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Everything posted by cowS

  1. Who needs a discount on Hidden when you've got this beautiful event coming up http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/282822-events-announcements-of-special-events/?p=4329691
  2. -- Nick: cowS -- Level: 77 -- Personal RPG Bar (little one): -- Name of other participants (if they exist): ShadowFax, DH01 -- Participants RPG Bar (little one): -- Type of wanted live: Simple -- Theme of wanted live: Mayor, Real life and Virtual life -- Did you read and aknowledge the rules above?: Yeah. -- Other specifications: We need a reporter who can ask the question both in English and Romanian, and someone who isn't shy to ask some funny questions. Thanks. #NR
  3. But I don't have Diabetics.

    1. BIS aka OldNab

      BIS aka OldNab

      God bless you.

    2. cowS


      Blessed with a right mind.

    3. BIS aka OldNab

      BIS aka OldNab

      And bad choices.

  4. *This method only works for users with Windows 7+. Hello, In-case your Photoshop (whichever version) decides to break down, and your fonts are causing the message: "Something prevented the text engine from being initialized", You will need to delete the font which is causing the problem. For me, I had 2,000+ fonts, from a large collection and I didn't have enough time to delete each and every one. Thankfully, I bring to you the link for the Default Windows 7 fonts. With this, you can "Ctrl + a" and "Delete" all the fonts, and replace them with these defaults: http://www.withsteps.com/download/2639/ - cowS
  5. How's Ramadan going for you, and ba, have u got skype? We never speak anymore X_X

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cowS


      Aw nab. Facebook? PM it?

    3. Gisele


      I have Dan's FB. Maybe I can add you from his list? Let me know which one are you.

    4. cowS
  6. cowS

    listen mrs wife

    1. Missy


      nice song cowsie :D

  7. SVCHOST is the program which allows multiple windows to be running for windows. This is totally fine, it's not a virus and shouldn't cause you problems.
  8. Name: cowS Rank: 1 Sum: 5.000$ Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/jDU3cf6.png Reason: Below -1000 Anything else: -
  9. Ba omg when did u get leader :D! Congratulations I am incredibly proud of you

    1. Tuckson


      Am luat acum vreo cateva saptamani. Parca m-ai si felicitat. :)) Merci inca odata!

      I got leader a few weeks ago. I thoink you congratulated me. :)) Thanks!

    2. Tuckson




    3. cowS


      Ah lol. I didn't even know :)

  10. Name: cowS Rank: 1 Date: 2/7/15 Wars: 20:00-20:30 and 20:30-21:00 Reason: I had to go out to a funeral. Might be late. If I make it on time I wills delete this. Number: 1/2
  11. Congratulations to Sunrize. for winning the event. I will post some screenshots later when I get home.
  12. La multi ani nab

  13. Update: Because I am not applying for Mayor anymore, the prize was edited to just 200 Gold. Still,a great prize .
  14. Thank you all for the comments. I hope to see you all at the event. Vinnie[Zuz] will be helping to manage this event too, he told me .
  15. -- Nick: cowS -- Level: 73 -- RPG stats bar (little one): -- Desired bundle (type 1, 2, 3 or 4): 4 -- Desired announcement: On 30th June at 19:00, Hunger Games (LMS) will begin, organized by old Mayor cowS. Prize is 200 Gold and 100,000$. -- Do you want the announcements to be given when you are online?: N/A -- Did you read and aknowledge the rules above?: Yes. -- Do you agree that the bundle type and the announcement will be changed if it's needed?: Yes. -- Other specifications: By Ronan please. Thanks.
  16. Thank you! Make sure to alert your friends who might be interested in this . #Vote cows!
  17. Details: Event name: The Hunger Games - RPG1 Type: Last man standing (Advanced) Hosted by: Gangsters Family - cowS Location: Special interior - Admin Warehouse (Big space) Prize: 200 Gold + 100,000$ Gold will be paid directly into winner's account. Instructions: - You will be requested to go inside [/findhouse 65] where you will find cowS waiting. You will wait here until the Admin teleports you to. - The Hunger Games (THG) is a massive LMS event public for the whole server. - Weapons of THG: 1) 50 Ammo - 9mm Glock Pistol 2) Katana 3) 10 Ammo - Sniper 4) 1 Grenade 5) 30 Ammo - Tec9 - You must follow the regulations of normal events. You will not be allowed to speak. Your phone must be turned off and you cannot [/call 112] at the event. If you are caught, you risk being blacklisted from any further cowS' event. - You will be teleported into a completely different virtual world. - Once you are teleported, you must run and find a hiding spot somewhere in Los Santos international. - You can hide in this event but you must kill at some point. The objective is to kill all players. - The prizes won't be split. It's 200 Gold + 100.000$ for one winner. - Admins will be in-game monitoring the progress of the event. - You will not get the weapons until you are all in your own hiding spots, and you will all be frozen. Then, once you are frozen, you'll get the weaponry. - Unfreeze = Start. - There will be a countdown on [/e] to let you all know when it is beginning. - Health will be given by Admins. - Anyone who uses [/creategun] will be kicked. Remember: Ammo is limited. The last option is either punch or to use your Katana. So make sure you use the weaponry properly. Event is also in-support for cowS' Mayor campaign.
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