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Happy Easter Quest, Gift & Discounts


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Vă dorim vouă și celor dragi un Paște Fericit!


În perioada 22 Aprilie - 30 Aprilie v-am pregătit un Quest special de Paște care nu a mai fost activat de ceva timp. Am decis să-l activăm acum să vă ajute să creșteți în skill pentru noul job pe care l-am adăugat pe servere.




Questul constă în realizarea coșului de Paște și adunarea tuturor ingredientelor necesare de la diverse joburi de pe server. Aveți nevoie de minim level 5 și 10 ore reale jucate pentru a putea începe acest Quest.

Pentru a vedea care sunt joburile la care trebuie să munciți pentru a aduna obiectele pentru Quest folosiți comanda /questhelp împreună cu HUD-ul de Quest pe care îl puteți activa folosind comanda /tog -> Quest HUD.

După ce ați adunat toate ingredientele necesare puteți folosi comanda /finishquest pentru a vă lua premiile de la Biserica LV (/gps -> Important Locations -> Church LV).


  • Premiu principal: între 50,000$ - 80,000$, între 5-10 RP, între 5-10 Gold.
  • Premiu secundar (2 din 4): între 5-10 Puncte de Jaf, între 5-10 Puncte de Evadare, între 5-10 Ore la Licențe, între 5-10 Puncte de Misiune, între 50-100 Lemn, între 50-100 Bumbac, între 100-200 Argint, între 50-100 Lingouri de Aur.
  • Bonus #1: La terminarea a 4 Questuri jucătorul primește 250 Gold.
  • Bonus #2: La terminarea a 6 Questuri jucătorul poate alege între: 1 Level UP sau 1 Job Skill.
  • Bonus #3: La terminarea a 8 Questuri jucătorul poate alege între: Alpha Decorat de Paște, 1 VIP Gratuit sau 1 DS Stock Gratuit.




Comanda /getgift poate fi folosită de cel mult 4 ori pe zi aducându-vă următoarele posibile premii: între $5,000 și $25,000, între 1 și 5 Puncte de Respect, între 10 și 50 Gold, între 1 și 5 zile de Cont Premium, între 5 și 10 Puncte de Misiune, între 10 și 30 Lemn, între 10 și 30 Bumbac, între 30 și 60 Argint sau între 10 și 30 Lingouri de Aur.





V-am pregătit de asemenea mai multe reduceri pe Shop-ul din joc de care puteți profita în această perioadă.

Atenție, imaginea de mai sus are doar rol publicitar și nu reprezintă reducerile reale din joc.


Reducerile vor fi disponibile până în 30 Aprilie inclusiv.


Ghidul de cumpărături

Pasul 1: Înregistrează-ți un cont pe site-ul https://shop.b-zone.ro sau autentifică-te dacă ai deja cont.
Pasul 2: Adaugă-ți fonduri în contul tău. Vezi tutorialele de încărcare cont aici.
Pasul 3: Transformă creditul în Gold, plasând comenzi de pe pagina Order
Pasul 4: Cumpără produsele dorite prin comanda [/shop] sau mergi la DealerShip [/buyvehicle]. 
Pasul 5: Bucură-te de achizițiile făcute!
Pentru orice nelămurire puteți solicita serviciul LiveSupport de pe siteul shop.b-zone.ro.

Distracție plăcută tuturor!
Edited by Kelton
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We wish you and your loved ones a Happy Easter!


During the period of 22 April - 30 April we have prepared a special Easter Quest that hasn't been activated in some time. We decided to activate it in order to help you improve your jobs skills for the new job we added on the servers.




The Quest consists of building the Easter basket and gathering all of the necessary ingredients from the respective jobs on the server. You need at least level 5 and 10 real hours played in order to be able to begin the Quest.

In order to see which jobs you have to work at in order to gather the ingredients for the Quest you can use the command /questhelp together with the Quest HUD that can be activated using the command /tog -> Quest HUD.

After you have gathered all the necessary ingredients you can use the command /finishquest in order to claim your prize from the Church of LV (/gps -> Important Locations -> Church LV).


  • Main prize: between 50,000$ - 80,000$, between 5-10 RP, between 5-10 Gold.
  • Secondary prize (2 out of 4): between 5-10 Rob Points, between 5-10 Escape Points, between 5-10 License Hours, between 5-10 Mission Points, between 50-100 Wood, between 50-100 Cotton, between 100-200 Silver, between 50-100 Gold Ingots.
  • Bonus #1: Upon finishing 4 Quests the player receives 250 Gold.
  • Bonus #2: Upon finishing 6 Quests the player gets to choose between: 1 Level UP or 1 Job Skill.
  • Bonus #3: Upon finishing 8 Quests the player gets to choose between: Easter Decorated Alpha, 1 Free VIP or 1 Free DS Stock.




The /getgift command can be used up to 4 times per day bringing you the following possible prizes: between $5,000 and $25,000, between 1 and 5 Respect Points, between 10 and 50 Gold, between 1 and 5 Days of Premium Account, between 5 and 10 Mission Points, between 10 and 30 Wood, between 10 and 30 Cotton, between 30 and 60 Silver or between 10 and 30 Gold Ingots.





We have also prepared discounts on the game Shop that you can take advantage of.

Attention, the image above is just for advertising and does not reflect the actual discounts.


The discounts will be available until the 30th of April.


Shopping guide

Step 1: Register an account on the https://shop.b-zone.ro website or login if you already have an account.
Step 2: Add funds into your account. See the following tutorials about adding funds to the account aici.
Step 3: Convert the credit in Gold by placing orders from the Order page.
Step 4: Buy the desired products with the [/shop] command or go to the Dealership [/buyvehicle].
Step 5: Enjoy your new acquisitions!
For any misunderstandings you can use the LiveSupport service from the shop.b-zone.ro website.
Have fun!
Edited by Kelton
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Un Quest destul de usor si frumos. Premii foarte bune si pe cinste. Dar as gandii ca la premiile in care exista si un special car si cerintele sa fie un pic mai mari. Sa fie ceva mai Limited Edition. In restul super quest-ul.

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22 hours ago, Kelton said:





We wish you and your loved ones a Happy Easter!


During the period of 22 April - 30 April we have prepared a special Easter Quest that hasn't been activated in some time. We decided to activate it in order to help you improve your jobs skills for the new job we added on the servers.




The Quest consists of building the Easter basket and gathering all of the necessary ingredients from the respective jobs on the server. You need at least level 5 and 10 real hours played in order to be able to begin the Quest.

In order to see which jobs you have to work at in order to gather the ingredients for the Quest you can use the command /questhelp together with the Quest HUD that can be activated using the command /tog -> Quest HUD.

After you have gathered all the necessary ingredients you can use the command /finishquest in order to claim your prize from the Church of LV (/gps -> Important Locations -> Church LV).


  • Main prize: between 50,000$ - 80,000$, between 5-10 RP, between 5-10 Gold.
  • Secondary prize (2 out of 4): between 5-10 Rob Points, between 5-10 Escape Points, between 5-10 License Hours, between 5-10 Mission Points, between 50-100 Wood, between 50-100 Cotton, between 100-200 Silver, between 50-100 Gold Ingots.
  • Bonus #1: Upon finishing 4 Quests the player receives 250 Gold.
  • Bonus #2: Upon finishing 6 Quests the player gets to choose between: 1 Level UP or 1 Job Skill.
  • Bonus #3: Upon finishing 8 Quests the player gets to choose between: Easter Decorated Alpha, 1 Free VIP or 1 Free DS Stock.




The /getgift command can be used up to 4 times per day bringing you the following possible prizes: between $5,000 and $25,000, between 1 and 5 Respect Points, between 10 and 50 Gold, between 1 and 5 Days of Premium Account, between 5 and 10 Mission Points, between 10 and 30 Wood, between 10 and 30 Cotton, between 30 and 60 Silver or between 10 and 30 Gold Ingots.





We have also prepared discounts on the game Shop that you can take advantage of.

Attention, the image above is just for advertising and does not reflect the actual discounts.


The discounts will be available until the 30th of April.


Shopping guide

Step 1: Register an account on the https://shop.b-zone.ro website or login if you already have an account.
Step 2: Add funds into your account. See the following tutorials about adding funds to the account aici.
Step 3: Convert the credit in Gold by placing orders from the Order page.
Step 4: Buy the desired products with the [/shop] command or go to the Dealership [/buyvehicle].
Step 5: Enjoy your new acquisitions!
For any misunderstandings you can use the LiveSupport service from the shop.b-zone.ro website.
Have fun!


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