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RPG2 Birthday [RPG2 Events]


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Draga jucator,

ro32.png  uk32.png


4 ani de RPG2!

Pe data de 20 Septembrie 2016 sarbatorim 4 ani de cand serverul RPG2 a fost lansat, server ce s-a bucurat de un numar mare de jucatori. Multumim tuturor jucatorilor care au contribuit la dezvoltarea rapida a acestuia si administratorilor care au asigurat bunastarea serverului. Cu ocazia acestei sarbatori v-am pregatit o serie de evenimente.

Atentie, toate evenimentele prezentate mai jos au loc doar pe data de 20 Septembrie 2016.







Parcul din fata primariei din Los Santos a fost reamenajat, iar acum puteti obtine un cadou la fiecare 6 ore jucate. Cadoul poate contine intre 10 si 50 Gold, intre $5.000 si $25.000, intre 1 si 5 RP sau o saptamana de Premium Account. Ultimul gift va putea fi obtinut la ora 23:59, iar primul la ora 00:01.






Level UP

La ora 20:00, toti jucatorii online vor primi cate un Level UP. Jucatorii nu vor pierde punctele de respect curente. Aceasta este o buna ocazie pentru cei ce isi doresc sa urce cat mai repede in level.






Adevarat sau Fals

La ora 19:00, un event de tip adevarat/fals va fi organizat de catre adminul ".Paul.". Acesta va adresa intrebari, iar tu vei merge in zona "A" daca raspunsul tau este "Adevarat" sau "F" daca raspunsul tau este "Fals". Premiul pentru acest event este de 150 Gold si 10 puncte de rob.






CT vs T

La ora 21:00, un tip nou de eveniment va avea loc: Counter-Terrorists vs Terrorists. Fiecare echipa va fi alcatuita din cate 20 de jucatori care vor primi skinuri specifice. Cei 40 de jucatori se vor duela, iar echipa castigatoare va fi recompensata cu cate $50.000 si 2 puncte de respect fiecare.






Gaseste masina

La ora 22:00, toti jucatorii vor porni in goana dupa o masina ascunsa de catre adminii RPG2. Modelul masinii va fi anuntat direct pe server cu cateva minute inainte de a da start evenimentului coordonat de catre Leonard. Cel care va gasi masina o va castiga!






Let's Play Together!

Te asteptam pe 20 Septembrie 2016 pe serverul RPG2 sa iei parte la evenimentele noastre. Adresa serverului este: rpg2.b-zone.ro:7777 /


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Dear player,

ro32.png  uk32.png

4 years of RPG2!
On the 20th of September 2016 we're celebrating 4 years since the RPG2 server has been launched, server that managed to reach a high number of players. Thanks to all the players that contributed to it's fast development and to the administrators who asured the server's welfare. During this holiday we prepared a series of events.
Attention, all the events presented below will take place only on the 20th of September 2016.






The park in front of the City Hall has been re-arranged, and now you'll be able to get a gift every 6 played hours. The gift may contain between 10 and 50 Gold, between $5.000 and $25.000, between 1 and 5 RP or a week of Premium Account. The last gift can be obtained at 23:59, and the first at 00:01.






Level UP
At 20:00, all the online players will recieve a Level UP. The players won't lose their current respect points. This is a good ocasion for those who wanna level up fast.






True or False
At 19:00, a true/false-type event will be organised by admin ".Paul.". He will ask questions, and you'll proceed to zone "A" if your answer is "True" or "F" if your answer is "False". The prize for this event is 150 Gold nad 10 rob points.






CT vs T
At 21:00, a new type of event will take place: Counter-Terrorists vs Terrorists. Each team will be made up of 20 players who will recieve specific skins. The 40 players will duel, and the winning team will recieve $50.000 and 2 respect points for each player.






Find the car
At 22:00, all the players will start hunting a car that has been hidden by the RPG2 admins. The car model will be announced right on the server several minutes before starting the event coordinated by Leonard. The one who finds the car gets to keep it!






Let's Play Together!

Te asteptam pe 20 Septembrie 2016 pe serverul RPG2 sa iei parte la evenimentele noastre. Adresa serverului este: rpg2.b-zone.ro:7777 /

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