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21 points
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Nick: Strandy Level:86 Vârstă (reală):23 Sex (real):Masculin Vechime pe server: 02.07.2010 pana in prezent RPG profil LinK : https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Strandy Ai mai avut aceasta functie?Da, de doua ori. Motivul pentru care doresc să fiu Primar:Vreau să preiau ceea ce am făcut in mandatele anterioare ale mele si sa ajut playerii cum pot. Ce intenționez să fac pentru jucători:Doresc să readuc niște proiecte noi / care au fost cum ar fi: Topicul Rasplata Saptamanala. Targ Auto. Proiecte cu Gold cum am investit 1000 gold din banii mei proprii si multe party-uri. Dance si multe altele Evenimente clasice/ Trivia si să premiez cel mai activ jucator + playerii cu o vechime mare pe server care au realizat ceva. M-am mai gandit să adaug evenimente cu gold gen LMS cu premiu 500 gold din bani mei proprii Cam atât mă gândesc pe moment o să vedeți mai multe dacă voi iesi primar din nou. Aici m-am gandit sa imi fac un program anume. LUNI - VINERI 15:00-17:00: Eventuri clasice. 19:00-21:00: Eventuri Speciale cu GOLD. Clanurile sau alte lucruri. 20:00: Împărţirea taxei. 21:00-22:00: Event Special cu GOLD. SÂMBĂTĂ 14:00: Evente Clasice. 16:00-17:00: Târg auto care va fi facut din nou. 18:00: Evente Clasice. 20:00: Împărţirea taxei. 20:30: Ajutor finaciar playerilor de level 2-9. 21:30: Evenimente speciale cu GOLD. DUMINICĂ 15:00: Eventuri clasice 17:00-18:00: Ajutor financiar pentru jucătorii de nivel 2-9. 18:00-20:00: Eventuri cu clasice. 20:00: Împărţirea taxei. 20:30-21:30: Eventuri speciale. ( GOLD) 21:30-22:00: Eventuri Speciale. ( GOLD) Din banii mei proprii. 00:00- Oferirea banilor jucatorilor din proiectul Rasplata saptamanala.10 points
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Puneti-va skinul corespunzator rangului vostru. @South DropZZ, te rog sa-ti pui skinul de rank 2. Astept. Sa aveti o vacanta frumoasa.3 points
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Nick: .Relu Level: 74 Vârstă (reală): 16 Sex (real): Masculin Vechime pe server: ~3 ani pe acest cont, ~5 ani pe comunitate. RPG profil Link: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/.Relu Ai mai avut aceasta functie? Nu. Motivul pentru care doresc să fiu Primar: Vreau sa obtin functia de primar deoarece nu am avut niciodata aceasta functie de cand joc pe B-Zone. Doresc sa ajut jucatorii incepatori prin tot ce pot, de la taxele zilnice la evenimente. Imi doresc aceasta functie pentru ca vreau sa interactionez cat mai mult cu jucatorii, sa-i invat faptul ca pe joc trebuie sa te distrezi in liniste si voie buna. Ce intenționez să fac pentru jucători: Taxe impartite zilnic de la ora 12 la 14 si seara de la 18 la 20 Evenimente zilnice cu premii modeste Evenimente in weekend cu premii mai mari Intruniri cu jucatorii incepatori dandu-le sfaturi cum sa exceleze pe server si cum sa intre in factiuni mai usor Taxa setata la 1$ Evenimente la ore random pe [/gov]2 points
In acest topic veti gasi toti jucatorii care au ramas in istorie in Las Venturas Police Departament! Ei au fost, sunt si vor fi legende in Las Venturas Police Departament! Cine nu se vede pe lista si a avut peste 200 zile ca rank 5 sa-mi dea PM. Las Venturas Police Departament se mandreste si le multumeste urmatorilor jucatorii: * Leaders (Leader) 01. KvB.Capone 02. Andr3yCzz 03. [TLG].sNk. (RobberT.) 04. OM3GA 05. Andrey222 06. Bogdan024 07. Exxtra 08. CsM 09. CaTa_ 10. xTouch10 11. Bati 12. Towwy 13. uuc1mnL 14. .Louie 15. Kbear 16. qAndrei 17. CouldNot 18. DeNisJR 19. Alexutu. 20. SnowMan. 21. LawsoN 22. Rapier - Lider Actual * Subleaders (Rank 6) 01. Dinca 02. DrunkAngel 03. Motorina 04. EshleN 05. Lama 06. Aurel_ 07. Elegy.Gamer 08. xTouch10 09. CoCo4Life 10. ZqWoW 11. FaKe 12. Chowdy 13. Niculescu91 14. OM3GA 15. BumBleBee 16. Delon 17. .Cosminnn 18. SorynN 19. SkiPPeR.eXe 20. Rooney.BRAZILIANU 21. Jackoftww 22. Morphyne12 23. Steven99 24. ShaDoW 25. Cosmarul.. 26. Seek 27. Leonard 28. .CalinN 29. KioY 30. Andrei 31. Towwy 32. Bogdan 33. Gab1op 34. Zecker 35. Razvii 36. Marik 37. Evil32 38. Alexx 39. uuc1mnL 40. Bogdan024 41. Ynna_Sweet 42. Nicolas 43. Vlad 44. Fuad 45. KeNzU 46. Addrian. 48. Seby.FTW 48. Gabriel 49. DariusZEW 51. Alin 51. ImRoby 53. .FloriNN. 53. Bull_stryke 54. SnowMan. 55. Nicu 56. Roho 57. Ryd3r[] 58. Yonut.Cosmin 59. Allexutu 60. SPIKE 61. Pink 62. i.M.a 63. BishopHeahmund 64. Pink 65. iFireFTW 66. AdidGras 67. Leon 68. KenWooD 69. Sim 70. KeegaN - Sublider Actual 71. Rafael01 - Sublider Actual * Captains (Rank 5) everzor Bogdan024 uuc1mnL Akki. ExtraStar Zmenta Dash Razzor Aka05 ToTo Alexx SkuLL Neutru Mihaitzaaa Maxi9 StormShadow CaTa_ LaMa maceoo AaLleX Yonutx .Dave RakaMann Gh0stR1d3r Vider.. [ionnut] Olexesh _Laky PoWeRxQc bordei1 [bADCOP]Ketan WhoXeW BebetoRo Anddrew [x]DanutOwn Aries Towwy Mihnea229 Ciokynezu ShaDoW Alaric ReHo RoxBatDeTeRup AdeliNN TheCode Seez .Louie Nazze XeNoNn [Corvin] YouAre dZN. SnowMan Alexutu. .Moldoveanu Yonut.Cosmin Ryd3r[] Nicolae.Adrian Pink IfireFTW AdidGras Michelangelo KenWooD. Waldo DanuT69 Cristi.Zew Blawu Leon Sirius Cei prezentati mai sus merită tot respectul din partea noastră fiind uni din cei mai importanţi membri din Las Venturas Police Department! Dacă doriţi să transmiteţi un mesaj celor de mai sus, o puteţi face, postând după următorul model: Model de postare! » Nick: » Level: » Facţiune: » Mesajul tău:1 point
http://i.imgur.com/KwctU5z.png Salut, 1. In atentia tuturor jucatorilor dorim sa va informam ca persoanele ce primesc BAN pentru motivul Cheats (Aimbot) sau Cheats (Norecoil) NU o sa poata fi acceptate timp de o luna de zile de la momentul banului in nici o factiune de tip GANG. Regula se aplica si pentru jucatorii ce isi cumpara unban cu gold si pentru toate conturile secundare detinute. Un log comun este suficient ca sa scoatem un cont din factiune (gang) in cazul in care este accesat de cineva cu interdictie in mafie la activ (banat pentru orice cod) 2. Regula deja existenta, dar dorim sa va o reamintim. Membrii care fac parte dintr-un gang ce vor primi interdictie prin sistemul de interdictii de pe website, vor fi demisi intotdeauna cu FP 60/60. Jucatorii care au primit interdictie vor putea fi acceptati in alt gang dupa minim o luna de la primirea interdictiei. Va reamintim rolul interdictiilor: Daca la waruri exista jucatori suspectati de cod, dar dovezile nu sunt suficiente incat acesta sa fie banat pentru cod, pe baza dovezilor obtinute de catre jucatori si admini se poate deschide o cerere de interdictie. Cererea pentru interdictie se poate crea doar de catre un lider / admin, accesand urmatorul buton de pe profilul de website al jucatorului: Daca in urma voturilor un jucator o sa fie adaugat pe interdictie, acesta o sa fie scos din gang, iar timp de o luna acesta NU o sa poata fi acceptat in nici o factiune de tip GANG. 3. Va reamintim ca NU va este permis sa detineti mai mult de un cont in factiunile de tip GANG. In cazul persoanele ce au frati (suntem constienti ca unii folosesc acest argument doar pentru a incerca o fentare a sistemului), sunt rugate sa faca un ticket prin care li se vor cere mai multe informatii si dovezi prin care pot demonstra asta. ATENTIE! Daca vom descoperi astfel de persoane fara sa aibe un ticket la activ pe aceasta tema, vom demite unul din conturi (este alegerea adminului 4+ daca va da sansa sa alegeti cu ce cont doriti sa ramaneti). 4. Dovezile pentru coduri sunt valabile 30 de zile, pentru a le oferi jucatorilor si adminilor timp pentru a strange cat mai multe dovezi concludente. 5. In timpul warurilor orice membru al gangurilor care este prins ca foloseste VPN va fi demis din factiune cu 60/60FP. Acesta nu primeste o interdictie, dar risca ca liderii sa nu aiba incredere sa-l accepte in alta mafie in viitorul apropiat. In afara warurilor, sunt permise logurile VPN cu mentiunea ca stafful isi rezerva dreptul de a aplica regula de mai sus in cazuri extreme.1 point
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Daca ma rogi asa frumos, o sa-mi dau silinta sa te dau pe spate..tot cu asta pe viitor.???1 point
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Ce are misiunea cu dansatul? Sunt cativa oameni care se plang pe tot serverul. Nu o poti face doar daca ai ping, ca nu te sincronizezi cu movementul sagetilor. Pe de alta parte, orice sistem nou e binevenit, nu e la decizia noastra daca va fi lag sau nu. Se incearca, se vede, se decide.1 point
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- Nume: Ailime - Numele celui reclamat: Blasz.iCON - Levelul celui reclamat: 48 - Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mică): - Motiv: Jigniri - Dovezi: click xD - Alte precizări: l am adaugat eu pe domnisorul1 point
Vezi ca pleaca Cretsu la fotbal.. ai grija sa nu-l bati prea rau ?1 point
The Bunker System project is inspired from GTA V Online and implemented in our own way on sa-mp. The Bunker represents in fact a new way of making money in game, having an active part in which the player must work alone or together with friends, as well as a passive part in which it's self sustained. In the lines below you will find more information. There are a total of three Bunkers added that can be bought starting with level 10, respresented via a disk on the map if you are close to them: Basin Bunker Basin Bunker is located near Shady Basin, close to Mount Chiliad and it's the cheapest out of the 3 bunkers having a buying price of 1,000,000$. It has 3 types of upgrades with the following prices: 400,000$ equipment, 400,000$ staff, 200,000$ security. The position of this bunker is not great, this is why the price is lower than the others, but it is ideal for people who want to see how the bunker works and not spend too much from the beginning. Diablo Bunker Diablo Bunker is located in the El Castillo Del Diablo area, close to HQ National Guard. It has the middle buying price of 2,500,000$. It has 3 types of upgrades with the following prices: 600,000$ equipment, 600,000$ staff, 300,000$ security. The position is ideal, but not the best, having relatively fast routes to the majority of possible destinations. Blueberry Bunker Blueberry Bunker is located near Blueberry city, near HQ Hitmen. This is the most expensive of the three bunkers and can be bought for 3,500,000$. It has 3 types of upgrades with the following prices: 800,000$ equipment, 800,000$ staff, 400,000$ security. The position is in the center of the map, making it the perfect buy for those who seek the most profitable Bunker. Details about the Bunker: Bunkers can be bought starting from level 10. In order to buy one you need to go to its location on the map and use /buybunker if you have the necessary cash in hand. Each player can buy a single Bunker per account. More players can own a Bunker in the same location. The Bunker is not tranferrable on other accounts nor can it be sold to other players. If you own a Bunker and wish to buy a more expensive one, you will only pay the difference in value. Remember that upgrades, provisions and stock from the old Bunker will be lost when buying another one. Only the owner can enter the Bunker, as long as they don't have wanted. If you get wanted while inside the Bunker you will get kicked out of it. Bunker Missions cannot be started if you do not have the appropriate licenses. The Command Center: The Bunker can be managed from the command center using the command /bunker. If you do not know where it is just type the command when you enter the Bunker and you will receive a checkpoint with the location. The command center allows to check supplies, stock, total earnings from the Bunker, to start supply missions, sell stock, buy upgrades or destroy the Bunker. Resupply and Supplies: The Bunker needs supplies in order to produce stock. To gather supplies you need to access the Resupply button and you will see a dialog where you can start a resupply mission as well as invite players to help you. A Bunker owner can invite up to 3 friends to help out with resupply, thus making the resupply process quicker. The capacity quantity a Bunker can have is 100 units. The resupply missions cannot be started if the Bunker has at least 80 units of supplies. There are a total of 4 resupply missions, being given random by the server. Rob a Rival If there are any Bunkers owned by other players and they do not have the Security upgrade, you may get a mission to attack and steal their supplies if they have at least 25 units of supplies. If you receive such a mission you need to go to the Bunker marked on the map via a checkpoint and destroy the 4 safes. They are visible as seen in the image above and can be found in on the exterior of the Bunkers. In order to destroy them you need to shoot them with a weapon until they disappear. Owners of attacked Bunkers have the right to defend them. This mission will have a time of 15 minutes. If you do not finish the mission in time you need to start a new one. If the mission is successful, the attacked Bunker will lose 25 units of supplies and the attacker will receive 25 units of supplies for each destroyed safe, thus they can fully fill out the supplies of their Bunker in just one such mission. Salvage Yard Job Somewhere on the map there will be spawned some Rumpo vehicles that contain supplies and must be delivered to the Bunker. When starting a resupply mission don't forget to have a vehicle near your Bunker so you can have a means of transport to your destination. Each Rumpo you deliver will grow supplies from the Bunker with 13 units, and during a mission each participant will get to deliver 2 Rumpo, so a total of 26 units of supplies per participant. If during a mission there are 4 participants, the supplies will fill out to 100 units in just one mission. So in order to better manage your time we suggest you call out your friends for help, otherwise you will have to do multiple resupply missions. The time allocated for this mission is between 20 and 30 minutes depending on the Bunker you own. Steal the Cargobob The technical data for the mission is the same as above, the only difference is that you must deliver Cargbobs. The time allocated for this mission is between 20 and 30 minutes depending on the Bunker you own. Get the Cash The technical data for the mission is the same as above, the only difference is that you must deliver Securicars. The time allocated for this mission is between 20 and 30 minutes depending on the Bunker you own. Using Supplies For a Bunker to produce stock it needs supplies. Bunkers with upgrades will consume supplies harder, thus will produce more stock in time and you will have to resupply more rarely. These supplies get consumed in time, like so: Bunker without any upgrades: 1 unit is consumed in 100 seconds Bunker with staff or equipment upgrade: 1 unit is consumed in 200 seconds Bunker with staff + equipment upgrade: 1 unit is consumed in 300 seconds Having in mind the numbers above, a Bunker with no upgrades will need resupplying at each 2-3 hours while a fully upgraded Bunker will need resupplying at every 8-9 hours. Selling and Stock: Stock can be sold starting from at least 1 unit of stock. The price for stock unit is of 1,000$ for selling in a close location or 2,000$ for selling in a far location. So if you have 100 units of stock you will get 100,000$ if you sell close or 200,000$ if you sell far. Depending on how much stock you sell, you will need to deliver multiple Bandito vehicles to the location marked on the map. It is indicated that if you sell stock that fits more than 1 vehicle to invite friends to help you out, or you will have to make multiple trips to sell the accumulated stock. Each helper for the sale mission will receive 10% of the final payment, without substracting money from what the Bunker owner receives. The time for stock sale is 5 minutes for close sale or 10 minutes for selling farther away. Stock For a Bunker to produce stock it needs supplies. Stock is produced ONLY when the owner is online. Bunkers with upgrades will crate stock sooner, thus will produce more stock in time and bring profits quicker. Stock gets created in time, like so: Bunker without any upgrades: 1 unit is created each 20 minutes Bunker with staff or equipment upgrade: 1 unit is created each 15 minutes Bunker with staff + equipment upgrade: 1 unit is created each 10 minutes Having in mind the numbers above, a Bunker with no upgrades will have full stock in about 33 hours while a fully upgraded Bunker will have full stock in about 16 hours. From here we established the prices for the Bunkers and upgrades, thus in time each of them will recover the investment and only produce profit. Upgrades: These improve supply consumption, production of stock or being attacked by rivals, like so: Security: a Bunker with this upgrade cannot be attacked by rivals. Staff: a Bunker with this upgrade will consume supplies harder, so it will need resupplying more rarely, will produce stock sooner, so it will bring more profit. Echipament: a Bunker with this upgrade will consume supplies harder, so it will need resupplying more rarely, will produce stock sooner, so it will bring more profit. Upgrades get lost if you change or destroy the Bunker. Destroy: The destroy option for the Bunker will delete it from your account, without getting anything in return. When destroying it you lose (supplies, stock, upgrades, etc.) and this action cannot be undone. The system is still in testing and will be added on the servers soon. Until the actual implementation it might suffer changes!1 point
Nume: Terrasre Rang: 6 (Director) Premiul a fost acordat membrului: Williard Suma acordata: $150.000 Dovada [/fwithdraw]: https://imgur.com/Bf0t59O Dovada [/transfer]: https://imgur.com/ycZZFNt Alte precizari: Castigator 'Agentul Lunii' rank 41 point
Nick: Sparros Level: 95 Vârstă (reală): 18 (20.09.2001) Sex (real): Masculin Vechime pe server: Activez pe RPG1 B-zone din 01.09.2014 RPG profil LinK: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Sparros Ai mai avut aceasta functie?: Din pacate nu. Motivul pentru care doresc să fiu Primar: Doresc sa ajut dezvoltarea atat pe parte economica cat si pe parte de dezvoltare personala a playerilor care activeaza in prezent pe serverul nostru. Ce intenționez să fac pentru jucători: -Evenimente zilnice impreuna cu staff-ul -Taxa o sa aiba valoarea ei minima admisa de server -Impartirea fondurilor primariei in functie de un orar bine stabilit pentru a primii toata lumea(ma refer la acei 5k din /charity) -Atragerea de fonduri prin intermediul diverselor promovari prin /gov, /ad sau pe chatul evenimentelor organizate -Intentionez sa fiu un primar activ care sa se implice in aceasta mica societate existenta pe server. O sa caut sa impac si capra si varza facand eventuri atat pentru cei cu level mic cat si pentru cei cu level mare. O sa raspund la intrebari tuturor jucatorilor si o sa incerc sa ii ajut pe toti cei care cer ajutor. -O sa dau /gov-uri informative cu diverse curiozitati din cultura generala, lucruri pe care sper ca playerii sa le gaseasca interesante si utile. -O sa colaborez cu staff-ul actual pentru a adauga premii speciale evenimentelor marca Mayor. (ca pe vremea lui cows) -Nu mai zic de reteaua de canalizare, finalizarea lucrarilor pe autostrada, reducerea somajului si oferirea de dezinfectanti si masti gratuite jucatorilor nostri.1 point
Nick: AmEryKaNu . Level: 160. Vârstă (reală): 27 ani. Sex (real): Masculin. Vechime pe server: Mai 2015. RPG profil LinK: Ai mai avut aceasta functie?: Nu, nu am mai avut aceasta functie. Motivul pentru care doresc să fiu Primar: Avand in vedere situatia de fata care-mi permite sa fiu activ imi incerc norocul de a candida si totodata ar fii o experienta noua si unica pentru mine in cariera mea de jucator pe B-Zone. Ce intenționez să fac pentru jucători: - In primul rand voi mentine taxa de 1$ pe toata perioada mandatului. - Voi incerca sa impart taxa castigata de cel putin 4-5 ori pe zii (in special seara cand server-ul este mult mai populat). - Voi incerca sa readuc in fiecare Weekend (Vineri-Duminica, orele 19-20:00), "Ajutorul financiar" pe care sa-l ofer jucatorilor cu nivele cuprinse intre 2 si 25. - Voi ajuta jucatoii de nivel mic (2-30) in fiecare Sambata si Duminica la primaria orasului Los Santos, cu informatii legate de server si cu informatii despre dezvoltarea lor pe plan profesional. - Evenimente zilnice de tipul: /sms, primul la mine, primul cu /w, plus multe eventuri unice (gen: primul cuplu ce se va casatorii, primul care va pune /contract, primul care va solicita un instructor s.a.m.d), cu premii consistente in $bani. - Evenimente speciale in Weekend de tip: LMS, LCS, Simon spune, X/O, Duele, s.a.m.d, cu premii constand in $case sau $vehicule. - Evenimente de tip "TRIVIA" pe [/gov] , de cel putin 5 ori pe zii, premiate cu $bani.1 point
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