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Modificari Reguli, Factiuni


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We want to make some major modifications to the servers having a final purpose of improving the relationship with you, the players. We have tried to take into account all your feedback, positive or negative, as well as that of players that used to play here. The modifications we are going to make can be seen below.


Before I move to these modifications I want to tell you that I have no news at this moment regarding the host. In the following days I will try to keep you up to date with what's happening as soon as I receive more info from Bobo. Until then the activity reports will continue to be optional, wars will still be stopped and players will not be dismissed from factions because of inactivities until I post an announcement on the forum that the problems are solved.


Faction Slot Reduction


Because the number of players on the servers became smaller while the number of faction slots remained the same like it was when we had more players, numerous problems appeared which determined us to decide to reduce slots of certain factions.


For example in factions where there are more of them doing the same thing (departments, taxi, instructors) it is hard to make a complete activity report because everybody is fighting upon the same players which are few. Thus not everyone manages to make his activity report with ease.

Maybe you ask yourselves why don't we reduce the report if it is that hard. If we do that then factions would become useless and simplistic, which ultimately leads to boredom and monotony.

In departments another problem has been reported by players that are not members. Those who want to do illegal activities like robs, illegal jobs, etc. can no longer do that because in the next second cops come after them and they have no chance since there are few players with wanted and many department members.

There is also the problem of filling up factions. There are some factions that always have their applications open and never fill up. Thus the leaders are forced to recruit less quality players just to fill them up, then there are complaints from „clients” of these factions.


These are the main reasons for this decision. We have talked with the Supervisors, Leaders as well as other people before making this decision. Faction slots can be adjusted depending on what will continue to happen on the servers. We can grow them if the player count grows. We can reduce them if they are still too many.


On RPG1:

Gangs - nothing chances.

Departments - we reduce slots to 40 members.

Taxi and Instructors - we reduce slots to 30 members.

Paramedics, Tow Truck and News Reporters - we reduce slots to 40 members.

Hitmen - nothing chances.


On RPG2:

Gangs - nothing chances.

Departments - we reduce slots to 40 members.

Taxi and Instructors - we reduce slots to 35 members.

Paramedics, Tow Truck and News Reporters - we reduce slots to 40 members.

Hitmen - nothing chances.


On RPG3:

Gangs - nothing chances.

Departments - we reduce slots to 25 members.

Taxi and Instructors - we reduce slots to 25 members.

Paramedics, Tow Truck and News Reporters - nothing changes.

Hitmen - nothing chances.


On RPG4:

Gangs - nothing chances.

Departments - we reduce slots to 25 members.

Taxi and Instructors - we reduce slots to 25 members.

Paramedics, Tow Truck and News Reporters - nothing changes.

Hitmen - nothing chances.


Important specifications:

- current faction members where slots are modified will not be dismissed from their factions.

- applications can be opened only when the number of faction members goes below the number of maximum slots.

- those who applied in a faction before the slot reduction and now that faction doesn't have free slots will be rejected or failed from testing if they haven't already passed them.

- if there are players who are bothered by the fact that they got rejected or failed from testing because of this modification you are asked to open a ticket here https://forum.b-zone.ro/support/ so we can delete your application/logs and you can apply in a faction with open applications.


We are giving up computer checks for cheats


Yes, your monitor isn't broke, we are actually giving them up. These controls were useful 4-5 years ago when cheats were at the beginning and easier to discover. With new cheats this is no longer possible and we, the admins, have been forced to use different methods to discover if a player has cheats being pressured by you to handle cheaters. Well, these methods gave us some results but in the same time they have created a lot of problems and brought us hate. We have realized that players do not like others going through their computers, conversations, etc. even if these checks were made to see if those players had licenses for cheats or other traces that they might be having cheats. There have also been situations in which players got banned for old traces of cheats, cheats they used in the past on our servers or other servers. Even if the rules state that any cheat trace is punished, players do not like this. Not everyone wants to reinstall their operating system to get rid of cheat traces and not everyone used those cheats on our servers.


I hope I managed to give you enough reasons to understand why we took this decision. Players change in time, so does their mentality as well as ours. We need to learn to adapt to your needs and pleasures as much as we can.


Improving the relationship between admins and players


As a continuation for what I wrote above, if we are giving up controls it doesn't mean we will no longer handle cheaters. We will continue banning cheaters and we will do our best to ban them only with concrete evidence. This means that 90% of the people looking at the proof (and have experience in cheats) can see the cheat. We got tired of being accused of wrong bans for silent or smooth aimbot because many times players used them with low settings so the cheat cannot be easily seen. So we will no longer ban such cheats, even if they have low settings, as long as not „everyone” can see that the cheat is obvious in order to avoid wrong bans.


The relationship between admins and players got broken because of the pressure players put on admins to ban cheaters. What you don't understand is that this pressure also brings wrong bans. I wonder what will happen if admins would not be pressured in punishing players and have to help them?


To answer your the above question, I want to let you know that we will be modifying the in game report system. The new system will offer active admins points for helping players and not for banning them like up to now. Until now admins who wanted to be promoted had to ban many cheaters, which we realize that was not good and didn't help the relationship between the admins and players. We will try after we implement the new report system to look at how much admins help players and not on how many punishments they give. You will also see what the new report system is about when it will be ready. This being said, you are asked to no longer put pressure on admins to ban cheaters if you want the staff to behave nice with you.


Update to rules regarding hacked accounts


We will be updating the rules regarding hacked accounts so that they are more clear that we do not handle such problems. 99% of hacked accounts are actually shared accounts with other players, same password being used on other servers, putting your passwords on other sites and so on.


We don't want to waste our time and play detective in order to figure out if the account was actually hacked, to return goods or cancel transactions of stolen goods. If your account is hacked you need to know there is a huge chance you will not recover it (you can still used the account recovery system on the website), but the punishments you receive, the goods you lost and so on will not be deleted/returned. Try to learn to take care of your accounts to avoid such problems.


Update to rules regarding scams


We will also be updating the rules regarding scams. These show up in 99% of situations because the player does not pay attention when accepting a trade or not using the /trade command. We will only interfere in few such situations.


New rule for clan owners


Lately there is a trend where clan owners invite players with low level accounts who use cheats in order to conquer clan zones. We will be updating the rules and we will be adding a rule for these clan owners that they can get punished by level 6 admins. If we cannot get to an understanding with that clan owner not to do such things we will erase the clan and not return the gold spent on it.


So if you like your clans do not try to make such abuses. The complete rule will be added on http://b-zone.ro/rules


That's it for not. I will make other announcements when I have any other news.

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  • Kelton unlocked this topic

Privind controalele TW sau Supremo e o alegere ok, deobicei se gaseau doar aimbot de pe net, care sunt foarte rare in momentul de fata cand toti folosesc v4. Sau alte ori playeri din mafie erau luati la TW pentru aimbot, si peste cateva minute ii vezi banati pentru surfly gasit in istoric acum cateva luni, era aiurea. De aceea se numeste My Personal Computer, poti avea ce vrei in el. 

Si de asemenea la faza cu raportul adminilor ati gandit-o mai bine, inainte era batalii pe sanctiuni, sa dea sanctiuni, dar nu e ok. Macar sa te distrezi pe acest joc cat inca mai exista, ca dupaia degeaba mai vrei ca nu mai poti. Aproape la orice ora cand dadeai /report rar iti raspundea un Admin la report. Daca aveai intrebari iti inchidea direct cu Ai /n, chiar daca tu aveai level 20+. A fost o alegerea foarte buna din punctul meu de vedere. 

Acuma probabil ca o sa influenteze unii playeri sa bage coduri deoarece nu se mai fac TW, dar daca nu se mai fac TW este necesar si o echipa de admini serioasa, care sa se ocupe de codati in fiecare zi la wars. De multe ori la orele 20-22 vedeam 3-4 admini on dintre care 1 poate se ocupa de wars(Cateodata nici ala).

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Bine.Raportul de activitate este opțional?




Name:Urkelbama Faction:LV Taxi Rank:Taxi Rookie(2)




Name:Urkelbama Faction:SF School Instructors Rank:SF Trainee(1)




                                                                                               Name:[uS]Urkelbama Faction:Southern Pimps Rank:Street Fish(1)

Faction History:







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E bine!

Just now, Urkelbama said:

Bine.Raportul de activitate este opțional?




Name:Urkelbama Faction:LV Taxi Rank:Taxi Rookie(2)




Name:Urkelbama Faction:SF School Instructors Rank:SF Trainee(1)




                                                                                               Name:[uS]Urkelbama Faction:Southern Pimps Rank:Street Fish(1)

Faction History:



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2 minutes ago, AlinLunetistul25 said:

E bine!







Name:Urkelbama Faction:LV Taxi Rank:Taxi Rookie(2)




Name:Urkelbama Faction:SF School Instructors Rank:SF Trainee(1)




                                                                                               Name:[uS]Urkelbama Faction:Southern Pimps Rank:Street Fish(1)

Faction History:










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Deci pot baga cod in pc ca sa dau cu el pe serverele rivale? Ca pana acum daca imigasea cod in pc luam ban pe B-zone.. Dar eu am dat cu cod pe rivala nu pe b zone

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Nu e vorba de plictiseala cu anumiti membrii in factiune, ar trebuie sa porneasca o schimbare de la noi, sa schimbam serverul si sa-l respectam. Acum jucatorii au  obiceiul ,,Prost'' de a se juca pe serverele cu mai multi jucatori, in speranta ca serverul este mai bun, ceea ce este gresit ar trebui sa ne gandim cata munca se depunde pentru acest server de a fi original, si cat depun comunitatiule rivale semanand intre ele.

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1 hour ago, Kelton said:

și nu toată lumea care avea urme de coduri le folosea la noi pe servere.



Sper că am reușit să vă ofer suficiente motive ca să înțelegeți și voi de ce am luat această decizie. Jucătorii se schimbă cu timpul, la fel și mentalitatea acestora cât și a noastră. Trebuie să învățăm să ne adaptăm după nevoile și plăcerile voastre pe cât putem.



Ma bucur ca dupa atata timp s-a ajuns si la concluzia aceasta. :)

Exact ceea ce am evidentiat m-a surprins, dar intr-un mod placut, chiar daca toate astea puteau fi facute si mai demult, insa niciodata nu e prea tarziu, corect, @Kelton?



Modificarile sunt perfecte, felicitari!

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43 minutes ago, AT NicFTW said:

Privind controalele TW sau Supremo e o alegere ok, deobicei se gaseau doar aimbot de pe net, care sunt foarte rare in momentul de fata cand toti folosesc v4. Sau alte ori playeri din mafie erau luati la TW pentru aimbot, si peste cateva minute ii vezi banati pentru surfly gasit in istoric acum cateva luni, era aiurea. De aceea se numeste My Personal Computer, poti avea ce vrei in el. 

Si de asemenea la faza cu raportul adminilor ati gandit-o mai bine, inainte era batalii pe sanctiuni, sa dea sanctiuni, dar nu e ok. Macar sa te distrezi pe acest joc cat inca mai exista, ca dupaia degeaba mai vrei ca nu mai poti. Aproape la orice ora cand dadeai /report rar iti raspundea un Admin la report. Daca aveai intrebari iti inchidea direct cu Ai /n, chiar daca tu aveai level 20+. A fost o alegerea foarte buna din punctul meu de vedere. 

Acuma probabil ca o sa influenteze unii playeri sa bage coduri deoarece nu se mai fac TW, dar daca nu se mai fac TW este necesar si o echipa de admini serioasa, care sa se ocupe de codati in fiecare zi la wars. De multe ori la orele 20-22 vedeam 3-4 admini on dintre care 1 poate se ocupa de wars(Cateodata nici ala).


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1 hour ago, Urkelbama said:

Bine.Raportul de activitate este opțional?




Name:Urkelbama Faction:LV Taxi Rank:Taxi Rookie(2)




Name:Urkelbama Faction:SF School Instructors Rank:SF Trainee(1)




                                                                                               Name:[uS]Urkelbama Faction:Southern Pimps Rank:Street Fish(1)

Faction History:


Zice clar ca ramane optional.


P.S--Cand eu eram admin nu se putea face un alt sistem de punctare pentru admini :))

Edited by eB Catalyn
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