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Black Friday 2018 [RPG & Forum Discounts]


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Pregateste-te de Black Friday!

Black Friday este singura ocazie din an in care se poate achizitiona Gold la pret redus! Majoritatea reducerilor pe care noi le facem se aplica direct produselor din joc, insa doar de Black Friday poti fi cu un pas inainte. De ce este aceasta promotie inedita? pentru ca se poate combina cu viitoarele reduceri ce vor avea loc pe serverele RPG. Poti achizitiona acum Gold la un pret redus si sa-l folosesti in aceeasi zi sau sa-l pastrezi pana la urmatoarele reduceri ale produselor din joc.

Pregateste-te din timp pentru a fi primul care prinde reducerea cea mai mare!


Start la reduceri

Spunem start reducerilor la prima ora a diminetii de vineri, mai exact 23.11.2018 00:00. Codurile promotionale vor putea fi folosite pana duminica, 25.11.2018 23:59, in limita stocului disponibil.


Cum comand de Black Friday

1. Adauga-ti credit in contul tau din Shop din timp.

2. Adauga in cos produsele dorite cu cateva minute inainte de ora 00:00.

3. Introdu unul din codurile de reducere de mai jos. Nu uita sa apesi pe butonul "GO"!

4. Verifica totalul comenzii si asigura-te ca ai primit reducerea.
5. Finalizeaza comanda apasand pe butonul "Complete order".

Exemplu: video

Atentie: Nu se pot oferi bonusuri pentru cei care comanda fara sa foloseasca un cod promotional.


Codurile de reducere
Codurile de reducere de mai jos pot fi aplicate pentru oricare din produsele din categoriile B-Zone Forum si B-Zone RPG. Acestea au un numar limitat de utilizari. In cazul in care primesti eroarea "The promotion code entered has already been used" va trebui sa folosesti un alt cod. Cel pe care l-ai folosit tu a fost deja epuizat.

BF201870 - 70% reducere - 20 utilizari
BF201860 - 60% reducere - 40 utilizari
BF201850 - 50% reducere - 60 utilizari
BF201840 - 40% reducere - 100 utilizari
BF201830 - 30% reducere - 300 utilizari

Un utilizator poate utiliza un cod de reducere de mai multe ori pentru comenzi diferite. Nu se poate aplica mai mult de 1 cod pe comanda.


Pot comanda si sa platesc mai tarziu?

Da, poti plasa o comanda la pret redus si sa o platesti pana pe 30.11.2018. Comenzile neachitate pana atunci vor fi anulate.

Produsele vor fi livrate abia dupa ce comanda este achitata.


Ai nevoie de ajutor?

Poti raspunde la acest topic, sa deschizi un ticket sau sa ne contactezi prin serviciul LiveSupport.


Edited by Kelton
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Prepare yourself for Black Friday!

Black Friday is the only occasion of the year in which you can buy Gold at a discount! The majority of our discounts is made directly to shop items in game, but only during Black Friday you can be one step ahead. Why this unique discount? Because it can be combined with future discounts that will be made on the RPG servers. You can buy Gold now at a reduced price and use it in the same day or you can keep it and use it when we make discounts in-game as well.

Prepare yourself to be the first that gets this big discount!


Starting the discounts

We are starting the discounts in the first hour of Friday morning, more exactly on 23.11.2018 00:00. The promo codes can be used until Sunday, 25.11.2018 23:59, depending on the stock availability.


How to order on Black Friday

1. Add credit to your Shop account in time.

2. Add to the cart the products you want a few minutes before 00:00.

3. Use one of the promo codes listed below. Don't forget to hit the "GO" button!

4. Check the order total and make sure you got the discount.
5. Finish the order by pressing "Complete order".

Example: video

Warning: There will be no bonuses for those who order without using a promo code.


Discount codes

The promo codes below can be applied on any of the products from the B-Zone Forum and B-Zone RPG categories. They have a limited usage number. If you get the following error "The promotion code entered has already been used" you need to use a different code. The one you are trying to use has already been exhausted.

BF201870 - 70% discount - 20 uses
BF201860 - 60% discount - 40 uses
BF201850 - 50% discount - 60 uses
BF201840 - 40% discount - 100 uses
BF201830 - 30% discount - 300 uses


A member can use a promo code multiple times for different orders. You cannot use more than 1 code for an order.


Can I order and pay later?

Yes, you can make a discounted order and pay until 30.11.2018. Unpaid orders will then be cancelled.

The products will be delivered once the order is paid.


Need help?

You can leave a reply in this topic, open a ticket or contact us on LiveSupport.


Edited by Kelton
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Băgați si unicredit ^_^

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