, you must specify the reason you are taking it for (punishment: Faction Warn) 8.05. To confiscate a driving license, the player you confiscate it from must have level 7+ (punishment: Faction Warn) 8.06. You are not allowed to confiscate the driving license if the player is AFK or on [/sleep], but you are allowed to confiscate the driving license if the player goes AFK on purpose in front of you (you must have video proof) (punishment: Faction Warn) You are not allowed to confiscate the driving license as well as giving ticket for: Illegal Driving or Breaking Speed Limit to a player who has wanted without the right to surrender. -- you can confiscate the driving license when the player is in Jail (without ticket) or you can give all the punishments what is required when he left the Jail -- if you confiscate the license in Jail, the player must not to be AFK (with or without ESC) -- for non-compliance the rules above you will be punished with Faction Warn. 9. Parking 9.01. It is considered an irregular parking when the player leaves the car with most of its surface on the road to confuse the traffic. 9.02. It is considered an irregular parking when the player is in the car and stays on the road for more than a minute, to confuse the traffic. 9.03. It is considered a regular parking when the vehicle stops 80% or more by the sidewalk or other specially arranged place. As long as they are not on the road and do not confuse the traffic, it can be considered a regular parking. 10. Department Vehicles 10.01. You are allowed to disobey driving rules with department cars if you have the beacon on (punishment: Internal Fine first offence, Verbal Warning to the following) 10.02. You are not allowed to use Hydraulics and NOS, both on police cars or on personal / civilian cars (punishment: Internal Fine first offence, Verbal Warning to the following) 10.03. The only changes allowed to police cars are the change of wheels and color. Any other changes are not allowed (punishment: Verbal Warning) Police Car - Rank 0 - 23 vehicles HPV1000 - Rank 0 - 8 vehicles Predator - Rank 0 - 2 vehicles Police Ranger - Rank 2 - 5 vehicles Infernus - Rank 3 - 5 vehicles NRG-500 - Rank 3 - 3 vehicles Police Maverick - Rank 2 - 1 helicopter Enforcer - Rank 4 - 3 vehicles 11. Using the beacon 11.01. You can use the beacon and sound semnals on any police vehicle (rank 0+, ROADS/SWAT team) and on any personal vehicle (rank 3+, SWAT team)(punishment: Faction Warn) 11.02. Is considered driving in priority regime when you have the beacon and the sound semnals on. When you are driving in priority regime you can break the driving rules. 12. Treatment of department members 12.01. Police Department members if caught breaking the driving rules with a civilian car without any suspects without the right to surrender on the list will be sanctioned (punishment: Internal Fine first offence, Verbal Warning to the following) 12.02. It is allowed to use the [/frisk] command on colleagues only if you have Rank 5+. If you have a lower rank and think that a colleague owns illegal items, report a PM to the leader. It is forbidden to use the command on the leader or subleader (punishment: Faction Warn) 12.03. DeathMatch or Drive-By on colleagues is not allowed, without a good reason. (punishment: Faction Warn) 12.04. The leader may reserve the right to dismiss members of the faction who do not make sufficient contributions to that faction (they are not active enough, always make minimal reports, keep making inactivity requests, etc) 13. Accept lawyers 13.01. Rank 3+ members can sell accept lawyers to lawyers, giving so their consent in order to some players from jail. 13.02. There is no universal price for [/lawyer], but each will negotiate with the buyer their own price, within the limits set by the script. 13.03. An accept lawyer is the equivalent of 15 acceptance points, which are received on each PayDay. 14. Jobs 14.01. You can have any legal job, without Lawyer. 14.02. Possession of materials or drugs is not allowed (punishment: Faction Warn) 14.03. It is forbidden to work on a job while you are ON Duty (exception: with the consent of the leader / admin 4+, for a limited time) (punishment: Faction Warn) 15. Testing those accepted 15.01. It is done by testers using the questions and respecting the rules imposed by the leader / subleaders in the specific PM. 15.02. After taking the test, the candidate does not receive rank 1, but remains rank 0, following a tester or the leader to promote / dismiss him. 15.03. Posting in the topic specific to the test record is mandatory. Whoever does not post within a maximum of 48 hours from the moment of taking the test is sanctioned (punishment: Faction Warn) 15.04. Testers who defraud the test are sanctioned (punishment: Dismissal) 15.05. In the practical test, the responsibility for photo / video records rests with the candidate, the tester not being required to have evidence. 15.06. The tester function is a privilege offered by the faction leader and can be withdrawn whenever the tester is not doing a well job. 15.07. Candidates are not allowed to do faction activity as long as they are rank 0 (except for the practical test taken with the tester) (punishment: Test Failed) 15.08. Any mistake of the candidates during the period they are rank 0 is punished (punishment: Test Failed) 16. Blacklist The rules for the Blacklist can be found in Departments General Rules Click 17. Monthly activity of members At the beginning of each month subleaders / leader post members's [/goldaward] hours statistic for the previous month. 17.01. Each member must have a minimum of 12 hours at the end of each month (punishment: Faction Warn) 17.02. Each member must have a minimum of 6 hours at the end of each month (punishment: Dismissal) 17.03. If a member has been Faction Warned for poor monthly activity and does not have the minimum 12 hours by the next month, he will be Dismissed. 18. Orders Rank 1+: [/mdc] - Shows the criminal record of a suspect. [/frisk] - Search a player. [/wanted] - See list of suspects. [/nearwanted] - See list of near suspects. [/startradar] - Place a radar. [/stopradar] - Stop a radar. [/tazer] - Immobilize a suspect. [/cuff] - Put the handcuffs of a suspect (only in the car). [/arrest] - Arrest a wanted suspect at HQ or Jail. [/su] - You grant wanted to a suspect. [/ms] - Summon a suspect. [/m] - Summon a suspect with megaphone. [/clear] - Delete a suspect's wanted. [/ram] - Break the door of an HQ / house. [/ticket] - You fine a suspect. [/confiscate] - Confiscate objects or licenses. [/shield] - See shield commands. [/report] - See how many points in the report you made. [/fvs] - Faction Vehicle Spawn, let you spawn vehicles at HQ. Rank 3+: [/acceptpoints] - See how many lawyer points you have. [/lawyer] – Sell accept to a lawyer. Rank 4+: [/tduty] - Get on/off Tester Duty. [/ft] - View candidates who have been accepted for tests. [/radar] - See how many radars are placed. [/togcomms] - Block candidate's communication channels. Rank 5+ [/fvr] - Respawn the department cars. [/gov] - Give a government announcement. 19. Internal fines 19.01. Fines are awarded by subleaders / leader through the [/members] command. 19.02. The reason and amount applied must be from the list of fines. The use of another reason or amount is not allowed (punishment: Faction Warn) 19.03. From the moment the fine is granted, members have 48 hours to pay it (punishment: Faction Warn) - members with a request for inactivity have 24 hours from the expiration of the inactivity to pay the fines. (+) The payment of the fine is made through the order [/fines] and there is no need to post somewhere. At the time of payment, you are automatically removed from the list. (+) More information can be found on the website in the Updates section at version 6.8.5. List of fines: Spam on faction chat [/r] (6 lines +) *: 50.000$ CapsLock on faction chat [/r] *: 50.000$ CapsLock on department chat [/d]: 75.000$ Emoticons on [/d]: 50.000$ Unreasonable use of departments chat [/d]: 75.000$ Faction chat business [/r]: 50.000$ AFK at the meeting (more than 1 minute): 40.000$ Excessive use (spam, 6+) of the [/fvs] command *: 40.000$ Spam on Forum [LVPD Topics]: 50.000$ AFK at the meeting (more than 2 minutes without approval of a higher rank): 40.000$ Illegal Driving: 100.000$ Usage of Hydraulics / NOS: 100.000$ Headlitghts off [20:00-08:00]- 50.000$ 20. Skins 20.01. You can wear any Platinum skin or faction skin corresponding to the above picture. 20.02. It is forbidden to wear a higher rank skin. You can use the skin of your rank or an inferior rank skin (punishment: Verbal Warning first offence, Faction Warn to the following) 20.03. You are allowed to wear a higher rank skin for a limited time, only with the approval of the leader. The triple alliance SF Taxi-SFSI-SFPD: What SF Taxi offers: 1. Transportation at the normal rate, (they will give the money back after the race, only what is displayed on the 'taxi meter' without the bonus received from the server). *In this situation, if you cannot figure out how much money you have to return to the customer, you can ask him how much money he shows him that he paid after getting off the taxi. 2. Weapons for $1 as needed to members of San Fierro School Instructors and mechanical services for $1 to members of SFSI & SFPD. 3. Activities together with the San Fierro School Instructors and San Fierro Police Department factions. What SF School Instructors offers: 1. Licenses without test (for level 1-49), (licenses will be granted without any test, only 1m will be expected from /startlesson to offer the license to the alliance member). *In the case of players with level 50+, 50% of the money paid for licenses will be returned to them, /givelicense. 2. Weapons for $1 as needed to San Fierro Taxi members and mechanical services for $1 to SF Taxi & SFPD members. 3. Activities together with the San Fierro Taxi and San Fierro Police Department factions. What the SF Police Department offers: 1. Free mandates, (mandates will be offered for $5,000 and 50% of the price will be returned, i.e. $2,500). 2. Activities together with the San Fierro Taxi and San Fierro School Instructors factions. *Members are prohibited from posting on the website to each other while the alliance is active. Sanction: Verbal warning (AV) for the first violation, Faction Warn (FW) if repeated. *Complaints between alliance members can only be made by PM to the leader of the faction you have problems with!1 point
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