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- Nick:Divyanshu

- Name:Divyanshu

- Age:17

- Location:India

- Ocupation:student

- Favorite games:samp ,clash of clans

- Your hobbies:study and game

- A short description about you:well i am a friendly guy

- How did you find B-Zone?:i found it on 2014 a friend told me

- Anything else:i had account at rpg 1 with divyanshu name but i gave it to someone

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Hello and welcome to our community! I see that you play SA:MP, maybe you want to try the server RPG1.B-ZONE.RO, if you try it sign in with my refferal ID if you want (1082304). Maybe I'll help you out when you are in need, who knows, we might see each other in the game. I hope you will have a wonderful time here.

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